
上传日期:2009-04-10 19:06:39
上 传 者zhimingpeng
说明:  SVDD的工具箱,可以很好的处理一类分类问题,详见Support Vector Data Description一文
(SVDD tools,can be used to process one class classification problem,for more details ,we refer to "Support Vector Data Description")

dd_tools (0, 2008-06-03)
dd_tools\CVS (0, 2008-06-03)
dd_tools\CVS\Repository (9, 2004-01-09)
dd_tools\CVS\Entries (5915, 2008-06-03)
dd_tools\CVS\Root (52, 2004-03-05)
dd_tools\private (0, 2005-12-27)
dd_tools\private\CVS (0, 2005-12-27)
dd_tools\private\CVS\Repository (17, 2004-01-09)
dd_tools\private\CVS\Entries (389, 2005-12-27)
dd_tools\private\CVS\Root (52, 2004-03-05)
dd_tools\private\m_paths.m (1031, 2005-12-27)
dd_tools\private\dd_mem.m (747, 2002-09-27)
dd_tools\private\dijk.m (2761, 2005-12-27)
dd_tools\private\mykcentres.m (1535, 2002-04-18)
dd_tools\private\mst.m (3174, 2005-12-27)
dd_tools\private\myparzen.m (656, 2002-09-27)
dd_tools\private\mytrainlm.m (9004, 2002-04-18)
dd_tools\private\p_map.m (2208, 2002-09-27)
dd_tools\private\pd_check.m (573, 2002-04-18)
dd_tools\checkprversion.m (918, 2007-03-06)
dd_tools\Contents.m (6662, 2008-06-03)
dd_tools\Wadd.m (10201, 2007-04-13)
dd_tools\Wstartup.m (2814, 2006-08-11)
dd_tools\askerplot.m (1992, 2005-12-27)
dd_tools\autoenc_dd.m (2125, 2005-01-25)
dd_tools\ball_dd.m (2996, 2006-04-19)
dd_tools\center.m (728, 2004-11-16)
dd_tools\change_R.m (1404, 2006-09-01)
dd_tools\dd_loglikelihood.m (1788, 2006-04-19)
dd_tools\consistent_occ.m (3105, 2006-04-19)
dd_tools\dd_aic.m (1546, 2004-11-16)
dd_tools\dd_auc.m (3630, 2006-04-19)
dd_tools\dd_auc2.m (2770, 2006-04-19)
dd_tools\dd_crossval.m (3316, 2007-08-14)
dd_tools\dd_delta_aic.m (1535, 2004-11-16)
dd_tools\dd_error.m (2242, 2007-10-19)
dd_tools\dd_ex1.m (1639, 2005-05-04)
dd_tools\dd_ex2.m (1152, 2007-07-19)
dd_tools\dd_ex3.m (2193, 2004-11-16)
... ...

Data Description Matlab toolbox. (version 1.6.2) This toolbox is an add-on to the PRTools toolbox. The toolbox contains algorithms to train, investigate, visualize and evaluate one-class classifiers (or data descriptions, novelty descriptors, outlier detectors). Some experience with the PRTools toolbox is recommended. This toolbox is developed as a research tool so no guarantees can be given. - Requirements: In order to make this toolbox work, you need: 0. A computer and some enthusiasm 1. Matlab with the - optimization toolbox (for svdd and lpdd) - statistics toolbox (for randsph) and - neural network toolbox (for autoenc_dd) 2. PRTools 4.0.0 or higher 3. This toolbox. - Installation: The installation of the toolbox is almost trivial. Unzip the file, store the contents in a directory (name it for instance DD_TOOLS) and add this directory to your matlab path. - Information and example code: For the most basic information, type help DD_TOOLS (use the directory name where the toolbox is stored). Some simple (and some not so simple!) one-class examples are given in dd_ex1 till dd_ex11. For more background information, please have a look at the pdf file included in the directory. Some examples of the operation of the procedures in the toolbox are given on the web-pages: http://www-ict.ewi.tudelft.nl/~davidt/dd_tools.html * Notes on version 1.6.2 - More foolproof plotroc-version, allowing multiple plots on top of each other (but with just a single operating point) - Unclear help in dd_error is fixed - Adapted oc_set to work with the datafiles in prtools4.1 - Fixed a small scaling bug in multic.m * Notes on version 1.6.1 - In the new Matlab (7.3) it is not allowed to do W.w = W; Fixed it in multic.m - Nicer warning messages in mogEMextend.m and mogEMupdate.m - Better checking if things are datasets or not (using isdataset(), instead of using isa(,'dataset')) - Defined the class priors in the datasets that are generated by dd_crossval, to avoid too many pointless warnings. * Notes on version 1.6.0 - Significantly improved and extended the multic.m to add the possibility for extending the classifier with a new/unseen class. Also added an example to show its use: dd_ex11.m - Improved the auclpm by adding some more possibilities for subsampling constraints, and by adding the new LP optimizer - Removed two bugs from optim_auc, and one from scale_range (Thanks to Anthony