
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-02-21 10:17:48
上 传 者kaipule
说明:  本程序用于检测音频文件中是否具有DTMF信号,若有则将其检出。 程序首先使用Goertzel算法求出以FRAMESIZE(默认200)为大小的一帧数据在8个DTMF频点上的能量。 对Goertzel算法的改进,对于系数的计算不是采用2*cos[2*pi*k/N],而是采用2*cos[2*pi*fn/fs],这样能够降低误差。 确定了8个频点的能量后运用一系列判决门限来确定有没有DTMF信号,以及信号是什么。
(This procedure used to detect whether an audio file with a DTMF signal, if so, what will be its detection. Procedures to derive the first use of Goertzel algorithm to FRAMESIZE [default 200] for the size of data in an eight point DTMF frequency energy. Of the Goertzel algorithm for the calculation of coefficients instead of 2* cos [2* pi* k/N], instead of using the 2* cos [2* pi* fn/fs], this can reduce the error. Identified eight frequency energy use after a series of sentences to determine the threshold has no DTMF signal, as well as the signal is.)

dtmf\check.cpp (2119, 2007-09-30)
dtmf\dsp.dsp (4253, 2007-09-27)
dtmf\dsp.h (105, 2007-09-29)
dtmf\dsp.ncb (41984, 2007-09-29)
dtmf\dsp.opt (48640, 2007-09-29)
dtmf\dsp.plg (1269, 2007-09-29)
dtmf\dsp_main.cpp (3617, 2007-09-30)
dtmf\dsp_main.dsp (3615, 2007-09-29)
dtmf\dsp_main.dsw (541, 2007-09-29)
dtmf\dsp_main.ncb (50176, 2007-11-02)
dtmf\dsp_main.opt (49664, 2007-11-02)
dtmf\dsp_main.plg (250, 2007-09-30)
dtmf\dtmf.dat (74525, 2006-10-09)
dtmf\dtmf.txt (93657, 2007-09-27)
dtmf\dtmf2.dat (364108, 2006-10-09)
dtmf\mixmusic.dat (116044, 2006-10-10)
dtmf\mixnoise.dat (116745, 2006-10-10)
dtmf\mydata.dat (99389, 2006-10-10)
dtmf\noise.dat (112985, 2006-10-10)
dtmf\result_output.cpp (1204, 2007-09-29)
dtmf\新建 文本文档.dat.bak (11395, 2007-09-30)
dtmf\Debug (0, 2009-02-20)
dtmf (0, 2009-02-20)


