
上传日期:2008-06-03 12:00:09
上 传 者oyefer
说明:  一个很好的无线搜索、自动连接脚本,支持linksys wrt54g(s)系列路由器,支持win32系统,wifi嵌入式开发方面很好的参考脚本,用无线路由器蹭网的可以参考设置。
(A very good wireless search, automatic connection script, support for linksys wrt54g (s) Series routers to support win32 systems, wifi embedded reference to the development of good scripts, using a wireless router can refer to rub network settings.)

AutoAP\autoap.cgi (4770, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\ (20093, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\ (16126, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\ (16126, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\broadcom.c (154830, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\Changelog (3429, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\english.js (60681, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\ (4413, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\ (3503, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\About.htm (2056, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\Alive.asp (3307, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\logo.png (4068, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\style.css (730, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\style_ie.css (148, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\_svn\all-wcprops (444, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\_svn\entries (667, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\_svn\format (2, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\_svn\prop-base\logo.png.svn-base (53, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\_svn\text-base\logo.png.svn-base (4068, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\_svn\text-base\style.css.svn-base (730, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\blue\_svn\text-base\style_ie.css.svn-base (148, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\colors.css (1775, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\layout.css (3480, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\style.css (50, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\tabs.css (0, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\all-wcprops (592, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\entries (829, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\format (2, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\prop-base\colors.css.svn-base (30, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\prop-base\layout.css.svn-base (30, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\prop-base\style.css.svn-base (30, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\prop-base\tabs.css.svn-base (30, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\text-base\colors.css.svn-base (1775, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\text-base\layout.css.svn-base (3480, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\text-base\style.css.svn-base (50, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\brainslayer\_svn\text-base\tabs.css.svn-base (0, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\common.js (29173, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\common_micro.js (22036, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\common_style\common.css (6410, 2008-05-22)
AutoAP\kromo\cisco_wrt54g_en\common_style\pwc\ddwrt\bottom-left-c.gif (60, 2008-05-22)
... ...

== Installation/Usage Just copy windows.js in your javascript directory, and default.css + default directory in your stylesheets directory See samples/index.html for more details and go on my web page : == Change log - 01/14/07 V 1.00 - add changeClassName to change look and feel dynamically. - add constraint move. Constraint can be on a div or document. - full top and bottom bar are use to move window. - fixed computation of window width or height. - add setURL/getURL/refresh and setHTMLContent. Content can be change dynamically. - add tooltip.js add on. It's an add-on to add dynamically tooltips on a webpage (see samples/tooltips/tooltip.html) Thanks to Jonathan Modell of - 12/06/06 V 0.99 - remove addClass that automatically tries to include default.css - add wired move/resize - fix recenterAuto - add show to WindowStore to be able to open a window the first time, wihtout any cookie (check samples/window_store/html) - 11/06/06 V 0.*** - new optional behavior for multi-level modal window. - Two new add-ons (in window_ext.js file) + WindowStore to save open/close window status. + WindowCloseKey to handle escape key (or any keys) to close windows/dialogs - 10/26/06 V 0.97 - add recenterModal to constructor - setAjaxContent eval response request - modal window multi level - fix close/closeAll issues - add addCss (auto add default.css) - 09/26/06 V 0.96.3 - Fixed onClose, no more memory leak and nore issues with sound on IE (even on dialogs) - add getLocation - Debug select problem on Firefox - change mouseup event to onclick event - Fixed event propagation on mininize/maximize/close - Add frameborder=0 - Add prototype_window_class_helper.rb by Jorge Daz ( - 07/22/06 V 0.96.2 - Fixed select issue in modal window - 07/15/06 V 0.96.1 - Bugs fixed - Add isVisible() - Update debug.js - 07/11/06 V 0.96 - New events onShow, onHide, onFocus - isVisible() - Autofit width or height if width or (NOT AND) height is set to null in the constructor - updateWidth / updateHeight if you need to update width or height (useful after changing window content if you do not want scrollbars) - Add top, left to showCenter(modal, top, left) optional arguments if you need to center only left or top value. - 06/30/06 V 0.95 - Now you can set windows or dialogs content with an Ajax request!! - Fixed IE issue when you destroy window with an url that embeds mp3. - Fixed buttonClass issue for Dialog. - Update samples - 06/24/06 V 0.90 - Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict! - Fixed minimize function - Fixed destroy on window without hide effects - No more text selection while dragging - Add onMinimize/onMaximize event - 06/19/06 V 0.85.2 - Remove undeclared vars - Set top/left to 0 if not specify - Destroy objet after hide effect instead of before effect instead - getSize - add extended_debug.js (from Jason Pollard) - 06/13/06 V 0.85.1 - IE bug fixed - 06/12/06 V 0.85 - Autofit width or height for Dialog - Better Move/Resize over - Allow select in modal window (even on IE) - WARNING, ok callback for Dialog should returns true to close the dialog - better window HTML code (no more div inside the td) - Add themes - 05/23/06 V 0.80 - Add setTitle - Add setStatusBar - Store minimize/maximize in the cookie (Thanks to Ifran) - Add onload constructor parameter (Thanks to Ifran) - Add button class for dialog (Thanks to Felix Shnir) - 05/09/06 V 0.75 - Update with 1.6.1 and Prototype 1.5.0_rc1 - Remove PNG for dialog overlay, use opacity as done in lightbox V2 - Add Windows.focusedWindow and Windows.closeAll - Add name to iframe in case of url window - Clean up code, use _ for private function (just name convention) - Add function, usefull for for submit or notice info (in Rails) - Add minimize and maximize buttons - Add alert_lite.css without any images - Debug - 04/15/06 V 0.70 - Add autoposition in setContent. The window will at the element location - Add draggable/closable parameter if you need to specify is the window is draggable/closable or not - Add parent parameter if you need a specific parent instead of body - Better resize - Add setCookie to store window location/size in a cookie - Add parent.html sample - 04/05/06 V 0.65 - Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre1, 1.6.0 - Add setDestoyOnClose - Add Windows Observer with onStartResize(), onEndResize(), onStartMove(), onEndMove(), onClose(), onDestroy() events - Add setContent(id, autoresize) - 03/29/06 V 0.6 - Add Window delegate to manage close action - Add modal mode and Dialog class with common panels: alert, confirm - Clean HTML code and change caracters to lowercase to be XHTML compliant (thanks to nuxygen and Joseph) - Add showEffectOptions, hideEffectOptions, effectOptions to Window constructor (thanks to Jon) - Fix checkbox IE bug (big thanks to JCA) - Fix other little bugs (thanks to nuxygen, Dennis, and all who sent me emails) - Update samples/index.html - Add new sample usng frame (samples/inset.html and samples/inframe.html but use only samples/inset.html) - 03/27/06 V 0.51 - New CSS theme structure - Add url: constructor parameter to have a window with an URL content - Add bottom/right constructor parameters - Update sample files. - 03/24/06 V 0.50 Initial revision == License it is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included MIT-LICENSE file. == Thanks To all of you who sent me bugs, patches and feature requests