Brew!) - Removed a serious bug in gendatoutg.m, where dR was not used at all! - Remove a small checking bug in dknndd. - Put all the input arguments in the empty mapping in gauss_dd, som_dd, dlpdd, - Allow for data subsampling in myproxm.m * Notes on version 1.5.7 - Finally added the removal of an object from the incremental SVDD. Also a separate function for storing the structure W to a mapping is introduced, and an example file (dd_ex10.m) - Added nndist_range to easily compute the average nearest neighbor distance in a dataset - Extended myproxm to include the computation of the kernel with a subsampled version of the training data (randomly selected prototypes) - Tried to improve the help a bit (never ending story) * Notes on version 1.5.6 - Added the svddpath.m and svddpath_opt.m that optimizes the SVDD by moving over the whole regularization path C (or lambda). It is not suitable for data with outliers... - Change incsvdd such that it also outputs the distance to the sphere center - Introduce variable C for different objects to weigh objects in the SVDD - Greatly improved the speed of the dd_error by avoiding the call to renumlab. * Notes on version 1.5.5 - Added the extended version of the lpball_dd - Added the AUC linear optimizer auclpm.m. - Added the rankboostm.m * Notes on version 1.5.4 - Due to changes in prtools, I had to change make_outliers.m - Added the possibility to incsvdd to add other Matlab files that define kernel functions. Furthermore, again some strange starting conditions have been taken care of. - Fixed bugs in rob_gauss_dd * Notes on version 1.5.3 - Added the equal error rate - Updated version of mst_dd by Piotr. * Notes on version 1.5.2 - Added the stump_dd, that thresholds just the first feature - Small bugfixes * Notes on version 1.5.1 - Tiny bug in oc_set for the case of selecting several classes * Notes on version 1.5.0 - Changed the way in which the warnings are made: use the Matlab warning identifiers - Added the cost curve, a derivative curve from the ROC curve. The curve is created using dd_costc, and can be plotted using plotcostc.m. - The functionality of plotroc and plotcosts is extended. - Take care for zero-variance features in ball_dd. - Remove the C-variable from ball_dd, because it was (almost) pointless - Added the multic, that combines one-class classifiers into one multi-class classifier - Removed a sneaky bug in oc_set; oc_set(x,'outlier') works now correctly when one-class dataset x does not contain outliers - Made the simpleroc.m a bit more beautiful and consistent. * Notes on version 1.4.1 - Removed a *stupid* typo in the definition of an empty mapping * Notes on version 1.4.0 - Changed the storage of the classifiers that are using normal distributions. Instead of the covariance matrix, the inverse of the covariance matrix is stored, making the repeated inverse computation in the application of the mapping unnecessary - Added the Minimum spanning tree data description by Piotr Juszczak and a plotting function to show the tree on screen. - Made an improved EM procedure for training the mixture of Gaussians. It is not only possible to train with example outliers, it is now also possible to extend the number of clusters for a trained mixture. Here also the inverse covariance matrix is stored. It is also possible to change the threshold for a trained mapping. - In the function dd_roc the special case that two (or more) objects are on exactly the same place, is covered - New plot (without a good name, so I called it askerplot for historical reasons) - Fixed the wrong output threshold vector that was provided by simpleroc.m - Fixed a bug in dd_setfn.m, the threshold should be fitted on the target data, not on all the data - Small bug fixes and minor features added (for instance, output the mean and radius from the function gendatout.m, or return the optimal parameter in consistent_occ) * Notes on version 1.3.0 - Introduced optim_auc to automatically update hyperparameters by optimizing AUC - Added the Naive Bayes data description - Added the Minimax probability machine data description. - Added a L_p Ball data description - Changed the simpleroc, such that objects with identical output values do not cause the