
上传日期:2009-02-23 16:41:09
上 传 者yogesh4ever
说明:  Frame capture: for BF537

FrameCapture\adi_ssl_Init.h (2802, 2009-02-23)
FrameCapture\ADSP-BF537\FrameCapture_537.dpj (14567, 2008-06-06)
FrameCapture\ADSP-BF537\FrameCapture_537.ldf (21642, 2009-02-23)
FrameCapture\ADSP-BF537\FrameCapture_537_basiccrt.s (8070, 2009-02-23)
FrameCapture\ADSP-BF537\FrameCapture_537_heaptab.c (2315, 2009-02-23)
FrameCapture\FrameCapture.c (13954, 2009-02-23)
FrameCapture\ADSP-BF537 (0, 2008-02-23)
FrameCapture (0, 2008-02-23)

Project Name: FrameCapture_537.dpj Project Type: ADSP-BF533 [ ] ADSP-BF537 [X] ADSP-BF561 [ ] Hardware Used: ************************************** ************************************** *** PLEASE READ THE RELEASE NOTE *** *** FOR SPECIFIC HARDWARE AND *** *** SOFTWARE CONFIGURATIONS *** *** SUPPORTED BY THIS APPLICATION *** ************************************** ************************************** ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite Analog Devices VisualDSP++ VisualDSP++ Emulator DVD player with ITU-656 NTSC/PAL Output TV with NTSC/PAL AV input System Services Components Used: DMA Manager [X] Deferred Callback Manager [ ] Interrupt Manager [X] Timer Module [ ] Power Management Module [X] Flag Module [ ] External Bus Interface Unit Module [X] Port Module [ ] OVERVIEW ======== This application shows how to use ADV7183 device driver to read video frame and ADV7171 device driver to output video frame. The application first configures the decoder ADV7183 driver to read a single video frame from the video source, buffering the data in SDRAM and the driver is closed. When push button PB1 is pressed another frame is read. ADV7183 hardware registers can be accessed through TWI and device access service RUNNING THE APPLICATION ======================= 1. Hardware settings -------------------- ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT LITE SETTINGS ------------------------------- SW1: 1-OFF 2-OFF 3-OFF 4-OFF 5-OFF 6-OFF 7-OFF 8-OFF SW2: 1-OFF 2-OFF 3-OFF 4-OFF SW3: 1-OFF 2-OFF 3-OFF 4-OFF SW4: 1-OFF 2-OFF 3-OFF 4-OFF SW5: 1-ON 2-ON 3-ON 4-ON SW6: 1-OFF 2-OFF 3-OFF 4-OFF SW7: 1-ON 2-ON 3-ON 4-ON 5-ON 6-ON 7-ON 8-ON SW8: 1-ON 2-ON 3-OFF 4-OFF 5-OFF 6-OFF SW16 1 BLACKFIN A-V EZ-EXTENDER ------------------------ JP1: XX JP2: 1-2 JP3: 5-7 6-8 11-12 13-14 19-20 JP4: 5-6 JP5: XX JP6: 3-5 4-6 JP7: XX JP8: XX JP9: 3-5 4-6 2. External connections ----------------------- A video source to A-V EZ-Extender video-in. J7 +---------------------------------------------------+ | O O O | (white) | O O O < Video In | (red) +---------------------------------------------------+ 3. Operational Description -------------------------- - Open the "FrameCapture_537.dpj" project in the VisualDSP Integrated Development Environment (IDDE). - Select via #define in FrameCaptureVideoOut.c the desired video input format e.g. //#define PAL_FRAME (for NTSC - deafult) or #define PAL_FRAME (for PAL) - Under the "Project" tab, select "Build Project" (program is then loaded automatically into DSP). - Connect a video NTSC/PAL CVBS source to the bottom right connector of J7 (video in/out jack) - Run the executables by pressing "run" (F5) on the toolbar. - Stop the program after pushing PB1 - You should view the input image. View -> Debug Windows -> Image Viewer Set the Start address to sFrame0 Pixel Format UYVY (4:2:2) Width 858 Height 525 - Restart program and Press pushbutton PB1 to capture a new video frame


