
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-02-28 16:02:36
上 传 者wince
说明:  Ever wanted to tweak a value or two without having to compile the whole code section over again? Then maybe an embedded script is your answer. This is where Lua comes in handy. Lua is an embeddable script interpreter that is lightweight and fast. You can learn more on the Lua site.
(Lua is a powerful light-weight, small footprint programming language designed for extending applications. Along with this Lua provides its own memory management through garbage collection [which can be specialized for your application]. Lua is also fully re-entrant code with no global variables.)

LuaArticle.dsp (4931, 2005-10-05)
LuaArticle.dsw (824, 2005-10-05)
LuaDebugger.cpp (2979, 2005-10-05)
LuaDebugger.h (1195, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lapi.c (19056, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lapi.h (250, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lauxlib.c (15267, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lauxlib.h (4629, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lbaselib.c (17889, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lcode.c (17638, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lcode.h (2349, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\ldblib.c (7696, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\ldebug.c (14821, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\ldebug.h (846, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\ldo.c (13177, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\ldo.h (1711, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\ldump.c (3304, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lfunc.c (3484, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lfunc.h (651, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lgc.c (13305, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lgc.h (530, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\liolib.c (18083, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\llex.c (11051, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\llex.h (1999, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\llimits.h (3623, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lmathlib.c (5520, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lmem.c (2268, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lmem.h (1379, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\loadlib.c (5103, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lobject.c (4994, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lobject.h (7623, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lopcodes.c (2730, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lopcodes.h (7006, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lparser.c (35359, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lparser.h (1976, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lstate.c (5708, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lstate.h (5297, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lstring.c (2742, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lstring.h (838, 2005-10-05)
LuaLib\lstrlib.c (20693, 2005-10-05)
... ...


