
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-01-17 11:37:15
上 传 者plfyt
说明:  骨骼动画 一个场景演示d3d的骨骼动画
(Skeletal animation demo scene D3D bones animation)

resource.h (1935, 2002-11-12)
skinmesh1.vsh (1972, 2002-11-12)
skinmesh2.vsh (2297, 2002-11-12)
skinmesh3.vsh (2461, 2002-11-12)
skinmesh4.vsh (2624, 2002-11-12)
skinnedmesh-app.cpp (15251, 2002-12-03)
skinnedmesh-app.h (1962, 2002-12-03)
skinnedmesh-mesh.cpp (53410, 2002-12-03)
skinnedmesh-mesh.h (4701, 2002-12-03)
skinnedmesh.cpp (66063, 2002-11-13)
SkinnedMesh.dsp (5668, 2002-12-03)
SkinnedMesh.dsw (545, 2002-11-12)
SkinnedMesh.jpg (15125, 2002-11-12)
SkinnedMesh.manifest (688, 2002-11-12)
SkinnedMesh.ncb (132096, 2002-12-03)
SkinnedMesh.opt (55808, 2002-12-03)
SkinnedMesh.plg (1514, 2002-12-03)
SkinnedMesh.sln (922, 2002-11-12)
SkinnedMesh.vcproj (4653, 2002-11-12)
winmain.rc (7710, 2002-11-12)

//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: Skinned Mesh Direct3D Sample // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description =========== The SkinnedMesh sample shows how to use D3DX to load and display an skinned mesh. Updated to provide a CD3DSkinMesh class encapsulating the functionality to generate a skinned character Path ==== Source: DXSDK\Samples\C++\Direct3D\SkinnedMesh Executable: DXSDK\Samples\C++\Direct3D\Bin User's Guide ============ The following keys are implemented. The dropdown menus can be used for the same controls. Starts and stops the scene Advances the scene by a small increment Shows help or available commands. Prompts user to select a new rendering device or display mode Toggles between fullscreen and windowed modes Exits the app. Programming Notes ================= This sample makes use of common DirectX code (consisting of helper functions, etc.) that is shared with other samples on the DirectX SDK. All common headers and source code can be found in the following directory: DXSDK\Samples\C++\Common


