
上传日期:2008-10-22 16:45:52
上 传 者xjb
说明:  在Linux环境在终端打印出所有SMBIOS信息,这是更早期的2.2版本
(In the Linux environment in the terminal to print out all the SMBIOS information, which is a much earlier version 2.2)

dmidecode-2.2\AUTHORS (498, 2003-06-18)
dmidecode-2.2\biosdecode.c (11316, 2003-06-27)
dmidecode-2.2\CHANGELOG (8194, 2003-08-08)
dmidecode-2.2\dmidecode.c (89063, 2003-07-19)
dmidecode-2.2\LICENSE (18009, 2003-01-20)
dmidecode-2.2\Makefile (1336, 2003-06-20)
dmidecode-2.2\ownership.c (3776, 2003-06-19)
dmidecode-2.2\types.h (145, 2003-06-17)
dmidecode-2.2\util.c (1852, 2003-06-17)
dmidecode-2.2\util.h (148, 2003-06-17)
dmidecode-2.2\version.h (22, 2003-08-08)
dmidecode-2.2 (0, 2008-01-24)

** INTRODUCTION ** Dmidecode is a tool for dumping a computer's DMI (some say SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format. This table contains a description of the system's hardware components, as well as other useful pieces of information such as serial numbers and BIOS revision. Part of its code can be found in the Linux kernel, because DMI data may be used to enable or disable specific portions of code depending on the hardware vendor. Thus, dmidecode is mainly used to detect system "signatures" and add them to the kernel source code when needed. Apart from that, dmidecode is only scarcely used. It is said to be used as a back-end by some hardware detection programs, but DMI data have proven to be too unreliable to be blindly trusted. ** INSTALLATION ** Dmidecode's home page is hosted on Savannah: You will find the latest version (including CVS) there, as well as fresh news and other interesting material, such as a list of related projects. There's no configure script yet, so simply run "make" to build dmidecode, and "make install" to install it. You also can use "make uninstall" to remove all files you installed. By default, files are installed in /usr/local but you can change this behavior by editing the Makefile file and setting PREFIX to wherever you want. You may change the C compiler and the compilation flags as well. Four parameters can be set in the Makefile to make dmidecode work on non-i386 systems. The first two (BIGENDIAN and ALIGNMENT_WORKAROND) should be used if your system uses the big endian byte ordering (Motorola) or doesn't support unaligned memory accesses, respectively. For example, compiling for a SPARC processor would require both. The third parameter (TABLE_LITTLEENDIAN) is there for debugging purposes only and shouldn't be set by users. And finally, the __IA***__ parameter should be set for compilation on IA-*** systems. See the COMMON PROBLEMS section below for more details about compilation on IA-*** systems. ** DOCUMENTATION ** There's no man page nor info page at this time. I don't know if there ever will be one. I don't really feel a need for it. This program was first written for Linux, and has since be reported to work on FreeBSD as well. For an history of the changes made to dmidecode, see the CHANGELOG file. If you need help, your best chances are to visit the web page (see the INSTALLATION section above) or to get in touch with the developpers directly. Have a look at the AUTHORS file and contact one of the maintainers (or less likely someone else, but you'd need to have a good reason for doing so). The most common problems are detailed in the COMMON PROBLEMS section right below. ** COMMON PROBLEMS ** MODEL SPECIFIC ISSUES Dmidecode used not to work on IBM T-series laptops and on Fujitsu-Siemens S-series laptops under Linux. This was due to the fact that the DMI table is at a memory location we couldn't seem to reach through /dev/mem. Although I believe this reveals a problem in the Linux kernel, which should be fixed, a workaround was found by Smith Chad. See the IA-*** subsection below for more details. I posted about this problem on the LKML but did not have any answer. IA-*** Dmidecode used to have problems on IA-*** systems. The first reason for this is that dmidecode accesses the DMI table through /dev/mem, and reading this file on an IA-*** system sometimes leads to a crash. A second reason is that the method for locating the above-mentioned table differs on IA-*** (compared to IA-32), so dmidecode was likely to miss the table entry point. This complex issue was reported by Glen Foster and Smith Chad from HP. We have since been working on a solution, and dmidecode now supports IA-*** systems. Smith Chad noticed that, for some obscure reason, accessing the /dev/mem file using mmap() instead of read() would work. Then, he wrote a patch to export the DMI table address from the internal EFI table to /proc, so dmidecode doesn't have to scan /dev/mem for it anymore. This patch was since integrated into the main ia*** patch. Finally, I add the requied code to make it all work. So, in order to have dmidecode work on your IA-*** system, you need three things: - dmidecode version 2.2 or later; - an ia*** patched kernel, using linux-2.4.21-ia***-030702.diff or any later version; - the -D__IA***__ compilation flag set in the Makefile. Chad Smith tested dmidecode successfully on two different IA-*** systems. MMAP Note that mmap() is now used by default on all systems, since this seems to solve a number of problems. If your system does not have the mmap() function, edit the Makefile and unset USE_MMAP. ** MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS ** Two other tools come along with dmidecode: biosdecode and ownership. BIOSDECODE This one prints all BIOS related information it can find in /dev/mem. It used to be part of dmidecode itself, but as dmidecode was growing, we felt that the non-DMI part had to be moved to a separate tool. OWNERSHIP This tool was written on a request by Luc Van de Velde for use with Novell tools in his company. It retrieves the "ownership tag" that can be set on most Compaq computers. Since it uses the same mechanisms dmidecode and biosdecode use, and could be of some use for other people as well, we decided to make it part of our project.


