
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-12-08 14:36:56
上 传 者tyliu
说明:  一个笔记本小程序,对于初步入门的同学来说是很有帮助的
(A notebook of small procedures, the initial entry for students is very helpful)

3822041\Debug (0, 2002-04-20)
3822041\Release (0, 2002-04-20)
3822041\res\CLOSE.ico (766, 2002-04-17)
3822041\res\DOC.ico (766, 2002-04-17)
3822041\res\mainframe.ico (1078, 2002-04-17)
3822041\res\Note.rc2 (396, 2002-04-13)
3822041\res\OPEN.ico (766, 2002-04-17)
3822041\res (0, 2002-04-19)
3822041\zipfunc\StdAfx.cpp (205, 2000-01-30)
3822041\zipfunc\StdAfx.h (781, 2000-01-30)
3822041\zipfunc\UnzipFile.cpp (22402, 2000-02-10)
3822041\zipfunc\UnzipFile.h (11087, 2000-02-10)
3822041\zipfunc\zconf.h (8089, 1998-07-08)
3822041\zipfunc\ZipException.cpp (1499, 2000-02-10)
3822041\zipfunc\ZipException.h (1548, 2000-02-18)
3822041\zipfunc\ZipFile.cpp (14459, 2000-02-01)
3822041\zipfunc\ZipFile.h (7036, 2000-01-31)
3822041\zipfunc\ZipFunc.dsw (539, 2000-01-30)
3822041\zipfunc\zlib.h (41791, 1998-07-09)
3822041\zipfunc\zlib.lib (84168, 2000-01-30)
3822041\zipfunc\ZUBaseFile.cpp (1619, 2000-01-31)
3822041\zipfunc\ZUBaseFile.h (1094, 2000-02-10)
3822041\zipfunc\ZipFunc.dsp (3761, 2002-04-21)
3822041\zipfunc\Release (0, 2002-04-21)
3822041\zipfunc\Debug (0, 2002-04-21)
3822041\zipfunc (0, 2002-04-21)
3822041\ChangeNameDlg.cpp (1323, 2002-04-16)
3822041\ChangeNameDlg.h (1285, 2002-04-22)
3822041\NewClassDlg.cpp (1953, 2002-04-21)
3822041\NewClassDlg.h (1364, 2002-04-22)
3822041\Note.clw (2752, 2002-04-30)
3822041\Note.cpp (2255, 2002-04-22)
3822041\Note.dsp (5985, 2002-04-23)
3822041\Note.dsw (533, 2002-04-13)
3822041\Note.h (2356, 2002-04-30)
3822041\Note.rc (8655, 2002-04-30)
3822041\NoteDlg.cpp (27225, 2002-04-30)
3822041\NoteDlg.h (3076, 2002-04-30)
3822041\OwnEdit.cpp (2023, 2002-04-22)
... ...

Zip and unzip in a MFC way. Gilles Vollant did a great job writing zip.c and unzip.c (IO on .zip files using zlib), which are distributed with the zlib library. However using them in a program is quite risky. There is no way to recover from an error occurred during zipping, without memory leaks. Let's say we are out of disk space during packing files. There are two things we can do then; we can close our zipFile and get unexpected results, because the function which performs this action tries to write some buffers left back to the disk (and the stream it operates is already in the error state), or we may leave the zipFile opened and have the buffers not freed. None of these possibilities was a good solution so I rewrote the code to better handle the errors. I left type names as in the original. The main improvements are: - smart buffers (they free automatically at the destruction eliminating memory leaks when an error occurs) - CFile class used instead of stream to manipulate files (throws CFileException) - operator "new" used to allocate memory (it throws CMemoryException so errors can be easily handled). The ZipFunc is a static library (you can change it if you want) and statically links with compiled zlib.lib (version 1.13 nowadays). The zlib library can be replaced with a newer version providing you also replace the files: "zlib.h" and "zconf.h". To add ZipFunc library functionality to your project you need to link the library to the project (e.g. add "..\ZipFunc\debug(release)\ZipFunc.lib" to Project Settings->Link->Input->Object/library modules) and add ZipFunc directory to the preprocessor searches (Project Settings -> C++ -> Preprocessor -> Additional include directories). You may also need to ignore libc.lib library. The ZipFunc library uses MFC in a static library as a Release Configuration and in a shared library as a Debug Configuration. You may need to adapt this to your needs. The details about the functions use are in the sources. Here goes the example of use CZipFile: #include "..\ZipFunc\ZipFile.h" void CCompresorDlg::OnButton1() { // getting the file to zip CFileDialog fd(TRUE); if (fd.DoModal() != IDOK) return; // adding extension CZipFile zf(fd.GetPathName() + ".zip", 0); char buf[BUF_SIZE]; CFile f(fd.GetPathName(), CFile::modeRead); zip_fileinfo zi; // getting information about the date and the attributes // (this is new in ZipFunc) zf.UpdateZipInfo(zi, f); zf.OpenNewFileInZip(fd.GetFileName(), zi, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); int size_read; do { size_read = f.Read(buf, BUF_SIZE); if (size_read) zf.WriteInFileInZip(buf, size_read); } while (size_read == BUF_SIZE); // cannot be called by the destructor because it may throw an exception // (it is not good to throw an exception when another one may be progress) zf.Close(); } And below is an example of using the CUnzipFile: #include "..\ZipFunc\unzipFile.h" void CCompresorDlg::OnButton2() { // getting the file to unzip CFileDialog fd(TRUE); if (fd.DoModal() != IDOK) return; CUnzipFile uf(fd.GetPathName()); uf.GoToFirstFile(); unz_file_info ui; // getting the information about the file // (date, attributes, the size of the filename) uf.GetCurrentFileInfo(&ui); int iNameSize = ui.size_filename + 1; char* pName = new char [iNameSize]; // get the name of the file uf.GetCurrentFileInfo(NULL, pName, iNameSize); TCHAR szDir[_MAX_DIR]; TCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE]; _tsplitpath(fd.GetPathName(), szDrive, szDir,NULL, NULL); CString szPath = CString(szDrive) + szDir; CFile f( szPath + pName, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); delete[] pName; uf.OpenCurrentFile(); char buf[BUF_SIZE]; int size_read; do { size_read = uf.ReadCurrentFile(buf, BUF_SIZE); if (size_read > 0) f.Write(buf, size_read); } while (size_read == BUF_SIZE); // set the original date stamp and attributes to the unpacked file // (this function closes the file "f" which is needed to apply // the attributes) uf.UpdateFileStatus(f, ui); // cannot be called by the destructor uf.Close(); } The library throws the following exceptions: CMemoryException, CFileExeption and CZipException. The first two don't need an explanation. The last is thrown when some internal zip or unzip error occurs. (The details, once again, are in the sources). Handling them may be done in a following way: try { // ... // some zipping or unzipping here(it may be the one of the previous examples) } catch (CException* e) { if (e->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CZipException ))) { CZipException* p = (CZipException*) e; //... and so on } else if (e->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CFileException ))) { CFileException* p = (CFileException*) e; //... and so on } else // the only possibility is a memory exception I suppose { //... and so on } e->Delete(); } Platform: Visual 6.0/MFC 6.0


