
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-04-11 22:04:01
上 传 者zyp2008
说明:  SURF算法是继SIFT算法后的又一图像不变特征检测算法,除了具有SIFT算法稳定高效的特点外,还极大的降低了SIFT算法复杂度,大大提高了特征检测和匹配的实时性。这里上传的SURF算法的实现源代码
(An interest point detection scheme is presented that is comparable in quality to existing methods, but can be performed much faster. The detection is based on a straightforward color analysis at a coarse granularity.Testing confirms that this detection scheme is much faster than the state-of-the-art. It is also repeatable, even under different viewing conditions. The detector is robust with respect to changes in viewpoint, lighting, zoom, and to a certain extent, rotation.)

surf\SURF Speeded Up Robust Features.pdf (723370, 2008-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\CHANGES (1314, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\fasthessian.h (3028, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\image.h (2805, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\imload.cpp (2966, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\imload.h (1248, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\ipoint.h (1650, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\libSurf.a (310376, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\ (269068, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\LICENSE (832, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\main.cpp (9860, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\Makefile (1151, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\match.cpp (7323, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\os_mapping.cpp (1627, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\os_mapping.h (1512, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\ (531142, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\surf.h (2866, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\surf.ln (3764310, 2006-12-20)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9\surflib.h (4551, 2006-12-20)
surf\surf.pdf (2592902, 2008-12-21)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9\SURF-V1.0.9 (0, 2008-12-30)
surf\SURF-V1.0.9 (0, 2008-12-30)
surf (0, 2008-12-30)

Requirements ------------ The library has been compiled using g++, version 4.0.2, for usage on a machine Pentium 4 or better. To use the library in your program, you need to use the same compiler version. If you require the library to be compiled using another compiler, or another platform (such as Athlon XP), please contact us. Usage ----- Execute surf.ln without any argument in order to get more information concerning the usage and possible parameters. Use "make match.ln" to compile the matching demo application. Data Format ----------- The output format of SURF is as follows: (1 + length of descriptor) number of points x y a b c l des x y a b c l des ... x, y = position of interest point a, b, c = [a b; b c] entries of second moment matrix. SURF only has circular regions, hence b = 0; a = c -> radius = 1 / a^2 l = sign of laplacian (-1 or 1) des = descriptor vector itself Data Input Format ----------------- If only the SURF descriptor should be computed, the -p1 command can be used. As an argument, it takes a file of the following format: (dummy byte) number of points x y a b c x y a b c Where, as above, [a b; b c] forms the second moment matrix. Note that SURF uses circular regions. Hence, a = c and b = 0. Licensing conditions -------------------- This software is being made available for research purposes only. It is necessary to obtain a license (see LICENSE file) for commercial applications.


