
上传日期:2009-03-25 11:04:07
上 传 者arundileep
说明:   A Perl-based statistics management system designed for academic competition tournaments. These tournaments, which are called "College Bowl," "quiz bowl," and a variety of other names, involve teams playing against each other in either timed or untime The latest file releases

livestat-1.2 (0, 2002-06-14)
livestat-1.2\CHANGES (782, 2002-06-14)
livestat-1.2\TODO (92, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\COPYING (18009, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (4112, 2002-06-06)
livestat-1.2\gen (288, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (8180, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\layout.css (3113, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (2622, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (1757, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (8056, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\sample (0, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\sample\global.cfg (231, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\sample\scores (146, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\sample\indstats (1838, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (1190, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (6958, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (9281, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\ (1898, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\common.head (277, 2002-06-05)
livestat-1.2\common.foot (633, 2002-06-05)

Livestat 1.2 released June 14, 2002 by Jason Weill WELCOME Thank you for choosing Livestat, the newest choice in academic competition statistics collection. This document explains how to get set up and running with your first Livestat enabled tournament. WHAT IS LIVESTAT? Livestat is a collection of Perl scripts which are used to track individual and team statistics for academic competition (also known as quiz bowl, College Bowl, and various related names). WHAT CAN LIVESTAT DO? Livestat handles most standard tournaments in the academic competition world. It can handle timed and untimed tournaments, mid-round substitutions, power marks, and statistics by team, individual, and round. WHAT CAN'T LIVESTAT DO? Bracketing, bonus conversion, advanced statistics at various levels, detailed statistics per player, and enabling or disabling ties. More feature requests should be submitted to Livestat does not run on demand; it generates static pages when so requested, and publishes them for static serving. As such, no CGI, ASP, PHP, or other dynamic web content is currently used. WHAT IS PERL? Perl is a scripting language created by Larry Wall, and has been ported to many platforms. Most Linux and Mac OS X systems will have Perl pre-installed. On other operating systems, such as Windows 95, NT, and Mac OS Classic, you can download Perl runtime later. For Windows, I recommend ActivePerl ( For Mac OS Classic, you can use MacPerl ( Please note that Livestat has been tested on Red Hat Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows NT systems only. Although it contains no OS-specific calls, please note that at this phase extensive testing has not been completed. Current Perl users will need the modules Net::FTP, File::stat, and File::Find. Most installations include these. GETTING STARTED If you're still with me, congratulations -- it's now time to get down to business with Livestat. The first thing to do is examine all those .pl files that came with the distribution. These are Perl scripts. If you are on a Unix system, you will need to make them executable (chmod +x *.pl). Optionally, you can start each script by typing "perl" followed by the filename of the script (perl, for example). SCRIPT DESCRIPTION Creates a new tournament (parameter: tournament directory). Sets the active tournament (parameter: tournament directory). Enters a game for the tournament into the system. Generates a standings table based on overall results. Generates individual statistics for all players in one table. Generates round-by-round statistics. Generates a page of statistics for each team. Modifies statistics pages to stop them from automatically refreshing, and changes their titles to reflect the tournament being finished. Older files are backed up in the same directory. Publishes files by FTP. (You will need to modify this script.) To set up a new tournament, run '' with the directory name that you would like to use to store output and data files. If no such directory exists, it will be created. Enter only a relative path, such as "mytournament" instead of "/home/ju33/mytournament". It is strongly recommended that you use a different directory for each event. Livestat 1.2 adds the ability to customize the header and footer for HTML files generated. The page's header covers the start of the HTML file and everything up to but not including the body's header. Likewise, the footer should include everything to be rendered after the dynamically created page. The header and footer are stored in the files common.head and common.foot, respectively. The text "TITLEHERE" will be automatically replaced with the appropriate page title. It is not necessary to type the