
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-03-02 20:06:39
上 传 者lili821027
说明:  mapx嵌入式插件,主要用于导航系统的开发
(MapX embedded plug-ins, mainly for the development of navigation systems)

MapXMobileViewer\AddThemeDlg.cpp (6464, 2002-02-06)
MapXMobileViewer\AddThemeDlg.h (1375, 2002-02-06)
MapXMobileViewer\BufferDlg.cpp (2654, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\BufferDlg.h (1324, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\Cmdbar.bmp (886, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\FINDDLG.CPP (4924, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\FINDDLG.H (1626, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\InfoToolDlg.cpp (6653, 2004-10-07)
MapXMobileViewer\InfoToolDlg.h (1855, 2002-02-06)
MapXMobileViewer\mainfram.bmp (374, 2002-02-04)
MapXMobileViewer\MainFrm.cpp (2061, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\MainFrm.h (1503, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\MAPX.CPP (153261, 2001-08-07)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.cpp (3632, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.h (1337, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.ico (1078, 2002-02-04)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.rc (27735, 2005-04-14)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.rc2 (426, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.vcb (1016832, 2005-06-12)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.vcl (283, 2005-04-18)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.vcp (23107, 2005-04-09)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewer.vcw (562, 2004-09-27)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewerDoc.cpp (1596, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewerDoc.h (1454, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\RCa01964 (51108, 2005-04-06)
MapXMobileViewer\MAPX.H (109587, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\MapXMobileViewerView.h (5303, 2005-04-14)
MapXMobileViewer\ModifyThemeDlg.cpp (3725, 2002-02-06)
MapXMobileViewer\ModifyThemeDlg.h (1496, 2002-02-06)
MapXMobileViewer\newres.h (768, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\SetInsertionLayerDlg.cpp (2389, 2002-02-04)
MapXMobileViewer\SetInsertionLayerDlg.h (1394, 2002-02-05)
MapXMobileViewer\StdAfx.cpp (214, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\StdAfx.h (1311, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\ViewEntireDlg.cpp (2117, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\ViewEntireDlg.h (1443, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\vssver.scc (688, 2004-10-11)
MapXMobileViewer\ZoomToDlg.cpp (1608, 2002-01-21)
MapXMobileViewer\ZoomToDlg.h (1395, 2002-01-21)
... ...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Helv;}{\f2\fswiss Helv;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs20 ReadMe for MapX Mobile Sample App MapXMobileViewer\par \par \pard\sl240\slmult0\cf1\f1\fs24 What the sample demonstrates\par \b0\fs20 This sample app is meant to be a working and useful map viewer and editor. It shows how to use many features of mapx using Embedded Visual C++.\par \par \b Application Features\par \pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-360\li720\sl240\slmult0\b0 Using mapx.h and mapx.cpp wrapper classes\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Embeding MapX in an MFC View \par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Embedding MapX in an MFC Dialog.\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Using a CCmdBar for menus and buttons\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Using a CToolbar \par \pard\li360\sl240\slmult0\par \pard\sl240\slmult0\b MapX Features demonstrated\par \pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-360\li720\sl240\slmult0\b0 Loading geosets\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Loading Layers with a tab file\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Adding a Layer Dataset\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Loading self-registering raster layers without a tab file\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Exporting a Map to a .bmp file\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Map zooming and positioning tools\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Selection Tools\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Object Editing Tools\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Creating a custom tool (Info Tool)\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Creating and modifying thematics\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Use of the stock mapx dialogs\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Simple use of the Find object\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Buffering\par \pard\sl240\slmult0\tab\par \b MapX Features NOT demonstrated\par \pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-360\li720\sl240\slmult0\b0 Adding an ADO or SafeArray dataset\par \pard\sl240\slmult0\b\par MapX Objects demonstrated\par \pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-360\li720\sl240\slmult0\b0 Map\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}FeatureFactory\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Layers\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Layer\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}LayerInfo\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Find\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Features\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Feature\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Selection\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Datasets\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Dataset\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}RowValues\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}RowValue\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Themes\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Theme\par \pard\sl240\slmult0\tab\par \par \b MapX Events Demonstrated\par \pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-360\li720\sl240\slmult0\b0 Tool Used\par {\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}ThemeModifyRequested\par \pard\sl240\slmult0\f2\par \par \b\f1\fs24 Installation\b0\f2\fs20\par \pard\f1 Just copy the compiled MapxMobileViewer.exe file to anywhere on your pocketpc (or emulator) and click on it to run it. Make sure that you have installed mapx mobile to the pocketpc. If you are using the emulator be sure to follow the instructions for setting up mapx mobile to run under the emulator. You will also need at least one tab file copied to the \\my documents\\maps folder for you to view/edit.\par \par \cf0\b\f0\fs24 Instructions for using MapXMobileViewer\par \b0\fs20 To open a map file for viewing, you can bring up the file open dialog in two ways:\par \par \tab From the "Map->Open Table" menu item, from the "Open" button on the toolbar. \par \par Note that you can choose which folder to list the mapinfo tables from. By default, tables in all folders in the my documents folder are listed. Also note that if you have a storage card, tables in the my documents folder there are also listed.\par Also, you can list tab files only or geosets only by changing the 'type' drop down list.\par \par Finally, the "Add.." button in the Layer Control dialog also lets you open tables, but not geosets.\par \par \b Object Editing Tips\b0\par The "Map->Create Scratch Layer" menu item creates a temporary layer as the topmost layer in the map, and sets it as the insertion layer. This is useful for experimenting with the editing tools such as the Add Point Tool, Add Polygon Tool, etc.\par \par You can change the Insertion layer to any layer in the map with the "Editing->Insertion Layer" menu item.\par \par The "Editing->New Object Styles" brings up a style picker to choose the style of new objects added with the Add tools. Note that the style picker displayed depends on the current tool chosen. For example if the current tool is the Add Line Tool, then the Line Style picker will be displayed. All new lines added will then have the new style.\par \par To change the style of an existing object or objects, first select the object(s) using one of the select tools, and then choose "Editing->Set Style"\par \par \b Other tips on using the sample:\par \b0 The "Editing->Delete" menu item is the same as pressing the delete key on the soft input panel keyboard.\par \par The "View->Find" method demonstrates using MapX in a dialog. It copies the layers from the main map into the map in the dialog. You can then search for an item in the layer using the first string field in the layer.\par \par The info tool displays all objects under where the user clicked. You can edit the attributes by clicking on the field and then changing the value.\par \b\par }


