
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-02-03 01:55:41
上 传 者x9090
说明:  Repair Excel File that was patched by Win32.Dutan.A

Build (0, 2008-12-15)
Build\Debug (0, 2008-12-15)
Build\ExcelRepair.cpp (12216, 2008-12-15)
Build\stdafx.cpp (298, 2008-12-02)
Build\stdafx.h (1179, 2008-12-15)
ExcelRepair.exe (12288, 2008-12-18)

Readme first ------------ -------------------------------------------- Pre: Folder contents - ExcelRepair.exe - header - Readme.txt -------------------------------------------- 1. Extract the files inside the zip archive to a folder that contains the Excel files that you want to recover. 2. Open up command prompt (Run > cmd) and change directory to the folder that contains the repair tool and also the infected Excel files: cd c:\ExcelRepair 3. Type ExcelRepair on the command prompt: ExcelRepair.exe and you will see the similar message: Usage: ExcelRepair.exe "full path to excel file" Example: ExcelRepair.exe C:\Excel.xls You can repair one file or more than one files using "*" (see next instruction) 4. So, put all the infected Excel files into the folder ExcelRepair and type: ExcelRepair.exe * this will run all the Excel files inside the folder and repair them. 5. The program will show you the new file name after the file is repaired successfully. 6. Take a look at the "Final Notes" from the program. NOTE: header file always comes with ExcelRepair.exe


