
上传日期:2008-10-23 11:07:22
上 传 者houzhengxiang
说明:  利用asta开发的三层结构业务源码,已在实际项目中得到应用
(Asta developed using three-tier structure of the business source, has been applied in practical projects)

客户端\ClientSaleManage.dof (5949, 2004-02-21)
客户端\ClientSaleManage.cfg (456, 2004-02-21)
客户端\ClientSaleManage.res (4292, 2004-02-21)
客户端\ClientSaleManage.dpr (901, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Docs (0, 2004-03-01)
客户端\参考\Cached\CachedDemo.cfg (434, 2004-02-20)
客户端\参考\Cached\CachedDemo.dof (5703, 2004-02-20)
客户端\参考\Cached\CachedDemo.dpr (192, 2000-08-17)
客户端\参考\Cached\CachedDemo.exe (1228288, 2004-02-20)
客户端\参考\Cached\CachedDemo.res (876, 2004-02-20)
客户端\参考\Cached\u_main.dfm (6058, 2004-02-20)
客户端\参考\Cached\u_main.pas (6372, 2004-02-20)
客户端\参考\Cached (0, 2004-03-01)
客户端\参考 (0, 2004-03-01)
客户端\Bin\ClientSaleManage.exe (2182144, 2004-02-23)
客户端\Bin (0, 2004-03-01)
客户端\Units\FormMainUnit.pas (1644, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\FormBillModelUnits.dfm (53432, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\DMUnit.dfm (7574, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\FormLoginUnit.dfm (23030, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\FormBaseData_SPDAUnit.dfm (7341, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\DMUnit.pas (1144, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\FormLoginUnit.pas (534, 2004-02-19)
客户端\Units\FormBaseData_SPDAUnit.pas (2574, 2004-02-23)
客户端\Units\FormMainUnit.dfm (396149, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\FormBill_JHDDUnit.dfm (12965, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\FormBillModelUnits.pas (11672, 2004-02-21)
客户端\Units\FormBill_JHDDUnit.pas (5789, 2004-02-23)
客户端\Units\FormBaseData_HSUnit.dfm (1708, 2004-02-23)
客户端\Units\FormBaseDataModelUnit.dfm (35337, 2004-02-23)
客户端\Units\FormBaseData_HSUnit.pas (1300, 2004-02-23)
客户端\Units\FormBaseDataModelUnit.pas (5922, 2004-02-23)
客户端\Units (0, 2004-03-01)
客户端\Files\Title.bmp (129618, 2004-02-19)
客户端\Files (0, 2004-03-01)
客户端\Dcu (0, 2004-03-01)
客户端 (0, 2004-03-01)
中间件\unit1.dfm (4582, 2004-02-23)
中间件\dm.dfm (8861, 2004-02-19)
中间件\FormAboutUnit.pas (491, 2004-02-19)
... ...

ASTAAdoServer Aug 2000 Multi AdoConnection support This ADO Server allows multple ADOConnections to be created on the fly so that AstaClientDatasets can use the Database:String property to access any number or Databases on the server. How to define Availble Databases on the server. ============================================== ASTAClientDataSets have a Database:String property that can be populated from ASTA servers so there is a design time pulldown of Database choices. To do this the AstaServer must code the OnFetchMetaData Event to return a TAstaDataSet in response to an mdDBMSName Metarequest from AstaclientDatasets. The server must append the DbmsDataSet and define a value in the Database field that will stream back to the remote clientdataset. This ADO Server contains a new menu option of Manager Aliases to allow Alias information to be defined and save to file by a TAstaDataSet calling SaveToFile. The SetupDBMSDataSEt call on the server populates the DBMSDataSet. procedure TForm1.SetupDBMSDataBase; var i:Integer; d:TAstaDataSet; begin With AstaDataModule do begin with DBMSDataSet do begin if FileExists(AliasDataSetFileName) then begin D:=TAstaDataSet.Create(nil); try d.LoadFromFilewithFields(AliasDataSetFileName); //add the main one you login on or the one you set the ADOConnection to on the datamodule AppendRecord([AstaServerSocket1.AstaServerName,'Main', ExtractFileName(Application.EXEName)]); while not d.eof do begin AppendRecord([AstaServerSocket1.AstaServerName, d.FieldByName('Alias').Asstring, '', ExtractFileName(Application.EXEName)]);; end finally; end; end else AppendRecord([AstaServerSocket1.AstaServerName, AstaServerSocket1.DataBaseName, '', ExtractFileName(Application.EXEName)]); end; UpdateAstaAlias(DBMSDataSet); end end; How to have server side database calls react to the Database:String property coming from the client ============================================================================= AstaclientdataSets will send their Database:String property to ASTA Servers on every database request. the Server must be able to respond to these requests by using or creating ADOConnections that are then connected to the ADO Database components sitting on the server AstaDataModule. An FDatabaseList is used on the server to store the Alias Names and the AdoConnections that are created on the server in response to a client request for a particular Database. This works in all 3 ASTA threading models and will create a list of Aliases with TAdoConnection components stored in the FDatabaseList.Objects property. When first adding a TAdoConnection that does not exist there may be a slight delay as the AdoConnection connects to the server, depending on which database you are using but after that it will be very fast and efficient. Note: when you define an Alias, build a Connection string and paste it into the memo field on the AliasManager setup form. this will be used to connect to the AdoConnection created on the fly. function TAstaDataModule.GetADOConnection(ClientSocket: TCustomWinSocket; Alias, FileName: string): TComponent; var spot: Integer; Ad: TAdoConnection; begin result := ADOConnection; if Alias = '' then exit; //add a line here if you want to skip this test for your default DataSource spot := FDatabaseList.Indexof(Alias); if spot < 0 then begin if FDataSet.RecordCount = 0 then FDataSet.LoadFromFilewithFields(FileName); if not FDataSet.Locate('Alias', Alias, [locaseinsensitive]) then exit;//use main adoconnection // if comparetext(AdoConnection.ConnectionString,FDataSet.FieldByName(AstaAliasconnectionString).AsString)=0 then exit; Ad := TAdoConnection.Create(Self); Ad.LoginPrompt := false; Ad.Provider:=AdoConnection.Provider; Ad.IsolationLevel:=AdoConnection.IsolationLevel; Ad.CursorLocation:=AdoConnection.CursorLocation; Ad.ConnectOptions:=AdoConnection.ConnectOptions; ad.ConnectionString := FDataSet.FieldByName(AstaAliasconnectionString).AsString; FDatabaseList.AddObject(Alias, AD); result := Ad; ad.Connected := True; end else result := TComponent(FDataBaseList.Objects[spot]); end;


