
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-11-24 14:43:53
上 传 者ahbbshenfeng
说明:  《windows 95 system programming secrets》中的源代码。

APPENDIX (0, 1999-04-27)
APPENDIX\K32LIB.DEF (4110, 1995-07-19)
APPENDIX\K32LIB.LIB (54074, 1995-07-19)
APPENDIX\MAKE.BAT (35, 1995-07-19)
bin (0, 1999-04-27)
bin\APISPY32.API (82552, 1995-07-19)
bin\APISPY32.DLL (24576, 1995-07-19)
bin\APISPYLD.EXE (14336, 1995-07-19)
bin\FSR32.EXE (17920, 1995-07-19)
bin\PEDUMP.EXE (36864, 1995-07-19)
bin\PHYS.EXE (24064, 1995-07-19)
bin\PHYS16.DLL (3712, 1995-07-19)
bin\PHYS32.DLL (10752, 1995-07-19)
bin\SHOW16.EXE (18064, 1995-07-19)
bin\SHOWSEH.EXE (18432, 1995-07-19)
bin\SHOWWND.EXE (20992, 1995-07-19)
bin\SIMONSEZ.EXE (12288, 1995-07-19)
bin\VAR2MAP.EXE (30208, 1995-07-19)
bin\W32SPDLL.DLL (11776, 1995-07-19)
bin\W32SVSPY.EXE (34816, 1995-07-19)
bin\w32svspy.flt (0, 1997-01-29)
bin\WALKHEAP.EXE (25600, 1995-07-19)
bin\WALKHP2.EXE (25600, 1995-07-19)
bin\WIN32WLK.EXE (25088, 1995-07-19)
bin\WIN95MEM.EXE (11776, 1995-07-19)
bin\WIN95UNI.EXE (10752, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10 (0, 1999-04-27)
CHAP10\APISPY32.API (82552, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\APISPY32.C (2161, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\APISPY32.MAK (972, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\APISPYLD.C (14420, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\APISPYLD.H (205, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\APISPYLD.MAK (917, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\APISPYLD.RC (633, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\ASMRETRN.ASM (464, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\HOOKAPI.C (4974, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\HOOKAPI.H (540, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\INTRCPT.C (7202, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\INTRCPT.H (385, 1995-07-19)
CHAP10\INTRCPT2.H (676, 1995-07-19)
... ...

---------------------- Notes on the sample sources ------------------------ 1) All of the example programs have been pre-built, and are in the .\BIN directory. The sources for individual chapters are in the appropriately named subdirectory beneath this directory (e.g., .\CHAP5 contains the sources for chapter 5.) 2) These programs were compiled with Visual C++ 2.0, and where appropriate, Borland C++ 4.5. 3) Many of these examples assume the existance of the "combined" Win32SDK that encompasses both NT and Win95. At the time these examples were created, Visual C++ had not been updated to include the Win95 specific header files and libraries. If you don't have the Win32 SDK, but have a Win95 aware version of Visual C++, you can probably make minor changes to the .MAK files in order to make the sources compile. 4) Whereever possible, I tried to keep all the program code in straight 'C' code, and use as little assemble as possible. However, some of the sample programs absolutely require .ASM files. For these files, you'll need MASM 6.11 (or TASM32 if you're building with the Borland C++ tools). There is no way around this. 5) Some of the programs are so simple that a full blown .MAK file isn't necessary to build them. Instead, they can be compiled from the command line. Programs of this type can be built using the .BAT files in the same directory as the program sources. 6) Where a .MAK file is provided, simply type "NMAKE ", where is the name of the .MAK file. 7) I'm not a big fan of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), and I did not create any IDE project files for these programs. For the most part, the programs are very straightforward (i.e., one or more .C files, some .H files, and maybe a .RC or .DEF file). It shouldn't be hard to create a project on your own if you want to work with these sources in your IDE. 8) Most of the programs have been also built and tested with Borland C++. Where I had current Borland C++ .MAK files, they are included in the source directory, with the extension ".BOR".


