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PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples.zip (828355, 2004-11-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll (114688, 2004-11-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\itextsharp.dll (1224704, 2004-11-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\itextsharp-0.04-src.zip (769889, 2004-11-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\示例代码.doc (631808, 2004-11-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\build.bat (67, 2004-07-10)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.key (596, 2004-07-10)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\ICSharpCode.SharpZLib.cmbx (359, 2004-08-20)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\installGAC.bat (158, 2004-07-10)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\SharpZlib.build (3274, 2004-08-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\uninstallGAC.bat (36, 2004-07-10)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\Changes.txt (5749, 2004-08-20)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\COPYING.txt (18349, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\SharpZiplib.chm (404350, 2004-08-20)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\specification\rfc1950.txt (20502, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\specification\rfc1951.txt (36944, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\specification\rfc1952.txt (25037, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\specification\rfc-deflate.txt (36944, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\specification\rfc-gzip.txt (25037, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\doc\specification\rfc-zlib.txt (20502, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\samples.build (3427, 2004-07-10)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\CreateZipFile\AssemblyInfo.cs (545, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\CreateZipFile\CreateZipFile.cmbx (630, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\CreateZipFile\CreateZipFile.prjx (1619, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\CreateZipFile\Main.cs (1334, 2004-07-10)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\minibzip2\AssemblyInfo.cs (545, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\minibzip2\Main.cs (398, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\minibzip2\minibzip2.cmbx (606, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\minibzip2\minibzip2.prjx (1531, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\minigzip\AssemblyInfo.cs (545, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\minigzip\Main.cs (883, 2004-03-19)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\minigzip\minigzip.cmbx (570, 2004-08-01)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\minigzip\minigzip.prjx (2717, 2004-08-01)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\sz\AssemblyInfo.cs (1099, 2004-07-10)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\sz\sz.cmbx (536, 2004-07-10)
PDF文件制作全攻略\081SharpZipLib_SourceSamples\samples\cs\sz\sz.cs (34512, 2004-08-01)
... ...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg932\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1041{\fonttbl{\f0\ftech\fcharset128 ArialMT;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\ftech\fcharset128 TimesNewRomanPSMT;}{\f3\ftech\fcharset128 Arial-BoldMT;}{\f4\ftech\fcharset128 TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT;}{\f5\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue129;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1041\f0\fs44 #ZipLib\par \lang5129\f1\fs24 Version 0.81\par \lang1041\f2\par \b\f3\fs32 Introduction\par \par \b0\f2\fs24 Initially I had ported the GNU Classpath ZIP library over to .NET because I needed gzip/zip\par compression and I didn't want to wrap the C zip library (or to use a zip library wrapper). Now I\par included bzip2 and tar compression due to popular demand. I did change the name of the library for\par consistency reasons with other tools and libraries to #ZipLib (speak : SharpZipLib), and I renamed\par the namespace structure too. Some classes/namespaces were moved for clarity reasons.\par The namespace change will affect most existing user, other than that existing classes were bug fixed\par only (class compatibility was a top priority). Please see doc\\changes.txt for more information.\par \par \b\f3\fs32 License\par \par \b0\f2\fs24 The license is released under the GPL with an exception which allows the linking to non GPL\par programs. The exception to the GPL is as follows:\par Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is\par making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and\par conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole\par combination.\par As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you\par permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an\par executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent\par modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under\par terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked\par independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that\par module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from\par or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend\par this exception to your version of the library, but you are not\par obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this\par exception statement from your version.\par \b\f4 Note : \b0\f2 I've changed the exeption a bit according to the newest GNU Classpath\par exception. Old versions did have another exception, but the new one is clearer and it\par doesn't break compatibility with the old one.\par \par \b\f4\fs32 Building the library\par \par \b0\f2\fs24 Currently there are two ways to build this library :\par \b\f4 NAnt \b0\f2 (\cf2 http://nant.sourceforge.net\cf1 )\par This is a free makefile replacement, I encourage the use of this free build automation\par utility. Just run the SharpZiplib.build in the src/ directory. (see the nant documentation\par for more information about nant)\par \b\f4 SharpDevelop \b0\f2 (\cf2 http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD\cf1 )\par This is a free IDE (I'm the main developer this is my 'primary' project) - give it a try.\par \b\f4\fs32\par Namespace Layout\par \par \b0\f2\fs24 ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.*\par \lang5129\f1\tab\lang1041\f2 Tar implementation\par ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip.*\par \lang5129\f1\tab\lang1041\f2 Gzip implementation\par ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.*\par \lang5129\f1\tab\lang1041\f2 Bzip2 implementation\par ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip\par \lang5129\f1\tab\lang1041\f2 Zip implementation\par ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams\par \lang5129\f1\tab\lang1041\f2 Inflater/Defalter streams\par \par \b\f4\fs32 Reporting Bugs/Submit Patches\par \par \b0\f2\fs24 If you want to submit a patch write to \cf2 mike@icsharpcode.net\cf1 . If it is a bugfix then it is required that\par you write a unit test demonstrating the bug. If you find a bug send me a case (generally a file that\par fails) or preferably a unit test demonstrating the bug. I'll try to fix it.\par \b\f4\fs32\par Credits\par \par \b0\f2\fs24 #ZipLib has been developed by Mike Krueger (mike@icsharpcode.net), however, much existing\par Java code helped a lot in speeding the creation of this library. Therefore credits fly out to other\par people than me.\par Zip/Gzip implementation :\par A Java version of the zlib which was originally created by the Free Software\par Foundation (FSF). So all credits should go to the FSF and the authors who have\par worked on this piece of code.\par \par Without the zlib authors the Java zlib wouldn't be possible :\par Jean-loup Gailly(jloup@gzip.org)\par Mark Adler(madler@alumni.caltech.edu)\par and contributors of zlib.\par \par For the bzip2 implementation :\par Julian R Seward\par \par The Java port was done by Keiron Liddle, Aftex Software(keiron@aftexsw.com)\par \par Credits for the tar implementation fly out to :\par Timothy Gerard Endres(time@gjt.org)\par \par Special thanks\par To Christoph Wille for beta testing, suggestions and the setup of the Web site.\f0\fs20\par \cf0\lang5129\f5\par }


