
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-01-18 08:16:33
上 传 者plfyt
说明:  斜45度rpg游戏源码,超精简,只有几百k,带资源和源码,效果很好,可编译运行,想自己做游戏就看她!
(Inclined 45 degrees rpg games source, ultra-streamlined, only a few hundred k, with resources and source code, well, can be compiled to run, I would like to make their own game to see her!)

tlbbClient\CInput.cpp (8752, 2000-04-01)
tlbbClient\CInput.h (1704, 2000-03-22)
tlbbClient\ddutil.cpp (10126, 2000-02-14)
tlbbClient\ddutil.h (1051, 2000-02-14)
tlbbClient\EIni.cpp (18674, 1997-01-04)
tlbbClient\EIni.h (3646, 1997-01-04)
tlbbClient\GMapElement.cpp (1108, 1997-01-02)
tlbbClient\GPathFind.cpp (1767, 1997-01-01)
tlbbClient\GPathFind.h (1166, 1997-01-01)
tlbbClient\GroupElm.h (707, 1997-01-01)
tlbbClient\Interface.cpp (48456, 1997-01-01)
tlbbClient\Interface.h (6744, 1997-01-04)
tlbbClient\keylog.txt (2822, 2003-06-11)
tlbbClient\map\京都\地面.bmp (153718, 1997-01-01)
tlbbClient\map\京都 (0, 2008-01-07)
tlbbClient\map (0, 2008-01-07)
tlbbClient\NotPrecisionFastPath.cpp (10611, 1997-01-01)
tlbbClient\NotPrecisionFastPath.h (3061, 1997-01-02)
tlbbClient\obst.txt (3577, 1997-01-02)
tlbbClient\OptiRegion.cpp (14649, 2002-08-16)
tlbbClient\OptiRegion.h (1168, 2000-10-31)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家\0.BMP (19254, 2002-01-25)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家\1.BMP (19254, 2002-01-25)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家\2.BMP (19254, 2002-01-25)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家\3.BMP (19254, 2002-01-25)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家\4.BMP (19254, 2002-01-25)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家\5.BMP (19254, 2002-01-25)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家\6.BMP (20454, 2002-01-25)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家\7.BMP (197046, 2002-01-25)
tlbbClient\pkg\技艺家 (0, 2008-01-07)
tlbbClient\pkg (0, 2008-01-07)
tlbbClient\resource.h (638, 1997-01-01)
tlbbClient\rgn.bmp (200878, 2002-08-16)
tlbbClient\save\start\村庄1.dat (4835, 1997-01-02)
tlbbClient\save\start\村庄1.dat.bak (4835, 1997-01-02)
tlbbClient\save\start (0, 2008-01-07)
tlbbClient\save (0, 2008-01-07)
tlbbClient\Script1.aps (17488, 2004-02-07)
tlbbClient\Script1.rc (2486, 1997-01-01)
... ...

/* DWORD id; HANDLE hMainThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, MainThread, NULL, NULL, &id ); WaitForSingleObject(hMainThread,INFINITE); // quit(); return 0; */ /* if(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if(!GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) { return msg.wParam; } // if (!GMWinMgr->Dispatch(msg.message,msg.wParam,msg.lParam)) // if(!GMItemMgr->Dispatch(msg.message,msg.wParam,msg.lParam)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } // If we are in windowed mode, perform a blt. if (g_bWindowed) { hRet = g_pDDSPrimary->Blt(&g_rcScreen, g_pDDSBack, &g_rcViewport, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL); } else { // Else we are in fullscreen mode, so perform a flip. hRet = g_pDDSPrimary->Flip( NULL, 0L ); } } */


