sip p2psip 

上传日期:2008-06-08 11:20:09
上 传 者ballandmo
说明:  p2psip,java下的p2p,sip模型

p2psip (0, 2007-11-07)
p2psip\p2psip.jar (211983, 2007-11-07)
p2psip\p2psip_src.zip (107248, 2007-11-07)

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | P2PSIP | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1 - Requirements - a JVM version 5.0 or higher installed on your computer; - the mjSip library on your classpath; the library can be downloaded at the mjSip official website: http://www.mjsip.org/download/index.html (current version is 1.6); - in order to run the graphical interface, the SWT library available at the SWT/Eclipse webpage: http://www.eclipse.org/swt/. 2 - Running P2PSIP The following classes can be executed: - it.unipr.p2psip.chord.ChordLauncher - it.unipr.p2psip.kademlia.KademliaLauncher If your folder structure is the following: folder | |--bin | |- class files tree | |--lib | |- sip.jar | |- swt.jar | |- .dll or .so library(s) to run SWT on your OS to run them just type the following command in the shell: java -Djava.library.path=./lib -classpath ./lib/sip.jar;./lib/swt.jar;./bin it.unipr.p2psip.chord.ChordLauncher java -Djava.library.path=./lib -classpath ./lib/sip.jar;./lib/swt.jar;./bin it.unipr.p2psip.kademlia.KademliaLauncher The command line also accepts the following arguments: - ip [optional] : forces the peer to use the selected IP address; if omitted the default IP address of the machine will be used; - port : selects the port to be used by the peer for communicationg inside the DHT; - time : the registration time for the peer; - overlay : the name of the overlay the peer is willing to join; - bootstrap [optional] : the hostport of the peer that will be used as bootstrap; if omitted the DHT will be "started" rather than "joined"; Arguments have no order, but must be passed in the form: name=value, such as overlay=p2psip, and separated by space. 3 - Making calls If you wish to make a P2PSIP call, you need to set your UA to use the peer's adapter module to act as the proxy server for the UA. The adapter module runs on port p+2 if the peer runs on port p (i.e. if you set the peer to communicate on port 5060 for the DHT, the adapter module will be on port 5062, and the UA must set as proxy the the hostport of the adapter module). 4 - Open Issues The implementation of the adapter module is not fully functional and supports only INVITE requests. Future versions will support more SIP requests. Contact: simone.cirani@gmail.com


