开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-04-09 01:58:31
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说明:  可以用于穿越火线游戏,一个小东西,很简单的东西-D3D
(perspective, can be used to cross the Line of Fire Games, a small thing, very simple things)

D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\d3d8.cpp (521, 2005-06-10)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\d3d8.h (402, 2005-06-12)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\d3d8dev.cpp (18484, 2005-07-17)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\d3d8dev.h (9729, 2005-07-17)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\d3d8int.cpp (3283, 2005-06-10)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\d3d8int.h (1888, 2005-06-10)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\d3d8tex.cpp (2817, 2004-10-31)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\d3d8tex.h (1743, 2004-10-31)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\main.cpp (3002, 2005-06-12)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\main.h (284, 2004-09-29)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\old_workspace\TatniumD3D.dsp (4788, 2004-10-31)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\old_workspace\TatniumD3D.dsw (545, 2004-05-23)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\TatniumD3D.sln (909, 2005-06-10)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\TatniumD3D.suo (8192, 2005-07-17)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D8\TatniumD3D.vcproj (7747, 2005-06-10)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9.cpp (521, 2005-06-10)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9.h (382, 2005-06-12)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9dev.cpp (23240, 2005-07-17)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9dev.h (11548, 2005-07-17)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9int.cpp (3632, 2005-06-10)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9int.h (1977, 2005-06-10)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9tex.cpp (3200, 2004-10-31)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9tex.h (1824, 2004-10-31)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\main.cpp (3004, 2005-06-12)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\main.h (284, 2004-09-29)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\old_workspace\TatniumD3D.dsp (4788, 2004-10-31)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\old_workspace\TatniumD3D.dsw (545, 2004-05-23)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\TatniumD3D.sln (909, 2005-05-26)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\TatniumD3D.suo (9728, 2005-07-17)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\TatniumD3D.vcproj (7747, 2005-05-26)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9tex.dsp (3413, 2009-04-09)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\Debug\vc60.idb (33792, 2009-04-09)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\Debug\vc60.pdb (36864, 2009-04-09)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9tex.ncb (33792, 2009-04-09)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9tex.plg (1358, 2009-04-09)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9tex.opt (48640, 2009-04-09)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\D3D9\d3d9tex.dsw (522, 2009-04-09)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\Injector\forcelib\ForceLib.h (2854, 2002-01-25)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\Injector\forcelib\ForceLibrary.cpp (15840, 2002-06-02)
D3D_Starterkit_v3.0b\Injector\forcelib\TH32.cpp (1243, 2002-06-02)
... ...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue255;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs32 Direct3D Starterkit v3.0b\par \cf2\fs24 Created by: Matthew L (Azorbix)\par \fs20 Help From: Da_BuzZ, Tetsuo, LanceVorgin, P47R!CK, Hybrid, Dom1n1k, Crusader,\par \tab\tab Y0DA, OGC guys, RetarT, Mstr, VisPrfn, panzer, Sparten.\par \cf0\par \cf3 Prologue\cf0 :\par If you are reading this, it means you may or may not have an interest in Direct3D programming.\par What this "kit" helps with is to create an interface between a programming using D3D, and the \par actual D3D interface.\par \par \cf3 Bugfix:\par \cf4 - Fixed problem with SetTexture texture hook failing\par - Fixed problem where AddRef/Release call would prematurely release resources\par - Fixed problem with GetDirect3D thanks to Sparten\cf0\par \par \cf3 Updates from v2.5:\par \cf4 - Disabled need to have a specific detour size (Between DirectX9.0c and DirectX9.0b)\par - Fixed problems with injecting into some processes\par \cf0 - Removed thread detection routine in injector code\par - Added CD3DManager, this is used to manage textures for applications with MULTIPLE devices\par \par \cf3 Updates from v2.0:\par \cf4 - Modified both D3D8 and D3D9 hooks to support multiple interfaces / devices\par - Cleaned up some code\par - Make D3D8 and D3D9 hooks more symmetrical\par - Added QuickChecksum function as an alternative to slower CRC32 functions\par \tab (*not implemented in code though)\par - Changed default detour size to 5 to support installations of \b D3D9\cf0 c\b0\par \par \cf3 Requirements:\par \cf4 - Microsoft Visual C++ (6.0 or greater)\par - DirectX9 SDK Update summer 2003 (2004 version recommeneded)\par - DirectX9b or DirectX9c\cf0\par \par \cf3\f1 Directory Tree:\par \cf4\u9500?\u9472?\u9472?\u9472?D3D8\par \u9500?\u9472?\u9472?\u9472?D3D9\par \u9500?\u9472?\u9472?\u9472?Wrapper\par \u9492?\u9472?\u9472?\u9472?D3D8\par \u9492?\u9472?\u9472?\u9472?D3D9\par \u9492?\u9472?\u9472?\u9472?Injector\par \u9492?\u9472?\u9472?\u9472?forcelib\par \par \cf3 Starting Out:\cf4\par It is best to figure out what version of direct3D the target application is running, please note that\par this starter kit is only compatible with (D3D8 and D3D9) with DirectX9.0b or 9.0c installed.\par \par You must next compile your project (most compilers its ctrl+f5), if you have any compile\par errors please check you have the DirectX9 SDK installed properly onto your computer.\par \par Next you should compile the loader, please open up the Injector directory and start the project file.\par Where it says \b #define APP_EXE "target_application.exe" \b0 change program.exe to the executable name of the target application.\par \par Copy TatniumInjector.exe (from the Release directory) to the location of your newly created dll.\par Before you try running TatniumInjector.exe, make sure you change TatniumInjector.exe to the name of the dll you just created.\par \cf1 eg. \b Example\b0 .exe \ul and\ulnone \b Example\b0 .dll \i 'or' \b\i0 Fluffy\b0 .exe \ul and\ulnone \b Fluffy\b0 .dll\par \par \cf3 Making the hook a wrapper:\cf4\par There are many reasons why you would want a wrapper instead of a hook, the main one is that you do not need\par an injector. So here are some simple instructions to turn your D3Dx hook into a wrapper.\par 1) Backup anything you need backed up (which is a really good idea)\par 2) Copy contents from Wrapper\\D3D\b X\b0 into your projects folder, overwrite when it asks you do (make sure project is closed)\par 3) Reopen your project, add the file D3D\b X\b0 .def to your project\par 4) Recompile, you will get a warning \cf5 warning LNK4070: /OUT:d3d\b x\b0 .dll directive in .EXP differs from output filename\cf4 you can ignore that, all it says is make sure you rename your dll to d3d\b x\b0 .dll when you are done.\par 5) Put that dll into the same directory into the executable of the target application\cf1\par \par \pard\tx6660\cf3 Help:\cf4\par If you are having any problems, please register and post problems at \par \cf6 http://forum.game-deception.com\cf4 , but before you post, make sure you use the \b SEARCH BUTTON\b0 to see if someone has posted an issue identical\par to yours already.\cf6\par \pard\cf0\b\par }


