
上传日期:2009-03-10 12:58:40
上 传 者qcgxlg
说明:  本程序适合新手入门学习用,偶也是一个新手,愿意和大家一同学习交流, 最近也比较忙,大家从程序中就能看出来,程序修改时间是很久前的, 因为最近正在学习模版技术,所以这个现在自己都感觉很头痛,不想改了
(This procedure suitable beginners Learn to use, even a novice, and everyone is willing to communicate with study, the recent relatively busy, everyone from the program will be able to look out, procedures to amend the time a very long time ago, because a recent study template is technology, so This now feels himself a big headache, do not want to change the)

index.php (5905, 2006-09-21)
input.php (825, 2006-09-14)
login.php (1264, 2006-09-06)
logout.php (362, 2006-09-06)
mfy_disp.php (2363, 2006-09-06)
modify.php (445, 2006-09-06)
write.php (2555, 2006-09-14)
images\count\0.gif (56, 2006-08-29)
images\count\0_9.png (22762, 2006-08-29)
images\count\1.gif (54, 2006-08-29)
images\count\2.gif (62, 2006-08-29)
images\count\3.gif (54, 2006-08-29)
images\count\4.gif (89, 2006-08-29)
images\count\5.gif (83, 2006-08-29)
images\count\6.gif (86, 2006-08-29)
images\count\7.gif (81, 2006-08-29)
images\count\8.gif (56, 2006-08-29)
images\count\9.gif (82, 2006-08-29)
images\count (0, 2006-09-06)
images\head\01.gif (5750, 2002-05-04)
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images\head\18.gif (5851, 2002-05-04)
images\head\19.gif (6371, 2002-05-04)
images\head\20.gif (5219, 2002-05-04)
... ...

<<好客同学录>> 这是我第一个处女作, 很简单的,写的也不好, 里面只有些最基本的功能, 高手一看就明白了,,, 高手们请勿见笑,,,,,, 本程序适合新手入门学习用,偶也是一个新手,愿意和大家一同学习交流, 最近也比较忙,大家从程序中就能看出来,程序修改时间是很久前的, 因为最近正在学习模版技术,所以这个现在自己都感觉很头痛,不想改了,, 有兴趣的新手可以看看,,高手就不要看了,,太烂了,,,,唉... 我在备份数据库时出了问题,前段时间因为升级MySql5,没有注意到语言, 在数据库中数据大部分成乱码了,现在乱码问题已解决,但以前用的数据库的数据 仍存在乱码,所以,,,在此把数据库中的的表,字段简单的说下..... 数据库:class 表:cmate 字段: CREATE TABLE `cmate` ( `id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(8) character set gb2312 NOT NULL, `sex` char(2) character set gb2312 default NULL, `birthday` date NOT NULL, `phone` varchar(16) character set gb2312 default NULL, `email` varchar(30) character set gb2312 NOT NULL, `qq` varchar(10) character set gb2312 default NULL, `address` varchar(30) character set gb2312 default NULL, `note` varchar(200) character set gb2312 NOT NULL, `ip` varchar(15) character set gb2312 NOT NULL, `photo` varchar(50) character set gb2312 NOT NULL, `datetime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=220 DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312 AUTO_INCREMENT=220 ; 表:counter 字段: CREATE TABLE `counter` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `username` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '', `userpass` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '', `banned` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `userlevel` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', `counter` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312 AUTO_INCREMENT=6 ; INSERT INTO `counter` VALUES (4, 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', 0, 1, '95'); INSERT INTO `counter` VALUES (5, 'fyp', '6d3bb4865e3fcb97ad0cc6a4a89bdb06', 0, 0, '95'); 表:user 字段: CREATE TABLE `user` ( `id` smallint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment, `username` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '', `password` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '', `enable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `last_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312 AUTO_INCREMENT=3 ; 好了,简单的就说到这里吧.. 我很乐意和大家交朋友,留下我的联系方式吧: 邮箱&MSN:fyp832003@yahoo.com.cn(MSN最近不知道出了什么问题上不了.郁闷,前段时间搞好,现在又出来了..) QQ:353882806(因公司网络太垃圾,很少上线) Skype:fancy8306(国际化的网络联系工具,与QQ一样效果) 加我时请注明:好客同学录 (平时不加人的,给大家带来不便请见谅)


