
上传日期:2009-05-16 11:09:22
上 传 者sayyou
说明:  Kalman Filtering- Theory and Practice Using MATLAB 2008年第三版的随书源码
(Kalman Filtering-Theory and Practice Using MATLAB the third edition CD)

kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_1\none.txt (25, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_2\expm1.m (294, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_3\VanLoan.m (927, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_4\demo1.m (2917, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_4\demo2.m (8757, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_4\exam43.m (5175, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_4\exam44.m (6294, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_4\OBSUP.M (601, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_4\TIMEUP.M (502, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_5\BMFLS.m (1666, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_5\FiniteFIS.m (1659, 2007-09-15)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_5\FLSmovies.m (2017, 2007-09-22)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_5\FPSperformance.m (2520, 2007-09-13)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_5\RTSvsKF.m (1714, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_5\sim3pass.m (4139, 2007-09-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\bierman.m (1535, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\carlson.m (1401, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\housetri.m (897, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\joseph.m (361, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\josephb.m (387, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\josephdv.m (367, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\potter.m (1315, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\shootout.m (6654, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\TABLE6pt8\SPDinv.m (933, 2008-05-28)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\TABLE6pt8\SPDinvIP.m (992, 2008-05-28)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\TABLE6pt8\Table6pt8test.m (1724, 2008-05-28)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\TABLE6pt8\UDinv.m (1069, 2008-05-28)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\TABLE6pt8\UD_decomp.m (925, 2008-05-28)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_6\utchol.m (648, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_7\exam53.m (4132, 2000-07-30)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_7\ExamIEKF.m (1160, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_7\UTscaled.m (2036, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_7\UTscaledDemo.m (2795, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_7\UTsimplex.m (2385, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_7\UTsimplexDemo.m (1581, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_8\InnovAnalysis.m (8286, 2007-11-13)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_8\kfvsskf.m (4577, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_8\thornton.m (2490, 2008-01-08)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_9\AltStab.m (5214, 2007-12-06)
kalman filter matlab 3rd\CD\Chapter_9\CDModelParams.m (801, 2007-12-19)
... ...

This CD contains MATLAB software to accompany Grewal & Andrews, Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice Using MATLAB, published by John Wiley & Sons, 2008. NOTICES This software is intended for demonstration and instructional purposes only. The authors and publishers make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, that these routines meet any standards of mercantibility for commercial purposes. These routines should not be used as-is for any purpose or application that may result in loss or injury, and the publishers and authors shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. MATLAB is a registered tradmark of The Math Works, Inc. 3 Apple Hill Drive Natick, MA 01760 USA SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS These MATLAB scripts are designed for MATLAB environments. Information on MATLAB can be obtained from The Math Works, Inc. CD DIRECTORY STRUCTURE The CD directories are organized by the chapters in which the supporting concepts are presented in the book listed above. The ASCII file WHATSUP.DOC in the root directory describes any changes made in the directory structure or software after printing. It should also be read before starting to use any of the software. RUNTIME RECOMMENDATIONS There are some common functions that are not repeated in every directory containing a calling script, so users are encouraged to copy all MATLAB scripts to a common subdirectory of the MATLAB ``work'' directory on their own computers.


