上传日期:2008-06-24 11:19:05
上 传 者guojingying
说明:  指纹识别相关源码,用java做的,效果还不错,欢迎大家使用
(Fingerprint-related source, using java to do, the effect was not bad, welcome to use)

.\bin (0, 2000-07-19)
.\bin\catalog.sh (747, 2000-07-19)
.\include (0, 2000-07-19)
.\include\ansinist.h (17518, 2000-07-19)
.\include\file.h (597, 2000-07-19)
.\include\swap.h (970, 2000-07-19)
.\lib (0, 2000-07-19)
.\makefile.mak (871, 2000-07-19)
.\src (0, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin (0, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\ansinist (0, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\ansinist\ansinist.c (9877, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\ansinist\depend.mak (202, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\ansinist\makefile.mak (2712, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\catalog.txt (806, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\makefile.mak (999, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\nist2txt (0, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\nist2txt\depend.mak (202, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\nist2txt\makefile.mak (2712, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\nist2txt\nist2txt.c (1685, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\txt2nist (0, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\txt2nist\depend.mak (96, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\txt2nist\makefile.mak (2712, 2000-07-19)
.\src\bin\txt2nist\txt2nist.c (1435, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib (0, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist (0, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\alloc.c (11290, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\catalog.txt (20604, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\delete.c (29678, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\depend.mak (1616, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\file.c (4415, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\fmtstd.c (78614, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\fmttext.c (30086, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\globals.c (1657, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\insert.c (40636, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\lookup.c (3753, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\makefile.mak (2666, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\print.c (7737, 2000-07-19)
.\src\lib\ansinist\read.c (15348, 2000-07-19)
... ...

1. UTILITIES This distribution includes three software utilities useful for reading, writing, and manipulating the content of the ANSI/NIST data files included in NIST Special Database 27. The program 'nist2txt' reads an ANSI/NIST file and writes its contents back out to a new file in a format that can be viewed and changed with a text editor. The program 'txt2nist' reads a formatted text file (like those produced by 'nist2txt') and writes the file's contents back out in ANSI/NIST format. With these two utilities, one can view and make changes to the contents of ANSI/NIST files with the use of a simple text editor. The third program 'ansinist' conducts batch-oriented operations on an ANSI/NIST file. These operations include printing contents to the computer screen and deleting, substituting, and inserting contents. These operations can be performed on specific information items, subfields, fields, records, or the entire file. 1.1 Installation and Compilation The distributed source code has been written in ANSI 'C', and compilation scripts compatible with the UNIX 'make' utility are provided. The source code and compilation scripts have been designed and tested to work with the free, publicly available Linux operating system and GNU 'gcc' compiler and 'gmake' utility.[1][2] The software may also be compiled to run on computers running the family of Win32 operating systems by first installing the free, publicly available Cygwin library and associated tools.[3] The porting of the software to other operating systems, compilers, or compilation environments is the responsibility of the recipient.[4] The software can be installed and compiled by first copying the contents of this distribution to a read/writable disk partition on your computer. The directory to which you copy is referred to as the installation directory. Once copied, the software can be compiled by executing the following commands in the top-level installation directory on a Linux machine: % make -f makefile.mak PROJDIR= depend % make -f makefile.mak PROJDIR= install where the text is replaced by your specific installation directory path. Alternatively, on a Win32 machine with the Cygwin library and utilities installed, type the following commands: % make -f makefile.mak PROJDIR= EXEEXT=.exe depend % make -f makefile.mak PROJDIR= EXEEXT=.exe install Successful compilation will produce three utilities whose executable files are stored in the top-level 'bin' directory. To invoke these utilities you can specify a full path to these files, or you may add the top-level 'bin' directory to your environment's execution path. 1.2 User's Guide This sections describes the functionality of the utilities provided in this distribution and gives instruction on how each of the utilities is invoked. 1.2.1 nist2txt Parses a standard compliant ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 file and writes its contents to new file in a textually viewable and editable format. Binary image fields are stored to temporary files and externally referenced in the output file. Arguments: - the name of the ANSI/NIST file to be parsed. - the name of the resulting text file. Example: % nist2txt g001l2i.lff g001l2i.fmt Converts the contents of the file (a file containing the ideal minutiae of a latent) to a textually formatted and editable file. On error: Upon an error, the program posts a message to standard error and exits with a non-zero status. 