
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-04-09 19:47:45
上 传 者yibeier
说明:  本程序通过一个简单的例子,提供一个扩展资源管理器的框架,通过这个框架,从而实现资源管理器、我的电脑以及标准文件浏览框的鼠标右击功能,借助于右击菜单实现文件打印。
(This procedure adopted by a simple example to provide a resource manager to expand the framework, the adoption of this framework in order to achieve Explorer, My Computer, as well as the standard file browser box of the mouse right-click function, through the use of right-click the file menu to print.)

contextMenu\Canceldlg.cpp (4167, 2000-08-23)
contextMenu\Canceldlg.h (1955, 2000-08-22)
contextMenu\CtxMenu.aps (45104, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\Ctxmenu.clw (1080, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\Ctxmenu.cpp (3371, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\Ctxmenu.def (450, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\CtxMenu.dsp (6757, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\CTXMENU.DSW (537, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\CTXMENU.H (1798, 2000-08-22)
contextMenu\Ctxmenu.ncb (82944, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\Ctxmenu.opt (54784, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\CTXMENU.PLG (1809, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\CtxMenu.rc (6265, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\Fileprocess.cpp (3109, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\Fileprocess.h (130, 1999-07-13)
contextMenu\MENU_BMP.BMP (370, 2000-08-22)
contextMenu\PRIV.H (270, 1999-07-08)
contextMenu\RESOURCE.H (1312, 2000-08-22)
contextMenu\Shellctxmenu.cpp (8830, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\Shellext.cpp (8315, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\SHELLEXT.H (2721, 1999-07-13)
contextMenu\Shellextreg.cpp (7536, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\Shutils.cpp (5010, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\SHUTILS.H (1763, 2000-08-23)
contextMenu\STDAFX.CPP (205, 1999-07-13)
contextMenu\STDAFX.H (1426, 1999-07-13)
contextMenu\Threadstruct.h (614, 2000-08-27)
contextMenu\RES\ANI_2.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\ANI_3.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\ANI_4.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\ANI_5.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\ANI_6.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\ANI_7.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\ANI_8.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\ANI_9.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\CTXMENU.RC2 (399, 1999-07-13)
contextMenu\RES\ICO00001.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\RES\ICON1.ICO (766, 2000-08-19)
contextMenu\Release\CtxMenu.dll (45056, 2000-08-27)
... ...

SHUtils.cpp - Contains some handy utility functions. SHUtils.h - Defines our thread-safe data functions, the context menu name and some other macros. You should only have to change SHELLEXNAME. AboutDlg.ccp/.h - The application's about dialog - customize as you wish. CancelDlg.cpp/.h - The progress dialog - the basic implementation should be O.K., but customize as you wish. Change the animation and logo icons. ThreadStruct.h - Contains the definition of ThreadInfo. This is the structure used to pass data from the UI thread to the worker thread. Add members as you wish. Priv.h - Some OLE-specific include stuff Notes ----- Folder-only extensions ---------------------- If you want to be able to handle only folders in your context menu extension, you will need to make this change. In RegisterFileMenu and UnregisterFileMenu, you will need to change the line REGSTRUCT OtherShExEntries[] = { HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("*\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\"SHELLEXNAME), NULL, TEXT("%s"), to REGSTRUCT OtherShExEntries[] = { // this is for folders... HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("Folder\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\"SHELLEXNAME), NULL, TEXT("%s"), Server Registration ------------------- If you release a shell extension, you will have to insure that the installer registers the DLL. Most installer packages have options to do this.


