
上传日期:2009-03-06 19:39:52
上 传 者黄果树
说明:  本资料为基于单片机89C55+LCD12864的万年历,里面包含完整的KEIL C程序和PROTEUS仿真电路图,还有完整的设计资料。本设计最大的创新点就是实现字幕的动态显示。主要功能有: 1. 年月日时分秒的显示,农历日期显示; 2. 生肖,节日显示; 3. 闹钟时间显示,温度显示; 4. 动态显示制作说明“制作:黄果树”。
(This information is based on single-chip microcomputer 89C55+ LCD12864 the calendar, which contains a complete KEIL C procedures and PROTEUS simulation circuit, there is a complete design information. The biggest innovation of this design point is that the implementation of dynamic display subtitles. Main functions are: 1. Years when every minute of the day showed that the Lunar date 2. Lunar New Year, holiday display 3. Clock time display, temperature display 4. Dynamic display production that " the production of: Huangguoshu." )

万年历\12864.h (4891, 2008-09-11)
万年历\1302.h (4067, 2008-09-11)
万年历\ds18b20.h (1521, 2008-09-11)
万年历\gton.h (9126, 2008-10-26)
万年历\key.c (904, 2008-09-10)
万年历\key.h (163, 2008-09-10)
万年历\key.LST (3173, 2008-10-26)
万年历\key.OBJ (2467, 2008-10-26)
万年历\Last Loaded wannianli.DBK (95706, 2008-09-10)
万年历\main.c (23739, 2008-10-26)
万年历\main.LST (71232, 2008-10-26)
万年历\main.OBJ (101564, 2008-10-26)
万年历\new (80723, 2008-10-26)
万年历\new.hex (51381, 2008-10-26)
万年历\new.lnp (67, 2008-10-26)
万年历\new.M51 (85668, 2008-10-26)
万年历\new.Opt (3036, 2008-11-08)
万年历\new.plg (158, 2008-11-08)
万年历\new.Uv2 (2197, 2008-10-22)
万年历\new_Opt.Bak (3033, 2008-10-28)
万年历\new_Uv2.Bak (2197, 2008-09-10)
万年历\STARTUP.A51 (6376, 2008-10-26)
万年历\STARTUP.LST (10704, 2008-10-26)
万年历\STARTUP.OBJ (750, 2008-10-26)
万年历\wannianli.DSN (95706, 2008-09-10)
万年历\wannianli.PWI (1817, 2008-11-12)
万年历\zifu.h (35197, 2008-10-26)
万年历\设计资料\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (32256, 2008-10-25)
万年历\设计资料\求星期几.txt (232, 2008-09-10)
万年历\设计资料\节日.txt (571, 2008-08-31)
万年历\设计资料\节日.xls (14848, 2008-08-31)
万年历\截图\1.jpg (169349, 2008-10-25)
万年历\截图\11.jpg (37543, 2008-10-26)
万年历\截图\2.jpg (48288, 2008-10-25)
万年历\截图\222.jpg (39126, 2008-10-26)
万年历\截图\3.jpg (52054, 2008-10-25)
万年历\截图\4.jpg (38526, 2008-10-25)
万年历\截图\5.jpg (185322, 2008-10-25)
万年历\截图\Thumbs.db (35840, 2009-03-06)
万年历\截图\新建 文本文档.txt (1422, 2008-10-25)
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