1.2.2 txt2nist Parses a textually formatted version of an ANSI/NIST file and writes its contents to a new file in the standard compliant format. Arguments: - the textually formatted file to be converted. - the name of the ANSI/NIST file be created. Example: % txt2nist g001l2i.fmt g001l2i.lff Converts the contents of the text file (a file containing the ideal minutiae of a latent) to an ANSI/NIST formatted file. On error: Upon an error, the program posts a message to standard error and exits with a non-zero status. 1.2.3 ansinist Possible Operations: -print {all|r.[f[.s[.i]]]} [file out] -delete [file out] -substitute [file out] -substitute [file out] -insert [file out] -insert [file out] Parses a standard compliant ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 file, manipulates its contents, and writes the results back out. Batch operations may be conducted at the logical record, field, subfield, or information item. Possible operations include printing, deleting, substituting, or inserting data. Operations: -print {all|r.[f[.s[.i]]]} [file out] Prints the contents of the specified structure (file, record, field, subfield, or information item) to either the specified output file or to standard output. Arguments: all the whole file is printed. Binary image fields are stored to a temporary file name which is externally referenced in the output. This option is equivalent to running "nist2txt" on the input file. r the record at physical position 'r' is printed. r.f the field at the physical record position 'r' and field position 'f' is printed. r.f.s the subfield at the physical record position 'r', field position 'f', and subfield position 's' is printed. r.f.s.i the information item at the physical record position 'r', field position 'f', subfield position 's', and information item position 'i' is printed. the ANSI/NIST file to be printed. [file out] optional output file. Operations Continued: -delete [file out] Deletes the specified structure (record, field, subfield, or information item) from the ANSI/NIST file, writing the results either to the specified output file or to standard output. Arguments: r the record at physical position 'r' to be deleted. r.f the field at the physical record position 'r' and field position 'f' to be deleted. r.f.s the subfield at the physical record position 'r', field position 'f', and subfield position 's' to be deleted. r.f.s.i the information item at the physical record position 'r', field position 'f', subfield position 's', and information item position 'i' to be deleted. the ANSI/NIST file to be modified. [file out] optional output file. Operations Continued: -substitute [file out] Substitutes the contents of the specified information item in an ANSI/NIST file with the string value provided on the command line, writing the results either to the specified output file or to standard output. Arguments: r.f.s.i the position indices of the information item to be substituted. the new string value. the ANSI/NIST file to be modified. [file out] optional output file. -substitute [file out] Substitutes the contents of the specified structure (record, field, or subfield) in an ANSI/NIST file with the contents of a textual file consistent in format to the files produced by "nist2txt". The results are written to either the specified output file or to standard output. Arguments: r the record at physical position 'r' to be substituted. r.f the field at the physical record position 'r' and field position 'f' to be substituted. r.f.s the subfield at the physical record position 'r', field position 'f', and subfield position 's' to be substituted. file containing new contents to be substituted. the ANSI/NIST file to be modified. [file out] optional output file. Operations Continued: -insert [file out] Inserts an information item at the specified position into an ANSI/NIST file with the string value provided on the command line, writing the results either to the specified output file or to standard output. Arguments: r.f.s.i the position indices of the new information item to be inserted. the new string value. the ANSI/NIST file to be modified. [file out] optional output file. -insert [file out] Inserts a structure (record, field, or subfield) into an ANSI/NIST file with the contents of a textual file consistent in format to the files produced by "nist2txt". The results are written to either the specified output file or to standard output. Arguments: r the record at physical position 'r' to be inserted. r.f the field at the physical record position 'r' and field position 'f' to be inserted. r.f.s the subfield at the physical record position 'r', field position 'f', and subfield position 's' to be inserted. file containing new contents to be inserted. the ANSI/NIST file to be modified. [file out] optional output file. Examples: % ansinist -print 1.3 g001l2i.lff Prints the first record, third field's contents (the CNT field) to standard output. % ansinist -substitute LFFS g001l2i.lff new.lff Replaces the first record, fourth field, first subfield, first information item's value (the TOT) with "LFFS" and writes the new file to "new.lff". % ansinist -delete 2 g001l2i.lff new.lff Deletes the entire second record (the Type-9) in the input file and writes the results to the file "new.lff". On error: Upon an error, the program posts a message to standard error and exits with a non-zero status. 2. REFERENCES [1] Linux - a freely available clone of the UNIX operating system. Learn more at http://www.linux.org. [2] GNU project - free UNIX-like utilities. Learn more at http://www.gnu.org. [3] Cygwin tools - free GNU utility port for Win32 machines. Learn more at http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/. [4] Specific software products identified in this paper were used in order to adequately support the development of the database described in this document. In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the equipment identified is necessarily the best available for the purpose.


