
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-07-11 11:25:09
上 传 者happyshehe
说明:  用vc写的一个简单的mp3...可供初学者使用
(Vc wrote with a simple mp3. . . For beginners)

mp3\mp3baptism.rc (7163, 2001-02-05)
mp3\mp3baptismDlg.cpp (11912, 2001-02-05)
mp3\resource.h (963, 2001-02-05)
mp3\StdAfx.h (999, 2001-02-05)
mp3\res\mp3baptism.rc2 (402, 2001-02-05)
mp3\res\mp3baptism.ico (766, 2001-02-05)
mp3\baptism.bmp (6118, 2001-02-05)
mp3\DirDialog.h (727, 2001-02-05)
mp3\mp3baptism.clw (1380, 2008-06-03)
mp3\mp3baptism.dsp (4422, 2001-02-05)
mp3\mp3baptism.dsw (543, 2001-02-05)
mp3\StdAfx.cpp (212, 2001-02-05)
mp3\DirDialog.cpp (2962, 2001-02-05)
mp3\mp3baptism.cpp (1484, 2001-02-05)
mp3\mp3baptismDlg.h (1528, 2001-02-05)
mp3\mp3baptism.h (1226, 2001-02-05)
mp3\mp3baptism.ncb (66560, 2008-06-03)
mp3\mp3baptism.plg (254, 2008-06-03)
mp3\mp3baptism.aps (27324, 2008-06-03)
mp3\mp3baptismDlg.dsp (3485, 2008-05-23)
mp3\mp3baptismDlg.ncb (33792, 2008-05-23)
mp3\mp3baptismDlg.plg (1383, 2008-05-23)
mp3\mp3baptismDlg.opt (48640, 2008-05-23)
mp3\mp3baptismDlg.dsw (551, 2008-05-23)
mp3\mp3baptism.opt (53760, 2008-06-03)
mp3\res (0, 2001-02-05)
mp3 (0, 2008-05-23)

Full Source Code of MP3 Baptism version 1.0 Author: Lucien Wang (Wang Zhen) Email: (alternative: Brief Intro: It's a handy tool to rename your MP3 collection on a fly with customizable formats, designed as a component of LyricsShow suite for Winamp Dev Kit: Visual C++ 6.0 Enterprise Edition (No extra package required to recompile it) Beginning of the Project: Feb. 4th, 2001 Release Date: Feb. 5th, 2001 License: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or its source code. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software and its source code for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software may not be misrepresented. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Comments: I made this software as most of the MP3 renaming tools I found were either uncustomizable or too bulky. The name "MP3 Baptism" is merely a metaphor, not as religious as it may sound like. I intend to keep it public domain, even GNU is not involved. Now you have your hands on the full source code, but my enthusiasm for further development had faded when this tool gracefully renamed my whole big MP3 collection. If you happen to have the impulse to upgrade it, feel free to let me know. I'll appreciate it a lot if you achieve great improvements on MP3 Baptism. But, don't suggest ways to better it, leave them in your own to-do list instead. Don't ask questions about the source codes(or other programming stuff), they look quite self- explanatory I suppose. And don't bash the imperfection in source codes, after all, the program is written in a couple of hours, totally in a hurry. And this is the first time I have formally practiced MFC. This may sound a bit surprising, but it's true that most of my VC++ projects are MFC-free. Personally I think MFC is coming to its fate, the same case with MP3. Well, happy coding! Yours, Lucien Wang


