上传日期:2009-04-23 19:20:24
上 传 者cn_wst
说明:  功能强大,界面美观的.net通用上传组件 功能特点: 1、自定义上传文件类型、浏览资源管理器窗口标题; 2、根据登陆的用户session不同,自动上传至该用户名的目录下,如果没有该用户,则自动建立该用户目录; 3、支持多选,多项文件上传; 4、极速上传、几个G的文件列表上传速度极快; 5、文件大小不受限制; 6、可以自定义单文件大小、累计文件大小; 7、界面相当美观; 8、可扩展性、灵活性极高。
(Powerful, beautiful interface. Net upload component common features: 1, custom file type, browse Explorer window title 2, according to the user login session is different from automatically uploaded to the user name of the directory , if not the user, then automatically create the user directory 3 in support of more than elections, a number of file upload 4, upload speed, the document lists a number of G fast upload speed 5, the file size does not restricted 6, can customize a single file size, a total file size 7, a very beautiful interface 8, scalability, high flexibility.)

CSS.CSS (2188, 2008-10-02)
Default.aspx (2118, 2008-10-03)
Default.aspx.cs (1068, 2008-10-02)
from.gif (4945, 2007-07-18)
Web.config (713, 2008-10-01)
App_Code\Upload.cs (1677, 2008-10-04)
Bin\FlashUpload.dll (180224, 2008-10-02)
Bin\FlashUpload.dll.refresh (130, 2008-10-01)
Bin\FlashUpload.pdb (15872, 2008-10-02)
highslide\graphics\controlbar2.gif (884, 2006-11-16)
highslide\graphics\controlbar3.gif (838, 2006-12-17)
highslide\graphics\controlbar4-hover.gif (2410, 2007-04-01)
highslide\graphics\controlbar4.gif (854, 2007-06-22)
highslide\graphics\fullexpand.gif (209, 2007-11-22)
highslide\graphics\geckodimmer.png (2817, 2008-01-04)
highslide\graphics\loader.gif (668, 2006-09-02)
highslide\graphics\loader.white.gif (673, 2006-12-08)
highslide\graphics\outlines\beveled.png (1898, 2007-08-22)
highslide\graphics\outlines\drop-shadow.png (2022, 2007-08-22)
highslide\graphics\outlines\glossy-dark.png (5570, 2007-12-18)
highslide\graphics\outlines\outer-glow.png (5887, 2007-06-22)
highslide\graphics\outlines\Outlines.psd (171802, 2007-11-20)
highslide\graphics\outlines\rounded-black.png (5764, 2007-10-31)
highslide\graphics\outlines\rounded-white.png (2012, 2007-08-22)
highslide\graphics\resize.gif (70, 2007-09-16)
highslide\graphics\zoomin.cur (326, 2006-02-15)
highslide\graphics\zoomout.cur (326, 2006-02-15)
highslide\slide.js (61530, 2008-10-02)
highslide\graphics\outlines (0, 2008-10-02)
highslide\graphics (0, 2008-10-02)
Upload (0, 2009-04-23)
App_Code (0, 2008-10-02)
Bin (0, 2008-10-02)
highslide (0, 2008-10-02)