ROC to change when the dataset is randomized in ordering. It still results in an suspicious ROC curve, but I added a warning - Made the change_R more robust against overflow (thanks to Mauro Del Rio) - removed a bug in som_dd, concerning the input arguments that were not set correctly - removed a bug from mykmeans, where the average over one object should be avoided, grrrr - removed a bug from consistent_occ, where the loop over k was not stopped on time - minor tweakings concerning speed, pointless (and not so pointless) warnings, help and tiny bugs * Notes on version 1.2.0 - Removed a stupid typo in ksvdd - Made the function setthres.m actually useful (after quite some requests), replaced by dd_setfn.m - made an extra check in isocc - Made a significant change and improvement in the plotroc function. It is now possible to dynamically change the operating point of a one-class classifier. For this, also an example script is supplied. - Removed the 'oldplot' option in plotroc, due to very unclear spagetti code and potential disastrous bugs - Improved the dd_crossval to take class priors into account. - Added an ex_dd9 to show dd_crossval - Added a variant of the ROC plot, the askerplot. * Notes on version 1.1.2 - Optimized the simpleroc.m significantly. - Added the normalization of the classifier output to something like probabilities - Removed some very very small bug from incsvdd. - Make preparations for OCC normalisation by introducing featdom ranges. - Some bugfixes - Improved the output of the outmog_dd: use Bayes rule to find the posteriors. - Made the find_target work also on just labels. - Fixes a very rare situation in oc_set when just outlier data is available * Notes on version 1.1.1 - Changed dd_crossval to take the class information into account. - Added the feature in incsvdd that the kernel-type and kernel-parameter can be exchanged (to make incsvdd compatible wich consistent_occ). - Removed some superfluous blanks in the display of oc_set. - Tiny improvement in the incsvdd * Notes on version 1.1.0 - Change in the revision numbering. I'm going more in the Linux kernel numbering, but we will see if I can stay consistent;-) - Added the gendatouts.m - Added the gendatoutg.m - Split nndd.m into dnndd.m and nndd.m - Split kcenter_dd.m into dkcenter_dd.m and kcenter_dd.m, and simplified the individual classifiers - Added the dknndd.m (now knndd.m is actually *not* a wrapper for dknndd.m) - Changed the gauss_dd such it stores the inverted cov. matrix instead of the original cov. matrix. Saves double work. - scale_range.m now is back to a linear distribution over the distances instead of logarithmic. It looks better that way. - Changed oc_set to be able to handle several classes that become target class. - Added the outmog_dd.m, which makes it possible to train a Mixture of Gaussians using outlier objects during training. * Notes on version 1.12: - Changed the implementation of the dd_auc such that the AUC over a restricted domain is more interpretable when you consider a 'standard'/'traditional' ROC curve. - Added the incremental SVDD for very large datasets, for user defined kernels or for the case that not good QP optimizer is present. I consider this still a bit experimental, but it actually works pretty well! - Added the Mixture of Gaussians which can also model outlier data (using both an almost uniform outlier class combined with normal Gaussian clusters). - Make dlpdd work on non-square distance matrices (by Ela Pekalska). - Removed a bug in the dd_roc_old (thanks to Piotr Juczscak). - Removed a bug in dlpdd (thanks to Elzbieta Pekalska). * Notes on version 1.11: - Changed some implementation of newsvdd such that it uses the standard optimizer. - Plotsom is now standard in Prtools, so removed from the Contents.m - Included an index in the manual. * Notes on version 1.10: - Significantly rewrote and rearranged oc_set.m and target_class.m - Changed dd_error.m and dd_roc.m to mimic testc.m Also included the computation of the precision and recall. - Completely rewrote the ROC computation. Large amounts of complexity are just removed (and thus also some features, I'm sorry). - Support the selection of hyperparameters using the consistency