
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-06-26 08:47:10
上 传 者leiixing
说明:  五子棋游戏是一历史悠久,对抗性强,技巧性高的棋类游戏。本文用VC 6.0设计了五子棋游戏。并就以下问题进行了探讨: (1) 棋子棋盘在程序中的表示; (2) 如何通过鼠标点击落子; (3) 如何判断输赢,在棋盘的—,|,/,\,四个方向进行搜索,超过5子以上连成一线则认为赢了。 (4) 如何实现梅棋功能。 (5) 如何保存并读入棋谱; (6) 如何让电脑拥有人类的智慧; (7) 编写软件代码应遵守的编写规范,成对编码原则和代码的注释 (8) 其它未详尽处,请参看源代码。
(Gobang game is a long history of confrontational strong, high-skill chess games. This article is designed to use VC 6.0 Gobang game. And on the following issues were discussed: (1) chess board in the proceedings of that (2) how落子mouse click (3) how to determine the winning or losing, in the board s search-,|,/,, four directions , even more than more than five sub-line that won. (4) how to achieve Mei game features. (5) How to save and read chess (6) how to make computer ownership of human intelligence (7) the preparation of software code to be followed by the preparation of norms, principles and code pairs encoded Notes (8) other non-exhaustive, please see the source code.)

FiveStone\ChessFive.cpp (19968, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\ChessFive.h (4838, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\CreateGameDlg.cpp (7144, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\CreateGameDlg.h (1679, 2006-03-15)
FiveStone\FiveStone.aps (1806032, 2007-09-27)
FiveStone\FiveStone.clw (5792, 2008-04-24)
FiveStone\FiveStone.cpp (4443, 2006-03-14)
FiveStone\FiveStone.dsw (543, 2006-03-04)
FiveStone\FiveStone.h (1389, 2006-03-04)
FiveStone\FiveStone.ncb (418816, 2008-04-24)
FiveStone\FiveStone.plg (3935, 2007-09-27)
FiveStone\FiveStone.rc (20375, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\FiveStoneDoc.cpp (11791, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\FiveStoneDoc.h (1989, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\FiveStoneView.cpp (11329, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\FiveStoneView.h (2249, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\ImageSelectDlg.cpp (2263, 2006-03-15)
FiveStone\ImageSelectDlg.h (1391, 2006-03-12)
FiveStone\MainFrm.cpp (14814, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\MainFrm.h (2074, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\MyNetSocket.cpp (1925, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\MyNetSocket.h (1440, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\OnLineBar.cpp (5750, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\OnLineBar.h (1488, 2006-03-15)
FiveStone\OnLineList1.cpp (3038, 2006-03-15)
FiveStone\OnLineList1.h (1508, 2006-03-15)
FiveStone\Resource.h (5049, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\StdAfx.cpp (264, 2006-03-14)
FiveStone\StdAfx.h (1102, 2006-03-14)
FiveStone\TimeShow.cpp (2407, 2006-03-16)
FiveStone\TimeShow.h (1338, 2000-08-13)
FiveStone\FiveStone.dsp (10614, 2007-09-27)
FiveStone\FiveStone.opt (57856, 2008-04-24)
FiveStone\BMP\b.bmp (1784, 2006-03-15)
FiveStone\BMP\black.bmp (1784, 2006-03-04)
FiveStone\BMP\five.bmp (512176, 2006-03-15)
FiveStone\BMP\market.bmp (1782, 2006-03-04)
FiveStone\BMP\market2.bmp (1782, 2006-03-04)
FiveStone\BMP\mask.bmp (1782, 2006-03-15)
... ...


