
上传日期:2008-07-31 16:10:05
上 传 者gushanwawa
说明:  用水平集和形态学结合的方法分割图像,主要用于对比度低的医学图像,效果较好
(Using level set and morphological segmentation with the method of combining images, mainly for low-contrast medical images, better)

LBF_v0.1\Demo_fourImages.m (3833, 2007-09-21)
LBF_v0.1\Demo_mri_nonuniform.m (3300, 2007-09-21)
LBF_v0.1\Demo_noisySynthetic.m (3292, 2007-09-21)
LBF_v0.1\Demo_vessel.m (3258, 2007-09-21)
LBF_v0.1\LSE.dll (36864, 2007-09-03)
LBF_v0.1\mri_nonuniform.bmp (20338, 2007-08-08)
LBF_v0.1\mybrainC100b_initialLSF.mat (45687, 2007-08-10)
LBF_v0.1\noisyNonUniform.bmp (7078, 2007-08-16)
LBF_v0.1\noisyNonUniform_initialLSF.mat (53584, 2006-10-11)
LBF_v0.1\nonhomo_initialLSF.mat (38398, 2007-08-10)
LBF_v0.1\Thumbs.db (7680, 2007-10-22)
LBF_v0.1\vessel2.bmp (13398, 2007-08-16)
LBF_v0.1\Vessel2_initialLSF2.mat (65137, 2007-08-10)
LBF_v0.1\vessel3.bmp (14702, 2007-08-16)
LBF_v0.1\Vessel3_initialLSF.mat (77086, 2007-08-10)
LBF_v0.1 (0, 2007-10-22)

This package demomstrates a level set algorithm based on Chunming Li et al's paper: Chunming Li, Chiu-Yen Kao, John Gore, Zhaohua Ding "Implicit Active Contours Driven By Local Binary Fitting Energy" in Proceedings of CVPR'07. Note: This algorithm is a faster version of the one reported in the above paper. Usage: These codes are for Matlab 7.0.4 or higher versions in Windows. Run the Demos in the M-files for several test images. Once an image comes out, click the mouse to manually initialize a polygon as the initial contour: left click to get a number of points, then right click to get the end point. The number of iterations may need to be increased if the initial contour is too far away from the desired object boundary.