criterion. - Added the robustified Gaussian (rob_gauss_dd) and the minimum covariance determinant Gaussian (mcd_gauss_dd). - Removed a bad, bad, bad bug from gausspdf.m. - Made all the Gaussian methods use mahaldist.m for their evaluation. - Completely rewrote the SVDD. The confusing parameters fracrej and fracerr are removed, and all the quadratic optimizers (libsvm, qld, quadprog) are integrated. - Added the SVDD using general kernel definitions: ksvdd.m (although it has a very annoying feature that you have to supply the values for K(z,z) during the evaluation of object z, when you just supply the kernel matrix: have a look at the help) - Rewrote the LPDD in terms of DLPDD, MYPROXM and DISSIM. - Implemented the SOM now nicely and removed the most obvious bugs. - Added the dd_crossval. - Added the dd_f1, for the computation of the f1-score. * Notes on version 1.01: - Changed the order of the mtimes: so w*a is replaced by a*w - Removed a bug in the creation of a one-class dataset from a more-than-two class dataset in oc_set.m * Notes on version 1.00: - There is a *significant* change from updating from prtools3 to prtools4 (prtools3.2.2 or higher). The definitions of the objects 'dataset' and 'mapping' have been upgraded. This requires the rewriting of almost all code! It can therefore happen that new results are not identical to results obtained by previous versions of the tools (but they should not be very large). - dd_error is totally rewritten - names of is_ocset and is_occ are renamed to isocset and isocc to be more consistent with the rest of matlab and prtools - som_dd is added. * Notes on version 0.99: - introduced dissim.m * Notes on version 0.95: - added a bit of help to each of the m-files. - programmed my own very basic kmeans clustering, because I needed it also for other things. Therefore added mykmeans.m - added plotroc.m to plot the classical ROC curve - made an extra check in dd_roc to see where the outputs of the target class is stored (for my OCC's it is always in the first column, but for general PRTools classifiers this does not have to be the case). Now dd_roc should work for all prtools classifiers (trained on data with 'target' and 'outlier' labels of course). - dd_fp.m added: compute the error on the outliers (fraction false positive) of a trained classifier for a given error on the target class (fraction false negative). - made my own version of proxm.m (myproxm.m) which uses the lpdistm.m. It is used in kwhiten.m. - removed some horrible bug in lpdd! (one bloody minus sig...) - another horrible bug from kwhiten, in the case a fixed dimensionality was requested... Furthermore, in case of a fraction of retained variance was requested, the threshold is now set such that *at least* this fraction is retained (could be higher also). - corrected the nu parameter in svdd and newsvdd in cases when example outliers are used in training. Note that it cannot be done completely correctly in newsvdd, because there just one single nu parameter is allowed for all data. - included in plotg.m the possibility to just plot the decision boundary. * Notes on version 0.9: ! in the early versions of the svdd, the support vectors were classified as outliers. Now they are forced to be target objects. This will therefore change the classification results! - added gendatout: generation of spherically distributed outlier objects - changed the place in which distm(a) was computed in the original version of svdd. In previous versions, it was done over and over again in f_svs, but now it is moved to the main svdd.m - removed a bug in range_svdd, where the sqrt of the D has to be taken for the range of sigma. - fixed a bug in dd_roc. Now it is possible to supply 1D datasets for computing the roc curve. - fixed an error in the help of dd_auc - added the function relabel - replaced all explicit references of the function name by 'mfilename' in all one-class classifiers - added the random_dd, which randomly assigns labels - added lpdd.m, the linear programming data description. It works on distances, and therefore I also had to add: ddistm.m and lpdistm.m - added kwhiten.m, normalization to unit variance in the kernel space. For that also center.m was needed.


