
所属分类:SQL Server
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-01-08 22:37:29
上 传 者abcheny1
说明:  -- -网络硬盘管理系统----- ASPX环境/.NET环境/+MSSQL/ 软件介绍: 主要功能: 1.多用户注册各自使用,互不干予。 2.在自己的空间中上传多文件及大文件进行在线查看管理,可建多级目录存放。 3.文件目录多级共享,可共享整个用户空间。 4.树状显示系统功能和目录结构,操作方便。
(-- Network hard disk management system----- ASPX environment /. NET environment /+ MSSQL/Software Introduction: The main features: 1. Multi-user registration of their use, do to each other. 2. In their own space in the upload multiple documents and large files online view management, is able to build a multi-level store directory. 3. Multi-level shared file directory can be shared throughout the user space. 4. Tree display system functions and directory structure, easy to operate.)

favicon.ico (18718, 2005-04-27)
forgetpass.ascx (6795, 2007-04-13)
forgetpass.aspx (7090, 2008-11-07)
gg_show.aspx (2256, 2008-11-07)
Global.asax (74, 2005-09-14)
guest_ly.aspx (7561, 2008-11-07)
help.aspx (5086, 2006-09-16)
homeapply.aspx (108, 2008-11-07)
index.aspx (355, 2008-11-07)
install.html (7332, 2007-07-18)
leftTree.aspx (1938, 2008-11-07)
licence.html (2709, 2007-07-18)
login.ascx (193, 2008-11-07)
login.aspx (169, 2006-09-16)
ly_input.aspx (4569, 2008-11-07)
ly_reply.aspx (3174, 2008-11-07)
message_err.aspx (3219, 2007-07-30)
message_info2.aspx (3221, 2007-07-30)
message_info.aspx (3296, 2007-07-30)
message_ok.aspx (3295, 2007-07-30)
myfriend.aspx (7131, 2008-11-07)
myfriendadd.aspx (6825, 2008-11-07)
myfriendteam.aspx (5104, 2008-11-07)
myly.aspx (3254, 2008-11-07)
mypane.aspx (13096, 2008-11-07)
mysetup.aspx (8477, 2008-11-27)
myspace.aspx (7278, 2008-12-26)
mystyle.aspx (2771, 2008-11-07)
newshare.aspx (45, 2007-10-02)
openpass.aspx (3566, 2008-11-07)
progress.aspx (4403, 2007-11-16)
reg.aspx (15265, 2008-11-07)
regedit.aspx (12314, 2008-11-07)
regzh.aspx (102, 2008-11-07)
right.aspx (5550, 2008-11-07)
search_user.aspx (11147, 2008-12-26)
searchfile.aspx (7073, 2008-12-26)
selcolor.htm (25696, 2006-09-10)
Service.asmx (86, 2006-07-05)
share.aspx (12320, 2008-11-07)
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