
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-05-02 13:39:22
上 传 者yuanxiaohui
说明:  能够找出给种类型的系统Hook,包括IAT表,SSDT表等相关的钩子
(VICE is a tool to find hooks. Features include: 1. Looks for people hooking IAT s. 2. Looks for people hooking functions in-line aka detouring. 3. Looks for hooks in the System Call Table. Thanks to Tan perhaps it will fix the table in the future. 4. Looks for detour hooks in the System Call Table functions themselves. 5. Looks for people hooking IRP_MJ table in drivers. This is configurable by driver.ini.)

EXE\driver.ini (52, 2004-07-09)
EXE\ViceConsole.exe (159744, 2004-07-09)
EXE\VICESYS.sys (5632, 2004-08-16)
EXE (0, 2004-07-09)

VICE 2.0 Copywrite April 2004 HBGary Author: Jamie Butler or VICE is a program that identifies hooks in API calls, functions, and function pointer tables. It has a user portion and a kernel portion. Usually anything it detects in the kernel is a rootkit or some form of third party software that uses "rootkit techniques". Third party products that may be detected by VICE in the kernel are things like personal firewalls and Host Based Intrusion Prevention Systems (HIPS) like ZoneAlarm, Cisco Security Agent, or Blink. Before you can begin, VICE requires the Microsoft .NET Framework for the GUI. You can download this for free from Microsoft. Not all hooks are necessarily rootkits as mentioned above. There are even Microsoft DLL's that hook other DLL's much like a rootkit would do. Below is a list of known DLL's that hook but are not necessarily malicious. VICE cannot say with complete confidence that these DLL's are not trojans because a malicious program could name itself as a legitimate Microsoft DLL name. 1. setupapi.dll 2. mswsock.dll 3. sfc_os.dll 4. adsldpc.dll 5. advapi32.dll 6. secur32.dll 7. ws2_32.dll 8. iphlpapi.dll 9. ntdll.dll 10. kernel32.dll 11. user32.dll 12. gdi32.dll The above list of DLL's do hook, but are probably fine. FALSE POSITIVES Anytime a DLL or the kernel report to be hooked by itself this is a false positive. For example, if TAPI32.dll reports to be hooked by TAPI32.dll, this is a false positive. FALSE NEGATIVES VICE may not find all rootkits. Some rootkits do not hook at all. These usually use a layered approach in the kernel or modify memory directly such as the FU rootkit. Error: Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. This occurs when you install the driver in one place and then move it later. VICE is meant to run with the README, ini file, driver, and program all in the same directory. If you move VICE on the filesystem, you need to delete this Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vicesys and reboot your machine. Now, as long as all VICE's files are in the same directory, it should work again.


