
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-02-09 17:07:19
上 传 者00647007
说明:  一个适合初学者的在VC下开发控件的例子,较简单
(Suitable for beginners in VC developed under the control example, a simpler)

pushpinDemoDlg.h (668, 1997-11-21)
Resource.h (777, 1997-11-21)
StdAfx.cpp (206, 1997-11-21)
StdAfx.h (499, 1997-11-21)
PushPin.cpp (5403, 1997-12-08)
PushPin.h (1314, 1997-11-25)
pushpindemo.001 (9094, 1997-11-21)
PushPinDemo.clw (1085, 1997-11-21)
pushpindemo.cpp (548, 1997-11-21)
pushpindemo.dsp (4571, 1997-01-15)
pushpindemo.dsw (547, 1997-01-15)
pushpindemo.h (913, 1997-11-21)
pushpindemo.mak (9094, 1997-11-21)
pushpindemo.ncb (66560, 2008-11-30)
pushpindemo.opt (48640, 2008-11-30)
pushpindemo.plg (2090, 2008-11-30)
PushPinDemo.rc (4119, 1997-11-21)
pushpinDemoDlg.cpp (1857, 1997-11-21)

Enclosed is the source for a CPushPinButton class. Its appearance is similar to the pin button as seen on the OpenLook window manager on X-Windows & property dialogs in MSDEV aka VC 4.x IDE. The class is derived from CButton and can be easily used as follows: 1) Create a dialog template with an owner-draw button positioned where you want the push pin button. The size of the button in the template does not matter. 2) Using Classwizard associate a CBitmap with the button you just created. Then modify the declaration of the variable to make it a CPushPinButton instead of CButton Enjoy, 21st November 1997 PJ Naughter, email: pjn@indigo.ie web: http://indigo.ie/~pjn


