开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-06-12 20:51:49
上 传 者dukai392
说明:  SSIM VC++实现的,可对图像进行客观评价法
(SSIM VC++ Achieved the objective of image evaluation method)

SSIM\bin\cv096.dll (782393, 2004-08-14)
SSIM\bin\cv096d.dll (1081408, 2005-06-15)
SSIM\bin\cxcore096.dll (1032257, 2004-08-14)
SSIM\bin\cxcore096d.dll (1429576, 2005-06-15)
SSIM\bin\highgui096.dll (548937, 2005-06-15)
SSIM\bin\highgui096d.dll (729162, 2005-06-15)
SSIM\bin\SSIM.exe (57344, 2005-07-10)
SSIM\bin\SSIMd.exe (98351, 2005-07-10)
SSIM\bin\SSIMd.ilk (198924, 2005-07-10)
SSIM\include\cv\cv.h (55028, 2004-08-06)
SSIM\include\cv\cv.hpp (2211, 2004-08-05)
SSIM\include\cv\cvcompat.h (36324, 2004-08-06)
SSIM\include\cv\cverror.h (10121, 2002-08-23)
SSIM\include\cv\cvstreams.h (4061, 2004-08-05)
SSIM\include\cv\cvtypes.h (13063, 2004-08-06)
SSIM\include\cxcore\cxcore.h (71656, 2004-08-06)
SSIM\include\cxcore\cxerror.h (8877, 2004-01-28)
SSIM\include\cxcore\cxmisc.h (47695, 2004-08-11)
SSIM\include\cxcore\cxtypes.h (52427, 2004-08-11)
SSIM\include\highgui\bitstrm.h (7983, 2002-11-11)
SSIM\include\highgui\grfmts.h (2368, 2002-03-27)
SSIM\include\highgui\grfmt_base.h (5565, 2002-11-11)
SSIM\include\highgui\grfmt_bmp.h (3343, 2003-10-27)
SSIM\include\highgui\grfmt_jpeg.h (5811, 2004-07-24)
SSIM\include\highgui\grfmt_png.h (3433, 2002-11-26)
SSIM\include\highgui\grfmt_pxm.h (3336, 2002-11-26)
SSIM\include\highgui\grfmt_sunras.h (3618, 2002-11-26)
SSIM\include\highgui\grfmt_tiff.h (4935, 2002-11-26)
SSIM\include\highgui\highgui.h (13276, 2004-08-07)
SSIM\include\highgui\resource.h (411, 2002-11-06)
SSIM\include\highgui\utils.h (5033, 2004-08-04)
SSIM\include\highgui\_highgui.h (4319, 2004-08-12)
SSIM\lib\cv.lib (30830, 2004-08-14)
SSIM\lib\CVd.lib (30964, 2005-06-15)
SSIM\lib\cxcore.lib (53492, 2004-08-14)
SSIM\lib\cxcored.lib (53734, 2005-06-15)
SSIM\lib\highgui.lib (13816, 2005-06-15)
SSIM\lib\HighGUId.lib (13868, 2005-06-15)
SSIM\SSIM.CPP (4289, 2005-07-10)
... ...

A C++ implemtation of SSIM. See code for more details about SSIM Was created using MSVC6. If you launch it with MSVC change the parameters in the project settings (the two file to be compared) Feel free to use it as you want and to drop me a mail if it has been useful to you. Please let me know if you enhance it. I'm not responsible if this program destroy your life & blablabla :) mehdi.rabah(a)


