
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-10-29 08:36:43
上 传 者chen----hui
说明:  一个3D的引擎,porton 引擎,适合初级学习3D用的
(A 3D engine, porton engine, suitable for the primary study used 3D)

3dPorton\APP.CPP (8955, 2007-03-06)
3dPorton\CAMERA.CPP (8663, 2007-03-06)
3dPorton\CAMERA.H (1549, 2007-03-06)
3dPorton\CCommandScript.cpp (8807, 2007-03-05)
3dPorton\CCommandScript.h (1188, 2006-12-12)
3dPorton\CONFIG.INI (475, 2007-03-07)
3dPorton\CTgaLoader.cpp (4085, 2007-03-06)
3dPorton\CTgaLoader.h (853, 2007-03-05)
3dPorton\DATA\1.RAW (1050625, 2007-02-12)
3dPorton\DATA\Colour0.tga (197147, 2000-12-11)
3dPorton\DATA\Colour1.tga (196626, 2001-03-04)
3dPorton\DATA\Colour2.tga (196626, 2001-02-16)
3dPorton\DATA\Colour3.tga (196626, 2001-03-04)
3dPorton\DATA\DETAIL.TGA (786971, 2000-11-13)
3dPorton\DATA\sky.tga (196626, 2001-03-05)
3dPorton\Demo.cpp (4449, 2005-11-25)
3dPorton\DEMO.DAT (84672, 2005-11-25)
3dPorton\Demo.h (1698, 2005-11-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\FEATURES.CSS (775, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_01.gif (4858, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_02.gif (5865, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_03a.gif (5925, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_03b.gif (7538, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_03c.gif (9654, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_04.gif (13278, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_05a.gif (7498, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_05b.gif (13438, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_05c.gif (16779, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_06.gif (20009, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_07.gif (7546, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.files\turner_08.gif (15646, 2004-02-25)
3dPorton\Doc\threadmarks.htm (66734, 2004-02-26)
3dPorton\FONT.CPP (5206, 2005-11-05)
3dPorton\FONT.H (627, 2005-11-05)
3dPorton\general.h (1833, 2007-02-28)
3dPorton\glext.h (284470, 2003-06-04)
3dPorton\glFrustum.cpp (8764, 2007-03-06)
3dPorton\glFrustum.h (1650, 2007-03-06)
3dPorton\Land3.dsp (5383, 2007-03-06)
3dPorton\Land3.dsw (535, 2003-12-10)
... ...

This engine is based on Roam Binary triangle tree technology. Source: --------------- http://opengl.org.ru/proton/Land3.zip Main article: --------------- http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20000403/turner_01.htm (you must registered on this site to get accsess for article) About engine: --------------- - use screen space error - based on Roam Binary triangle tree technology; - use UNLIMITED map; - rendering landscape by dividing to patches; - double frustum culling - by patches and at second by triangles into visible patches Keys: --------------- Space – stop demo, stop moving G - grab screen to file P - play demo R - record demo A – move forward Z – move backward LeftMouse – fly up RightMouse – fly down W - wireframe rendering D – show bounding boxes C - enable/disable patch frustum culling PgUp, PgDn - field of view Home, End – move back clip plane +, - encrease/decrease LOD I - show information Contact: -------------- http://gamemaker.webservis.ru/ e-mail proton2@mail.ru


