
上传日期:2009-02-18 22:14:03
上 传 者leblebitozu
说明:  Vga Controller source code for Altera FPGA

VGA_Controller_component (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_component\class.ptf (12227, 2005-12-15)
VGA_Controller_component\HAL (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_component\HAL\inc (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_component\HAL\inc\vga_controller.h (17695, 2005-12-16)
VGA_Controller_component\HAL\src (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_component\HAL\src\component.mk (72, 2005-09-08)
VGA_Controller_component\HAL\src\vga_controller.c (47250, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_component\Makefile (623, 2005-10-13)
VGA_Controller_component\vga_controller.pl (77, 2005-10-13)
VGA_Controller_component\vga_controller.pm (33211, 2005-12-16)
VGA_Controller_example (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\.cdtbuild (1995, 2005-12-08)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\.cdtproject (711, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\.project (623, 2005-12-07)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\application.stf (134, 2005-12-07)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\Debug (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\Debug\obj (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\nios2-gdb-server.exe.stackdump (1085, 2005-12-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\random.c (1140, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\random.h (53, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\Release (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\Release\obj (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\triangle.notc (5381, 2005-12-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\triangle.noth (300, 2005-12-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\vga_example.c (11480, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example\vga_example.h (7856, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example_syslib (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example_syslib\.cdtbuild (1784, 2005-12-07)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example_syslib\.cdtproject (711, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example_syslib\.project (1250, 2005-12-12)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example_syslib\Debug (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example_syslib\Debug\obj (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example_syslib\Debug\system_description (0, 2006-01-09)
VGA_Controller_example\software\VGA_Example_syslib\system.stf (1087, 2006-01-09)
... ...

+---------------------------------------------------+ | Avalon VGA Controller | +---------------------------------------------------+ This is a FIFO-based VGA controller component for use with Avalon and SOPC Builder. Installation: ------------- To install this component, copy the VGA_Controller_component directory contained in the zip file to the directory \sopc_builder\components. The next time you start SOPC Builder, a component named "VGA Controller" will appear under the "Display" section. Running the example: --------------------- To run the example that comes with the component, you will need the following: - Nios Development Board, Stratix 2s60 Edition - Lancelot VGA daughter card - Quartus II version 5.1 or highter - Nios II verison 5.1 or higher - An extra VGA monitor to view the video output. 1.) Install the Lancelot card onto the 2s60 board using the santa cruz connector closest to the 7-segment LED display. 2.) Connect power, USB blaster, and VGA monitor to the board. 3.) Start Quartus II and open the project standard.qpf found in the VGA_Controller_example directory. 4.) Open SOPC Builder (Tools -> SOPC Builder) then click Generate 5.) Exit SOPC Builder, save standard.bdf in Quartus II, and compile the design (Processing -> Start Compilation) 6.) Configure the 2s60 board with the newly created .sof file. - Tools -> Programmer - Check the Program/Configure box and press Start 7.) Re-open SOPC Builder (Tools -> SOPC Builder) 8.) Open Nios II IDE (System Generation Tab -> Run Nios II IDE) 9.) Import the example software project to the workspace. - File -> Import -> Existing Nios II Project into Workspace - Browse -> VGA_Controller_example/software/VGA_Example 10.) Import the example system library project to the workspace. - File -> Import -> Existing Nios II Project into Workspace - Browse -> VGA_Controller_example/software/VGA_Example_syslib 11.) Run the software project - Right click "VGA_Example" project in Nios II IDE -> Run As -> Nios II Hardware There are two demos presented when running the software example, an analog clock, and a rotating cube. Select either one to run. To see the other demo, re-run the software project from Nios II IDE.


