
上传日期:2009-03-12 20:14:31
上 传 者hyg001
说明:  采用有限容积法、非正交结构化网格(H型、O型及C型)求解REYNOLDS时均方程的程序
(Finite volume method, non-orthogonal structured grid (H-type, O type and C type) to solve both equations REYNOLDS procedures)

2dgt\bound.ing (516, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\circl.ing (168, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\bfstep.cin (3147, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\bfstep.gin (553, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\bfstep.pin (402, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\chanel.cin (7549, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\chanel.gin (1088, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\chanel.pin (403, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\cylstd.cin (7953, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\cylstd.gin (1545, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\cylstd.pin (393, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\damdif.cin (7960, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\damdif.gin (1100, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\damdif.pin (404, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\foil00.cin (7706, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\foil00.gin (2584, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\foil00.pin (393, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\kanall.cin (4559, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\kanall.gin (606, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples\kanall.pin (402, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\examples (0, 2007-07-11)
2dgt\grid.f (56452, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\grid.ing (181, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\indexg.ing (161, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\bound.inc (604, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\caffa.f (66685, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\charac.inc (132, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\coef.inc (114, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\geo.inc (108, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\grad.inc (101, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\indexc.inc (271, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\logic.inc (241, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\model.inc (296, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\param.inc (240, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\rcont.inc (270, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\user.f (7628, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\var.inc (118, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps\varold.inc (116, 2000-11-23)
2dgt\keps (0, 2007-07-11)
2dgt\komega\bound.inc (604, 2000-11-23)
... ...

CODES FOR RANSE =============== This directory contains two versions of the CAFFA-code which include turbulence models for high-Reynolds-number flows. One version includes the standard k-epsilon model with wall functions; the corresponding files are in the sub-directory "keps". The other version includes the k-omega model of Wilcox; the files are in the sub-directory "komega". The codes are otherwise very similar to the laminar version, which is now in the directory "2dgl"; both models were implemented by Martin Schmid, PhD student at the Institute of Shipbuilding in Hamburg. See the readme-file in the directory "2dgl" for more information on code structure and how to run it. The extensions are described through comments in the code; otherwise see Chap. 9 for a description of the k-epsilon model (or the original references cited therein) and the literature listed in the "readme"-file in the sub-directory "komega" for the k-omega model. In the sub-directory "examples" there are input files for some of the test cases already used for laminar flow computations. I have tested the "channel", "damdif", and "bfstep", but I can not guarantee that the codes are bug-free, since it is not easy to test codes with turbulence models. In the case of laminar flows, there is a number of test cases with very accurate solutions, so we know exactly what we must get. With turbulence models, we may get similar results to someone else's in one or two test cases and still have a bug in the code... We shall keep testing these codes and I'll appreciate any reports on problems experienced by other users. The parameters used in the input files for the test cases listed above are those I suggest for general applications. They have not been optimized in any sense and are rather conservative; the user may achieve a substantial improvement of convergence rates by playing with the under-relaxation factors, but note that these are problem-dependent. In general, if the grid is orthogonal, one can use higher values of under-relaxation parameters for U, V, K, etc. (but use always 0.1 to 0.2 for pressure). Also, central differencing will not work in general for k, eps equations due to strong peaks; here one would need a local blending with UDS to avoid oscillations. This is a well-known technique which I have been too lazy to implement (only the global blending with a fixed blending factor is implemented). See papers from aero-experts using TVD, MUSCLE, ENO and other bounded schemes; also a number of Leonard's papers on this topic (e.g. in Advances in Numerical Heat Transfer, pp. 1-57, W.J. Minkowycz and E.M. Sparrow, Eds., Taylor and Francis, New York, 1997). Questions specific to the implementation of the models may be directed either to me or to Martin Schmid; Email addresses are listed at the beginning of the code.


