
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-06-09 12:53:16
上 传 者lidawei
说明:  C++ 开发3D地形程序,使用OpenGL开发,可供参考
(C++ Development of 3D terrain, the use of OpenGL development, can be used as reference)

3rd (0, 2005-11-30)
3rd\irrlicht (0, 2005-11-30)
3rd\irrlicht\bin (0, 2005-11-30)
3rd\irrlicht\bin\Irrlicht.dll (1380352, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include (0, 2005-11-30)
3rd\irrlicht\include\aabbox3d.h (8997, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\array.h (9853, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\dimension2d.h (1152, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\EDriverTypes.h (1298, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\heapsort.h (1430, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IAnimatedMesh.h (3282, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IAnimatedMeshMD2.h (1928, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IAnimatedMeshMS3D.h (1754, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IAnimatedMeshSceneNode.h (6644, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IAnimatedMeshX.h (3114, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IBillboardSceneNode.h (1073, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\ICameraSceneNode.h (4578, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\ICursorControl.h (2603, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IDummyTransformationSceneNode.h (1372, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IEventReceiver.h (4337, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IFileList.h (1904, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IFileSystem.h (4897, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGPUProgrammingServices.h (8335, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIButton.h (2584, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUICheckBox.h (850, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIComboBox.h (1325, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIContextMenu.h (3188, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIEditBox.h (2151, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIElement.h (6635, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIEnvironment.h (13526, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIFileOpenDialog.h (885, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIFont.h (1939, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIImage.h (914, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIInOutFader.h (2217, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIListBox.h (2108, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIMeshViewer.h (1080, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIScrollBar.h (983, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUISkin.h (4146, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUIStaticText.h (2384, 2005-03-28)
3rd\irrlicht\include\IGUITabControl.h (2142, 2005-03-28)
... ...

/************************************************************************* * * * MyWorld and parts of it, Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Eugen Lofing. * * All rights reserved. Web: * * * * For details see file LICENSE-NOTICE.TXT * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * * *************************************************************************/ Acknoledgements: ---------------- Firstly I thank very much to Mr. Prof. Iwe, who makes it possible for me to start this project at all. He agreed to advise it firstly as a project seminar work and now as my diploma thesis. And I am glad about it, because to do this project really rules. Thanks to Niko for Irrlicht and Russel for ODE :-) Thanks to hybrid for his really helpfull patches and hints to MyWorld. Thanks to Zola for writing the Irrlicht-ODE-tutorial. Thanks to Clemens Dietze for supporting this Project by excellent and usefull researches. Thanks to katoun and all other forum-people for suggestions and hints. How you can help: ----------------- If you want to help, just search in files of /src for "???" or "TODO" and see if you could do it better. Then just send the patch or the improved code lines to me. I would very appreciate every hints and suggestions about design and everithing else. Take also a look at "Priority Plan" to get some ideas. Release-Notes: -------------- 0.1.x - 3D-Engine-Layer 0.2.x - Redesign, Abstract 3D-Engine-Layer, Abstract Ph-Engine-Layer 0.3.x - fixed bugs in Ph-Engine-Layer 0.4.x - Joints - Motors - Sensors - GUI - Events - Materials - and something more 0.5.0 - new folder and project structure - DLL and LIB export - Tutorial 01 0.5.1 - GUI: MenuBar, Menu, MenuItem, Separator 0.5.2 - fixed dll-warnings 0.5.3 - changed event-structure - Button-Event-Handling 0.5.4 - main_gui.h - improved Event-Handling 0.5.5 - improved add-methods of GUI-"Container"-Elements - Menu-Event-Handling 0.5.6 - new World parameter (Gr) - 2DRect, 2DLine - GrTerrain (is yet buggy) 0.5.7 - Styles: RedTransparent, BlueTransparent, GreenTransparent 0.5.8 - new skybox ;-) - some other small experiments !!! From this point onwards also MyWorld++ !!! 0.5.10 - I2DImage - changed Events-concept by adding the possibility to register the GUI-Events in lieu of static case check. 