ICI sfdtd 

上传日期:2008-10-07 16:42:30
上 传 者alilialili
说明:  Sfdtd Simple finite-difference time-domain

ici-0.0.1 (0, 2007-12-03)
ici-0.0.1\bin (0, 2007-12-03)
ici-0.0.1\bin\anim.sh (876, 2007-12-03)
ici-0.0.1\bin\interac (408, 2007-12-03)
ici-0.0.1\bin\vergleich.py (15099, 2007-12-03)
ici-0.0.1\Makefile (1397, 2007-12-03)
ici-0.0.1\src (0, 2007-12-03)
ici-0.0.1\src\analytic.f90 (12520, 2007-12-03)
ici-0.0.1\src\debug_pml.f90 (13278, 2007-10-23)
ici-0.0.1\src\fdtd_gitter.f90 (3273, 2007-10-11)
ici-0.0.1\src\global_error.f90 (1417, 2007-09-29)
ici-0.0.1\src\liao.f90 (24341, 2007-09-21)
ici-0.0.1\src\loog.f90 (1870, 2007-10-23)
ici-0.0.1\src\messung.f90 (8403, 2007-10-25)
ici-0.0.1\src\mur.f90 (23915, 2007-10-23)
ici-0.0.1\src\pec.f90 (1534, 2007-09-29)
ici-0.0.1\src\plot.f90 (11817, 2007-10-15)
ici-0.0.1\src\pml.f90 (3829, 2007-10-23)
ici-0.0.1\src\pml_sigma.f90 (13656, 2007-10-23)
ici-0.0.1\src\pml_update.f90 (73953, 2007-10-19)
ici-0.0.1\src\poynting.f90 (8886, 2007-09-23)
ici-0.0.1\src\quelle.f90 (2725, 2007-10-26)
ici-0.0.1\src\sfdtd.f90 (29194, 2007-11-06)
ici-0.0.1\src\test.f90 (6798, 2007-10-24)
ici-0.0.1\src\update.f90 (4454, 2007-09-24)

Sfdtd 0.0.1 README Sfdtd is the squeleton of an end-user 3D-FDTD code and has been implemented for the comparaison of various open boundary conditions in a traditional cubic grid. The code simulates an electric dipole in free space, which means that there is no material implementation. Implemented Open Boundary Condition (OBC): * Mur first and second order * Liao first, second and third order without grid interpolation * Berenger's Perfectly Matched Layers The output is done with some text files mostly viewable with the program Plotmtv which you can get at ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/applications/Plotmtv1.4.1.tar.Z Sfdtd is written in Fortran 90 and was compiled with gfortran (Fortran front-end of gcc) and with the Solaris fortran compiler from Sun. For postprocessing purposes, in order to compute the comparaison between the different OBC's, there is a Python module providing some functions dealing with output files from Sfdtd which can be easily run with interac if you add the bin directory to your own PATH. The script needs the Numeric module. This code is available at http://cs.tu-berlin.de/~peutetre/sfdtd/ hoping it can be helpfull, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and is licensed under the GPL license. See src/sfdtd.f90 for more details. 23/10/2007, Paul Panserrieu, peutetre@cs.tu-berlin.de


