
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-02-15 14:42:34
上 传 者123qwedd
说明:  vc在DirectX 的基础上实现水文流体
(vc in DirectX based on hydrological fluid)

BumpWaves\BumpWaves.cpp (23381, 2001-10-31)
BumpWaves\BumpWaves.dsp (4990, 2001-10-08)
BumpWaves\BumpWaves.dsw (541, 2001-10-08)
BumpWaves\BumpWaves.mak (6189, 2001-10-08)
BumpWaves\BumpWaves.ncb (66560, 2009-02-15)
BumpWaves\BumpWaves.opt (55808, 2009-02-15)
BumpWaves\BumpWaves.plg (2062, 2009-02-09)
BumpWaves\directx.ico (1078, 2001-10-08)
BumpWaves\resource.h (1333, 2001-10-08)
BumpWaves\winmain.aps (38352, 2009-02-15)
BumpWaves\winmain.rc (5151, 2001-10-08)
BumpWaves\Debug (0, 2009-02-15)
BumpWaves (0, 2009-02-15)

//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: BumpWaves Direct3D Sample // // Copyright (c) 19***-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description =========== The BumpWaves program demonstrates the bump mapping capabilities of Direct3D. Bump mapping is a texture blending technique used to render the appearance of rough, bumpy surfaces. This sample renders a waterfront scene with only 4 triangles. The waves in the scene are completely fabricated with a bumpmap. Note that not all cards support all features for all the various bumpmapping techniques (some hardware has no, or limited, bumpmapping support). For more information on bumpmapping, refer to the DirectX SDK documentation. This sample also uses a technique called "projected textures", which is a texture-coordinate generation technique and is not the focal point of the sample. For more information on texture-coordinate generation, refer again to the DirectX SDK documentation. Path ==== Source: DXSDK\Samples\Multimedia\D3D\BumpMapping\BumpWaves Executable: DXSDK\Samples\Multimedia\D3D\Bin User's Guide ============ The following keys are implemented. The dropdown menus can be used for the same controls. Starts and stops the scene Advances the scene by a small increment Shows help or available commands. Prompts user to select a new rendering device or display mode Toggles between fullscreen and windowed modes Exits the app. Programming Notes ================= Bumpmapping is an advanced multitexture blending technique that can be used to render the appearance of rough, bumpy surfaces. The bump map itself is a texture that stores the perturbation data. Bumpmapping requires two textures, actually. One is an environment map, which contains the lights that you see in the scene. The other is the actual bumpmapping, which contain values (stored as du and dv) used to "bump" the environment maps texture coordinates. Some bumpmaps also contain luminance values to control the "shininess" of a particular texel. In this sample, bumpmapping is used to generate waves in a scene. The backdrop is used as a projective texture for the environment map, so it reflects in the waves. The waves themselves appear to be generated with lots of polygons, but in reality, it's just one large quad. This sample makes use of common DirectX code (consisting of helper functions, etc.) that is shared with other samples on the DirectX SDK. All common headers and source code can be found in the following directory: DXSDK\Samples\Multimedia\Common