0.5.11 - fixed GUI-Events-bug (from 0.5.10) - changed GUIEvents-structure (just for buttons) 0.5.12 - fixed GUI-Events-bug (from 0.5.11) - GUIEvents-"structure" for menu items 0.5.13 - GUI-class Container 0.5.14 - some source code improvements 0.5.15 - made keyboard event handling more flexible 0.5.16 - small experiments with Irrlicht 0.5.17 - CKeyboard 0.5.18 - CSoftwareEvent. - The kernel events like BeforePhStepEvent and AfterPhStepEvent are not known by class Events now. - adding of events by add() instead of addEvent() 0.6.0 - changed directory structure for source files - changed graphic layer by adding all classes C before it e.g.: CGrEngine, C3DObject etc.. (made it by importing MyWorld++ 0.1.10 files) 0.6.1 - changed physic and sim layer by adding all classes C before it e.g.: CPhEngine, CKernel etc.. some names changed complettly: CCylCollision --> CCapCylCollision 0.6.2 - changed gui and event layer by adding all classes C before it e.g.: CGUI, CEvents etc.. - moved CBeforePhStepEvent and CAfterPhStepEvent to kernel layer 0.6.3 - changed src file structure 0.*** - made CPhEngine to non-static by making static variables to common and making appropriate changes - create methods to: CStPhObject, CJoint, CSensor - now CSensor don't work: the Sensors must be conformed to add-concept (with create(phen)) 0.6.5 - new dll successfull compiled - conformed the tutorial-01 to new interface 0.6.6 - tutorial-02-billiards :) 0.6.7 - splitt screen (C3DCamera::setViewport()) - C3DCamera::setOrthogonal(...) - C3DCamera::setAspectRatio(...) 0.6.8 - List::removeAll() - class 3DLine - CGrEngine::remove3DLines() - CKernel::add(CSensor*) - CRaySensor::getStart(), CRaySensor::getEnd() - fixed bug in CSensor 0.6.9 - added CSWDriver, apropriated changes to CGrEngineInfo class 0.6.10 - fixed dll bug 0.6.11 - manually patched with hybrid's myworld_66_patch (excepting the makefiles yet) Thank a lot to him 0.6.12 - CRaySceneNode - for making ray sensor visualisation later possible 0.6.13 - fixed getV3D-bugs - V3D * v3D::set(...); - right C3DLine 0.6.14 - convertion euler-rotation-vector (Irr) to direction-vector (ODE) (needing for ray sensor) - new class CPhObject - as base class for CStPhObject 0.6.15 - improved CFixedJoint changing the parameters type CDyPhObject -> CStPhObject (It must be now possible to attach joints to static ph. objects) 0.6.16 - improved CFixedJoint changing the parameters type CStPhObject -> CPhObject - made CSensor child of CPhObject (It must be now possible to attach joints to static ph. objects) (attaching of sensors don't work properly) 0.6.17 - CStPhObject::addSensor() // but this method sets the ray to objects origin - conformed CRaySensor to be able to be attached with CFixedJoint to an object 0.6.18 - improved Unicode::strToUnicode() by adding second parameter - class CRealSensor 0.6.19 - added CRaySensor::getRotation() - improved C3DRay, added C3DRay::setPosition(), C3DRay::setRotation() - improved CRaySceneNode 0.6.20 - some experiments with sensors - commented the most classes for doxygen (javadoc like) - setted up doxygen for MyWorld and created documentation -> dox directory 0.6.21 - toXML() for {C3DObject, C3DMesh, CStRealObject, CDyRealObject} - do not use yet! - sensor rotation not correctly yet - improved doxygen stuff, moved to doc directory 0.6.22 - CWString - CXMLAttribute, CXMLElement 0.6.23 - changed/added CXMLElement * toXML() for old objects (s. above) and for CKernel - extended to CXMLAttribute::CXMLAttribute(wchar_t * name, wchar_t * value, ...); - some new functions for CWString [Nov. 2005:] 0.6.24 - class CXMLDocument, renamed CXMLElement.h to CXMLDocument.h - V3D::toXML(wchar_t * name); - CGrObject, CGrSkyBox. (C3DSkyBox - now deprecated) 0.6.25 - fixed bug in CHinge2Joint::create (thanks to Triple-J from Finnland) - CKernel::toXML extended by parameters of gr. engine - replaced __win32__ to WIN32 (because its defined standardly by VC6++ projects) 0.6.26 - CWString::addf(wchar_t * wcBuf2, ...) // be careful using it see API doc for details - conformed the WorldExplorer-example 0.6.27 - improved XML transformation of objects, shorter names, better logical and intuitive structure - wchar_t * getName() for Collision and Material 0.6.28 - fixed some bugs in CWString, but there is still a memory leak in ::clear() - fixed some dll bugs 0.6.29 - Tutorial: The absolute newbies guide to MyWorld - TABLE_OF_CONTENTS.TXT - 3rd directory 0.6.30 - 0.6.32 made a lot of improvements mainly for linux: - experimented with several make kinds: automake and common make - based on hybrid's one (changed little bit), actually I prefer this common make, but thinking about CMake - several IDE's including Eclipse; cygwin - fixed some -Wall warnings in linux - ( fixed a bug 0.6.33 - Fixed memory bugs in CWString - several functions and some new possibilities for CWString 0.6.34 - some improvements - new doxygen documentation generated 0.6.35 - Joints are now able to attach dynamic objects to static environment (using static objects) - Fixed bug in CPositionMotor; now this motor is more stable and much easier to configure - improved Billiars tutorial-example (SliderJoint) 0.6.36 - created KNOWN-BUGS.TXT (please help me to full and then to empty it ;-)) - better description of Billiars tutorial-example - documentation for CMotor and CPositionMotor