name of the tournament into either of these files, but you can include other navigation elements and style sheets. The sample style sheet "layout.css" includes several mappings for special styles used by the tables and other elements in generated tables. If you wish to maintain multiple tournaments concurrently, use '' to switch the active tournament. The currently active tournament is stored in the file "activetourney". If this file is modified or damaged, will restore it. takes one argument, the directory name where information is stored. For example, if you're running a tournament called 'alpha' and wish to switch to 'beta', run ' beta'. Once a tournament has been created, run '' to assign team and player scores. If a player was substituted in the half, you may state that he/she only heard 0.5 of the game (untimed tournaments) or a certain number of tossups (timed tournaments). These figures are used when computing statistics such as points per game. does not allow you to backtrack; if you make a mistake, see "Fixing Data Entry Mistakes" in the next section. Once a game has been recorded, you may generate a standings table (''), individual results (''), round-by-round statistics (''), and team-by-team statistics (''). None of these functions take any parameters. Once generated, the HTML files will be in the tournament directory, ready for upload to your FTP server. You will need to edit to put your own FTP server information in the spaces provided. Please note that storing your FTP password this way is insecure, so use at your own risk! A bash script 'gen' has been provided that generates and uploads all HTML files based on current data. Feel free to modify it as you see fit. FIXING DATA ENTRY MISTAKES It happens. You hit '0' at the wrong time, and now your data file is horribly disfigured. It's okay -- you can change the files at any time. Before modifying any data file, please back it up! Save files in text format only -- never in a binary format such as Microsoft Word. All files are located in the tournament's directory. [yn] means that the option can be y (yes) or n (no) only. global.cfg name=Full Name of Tournament power=[yn] (Does this tournament use power toss-ups?) timed=[yn] (Is this a timed tournament?) # BEGIN TEAMS (do not delete or edit this line) teamtag=Name of Team anotherteam=Some Other Team ... finalteam=The Last Team # END TEAMS (do not delete or edit this line) scores This file is a comma-separated value file. Each line takes the format round_number,team_a,team_b,score_a,score_b where 'team_a' and 'team_b' are tags as defined in global.cfg. Many spreadsheet programs, including Microsoft Excel, can export and import CSV files such as this one. indstats This file is a comma-separated value file. Each line takes the format round_number,team_a,team_b,PlayerName,heard,pheard,power,tossup,neg5 where the parameters are as follows: round_number - the round of the match team_a, team_b - team tags as defined in global.cfg PlayerName - the player's name, which is case-sensitive. All characters excluding the comma are allowed. heard - the number of toss-ups read in the entire match (or '1' in an untimed tournament) pheard - the number of toss-ups heard by this player in this match (or, in an untimed tournament, the portion of this round heard by this player. If a player left at halftime, this would be 0.5, for example.) power - the number of power toss-ups by this player in this match. If power toss-ups are disabled in global.cfg, this will always be set to 0. tossup - the number of standard 10-point toss-ups by this player in this match. neg5 - the number of (-5)-point interrupts by this player in this match. WEB DESIGN FEATURES You may modify the .pl files which generate HTML. By default, Livestat depends on a file 'layout.css' which is one directory higher than the statistics files. You should upload this file separately to your web space in the main directory specified in Livestat is designed to take advantage of Cascading Style Sheets, but please note that not all web browsers fully and correctly support the CSS1 standard. More information on CSS is available from the World Wide Web Consortium ( By default, all Livestat pages have a meta refresh of 90 seconds. Since you will likely want to remove this refresh after the tournament has finished, run to modify all output files. Please remember to republish the files afterwards. EXTENDING LIVESTAT This program is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The entire text of the GNU GPL is provided in the enclosed file 'COPYING' for your convenience. In short, if you make any modifications or enhancements to Livestat, you are obligated to make your derivative works available under the GNU GPL as well. COPYRIGHT AND LEGAL INFORMATION Livestat is Copyright (C) 2001-02 Jason Weill. Inquiries about Livestat should be directed to, or via snail mail to: Jason Weill SMC 4949 P.O. Box 3015 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-3015 Livestat is in no way affiliated with Jupiter Media Metrix Site Measurement, which formerly was known as Livestat. Jupiter Media Metrix Site Measurement is a service which meters traffic on Internet sites. Thank you for using Livestat!


