
上传日期:2009-05-19 18:38:32
上 传 者icetommy
说明:  peeranha42是jxta的 p2p程序核心,可以提供各种插件
(peeranha42 is jxta core of the p2p program, can provide a variety of plug-ins)

P42_Filesharing_1.0 (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\Peeranha42_Filesharing_1.0.jar (98048, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\adddirectory.gif (1039, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\addfile.gif (1099, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\audio.txt (8020, 2005-05-19)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\clear.gif (888, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\download.gif (1015, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\Filesharing.group.adv (708, 2005-03-11)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\Filesharing.module_class.adv (265, 2005-03-11)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\Filesharing.module_impl.adv (691, 2005-03-11)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\Filesharing.module_spec.adv (352, 2005-03-11)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\Filesharing.pipe.adv (363, 2005-03-11)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\FilesharingAudio.group.adv (691, 2005-06-02)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\FilesharingAudio.module_impl.adv (691, 2005-06-02)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\FilesharingMisc.group.adv (688, 2005-06-02)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\FilesharingMisc.module_impl.adv (688, 2005-06-02)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\FilesharingPic.group.adv (685, 2005-06-02)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\FilesharingPic.module_impl.adv (685, 2005-06-02)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\FilesharingVideo.group.adv (691, 2005-06-02)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\FilesharingVideo.module_impl.adv (691, 2005-06-02)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\picture.txt (1202, 2005-05-19)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\remove.gif (1090, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\removeall.gif (1048, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\search.gif (935, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\searchdisabled.gif (929, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\stop.gif (927, 2005-06-06)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\Test.gif (835, 2005-04-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\resources\video.txt (759, 2005-05-19)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de\uni_bremen (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de\uni_bremen\informatik (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de\uni_bremen\informatik\p2p (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de\uni_bremen\informatik\p2p\plugins (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de\uni_bremen\informatik\p2p\plugins\filesharing (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de\uni_bremen\informatik\p2p\plugins\filesharing\control (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de\uni_bremen\informatik\p2p\plugins\filesharing\control\event (0, 2005-06-07)
P42_Filesharing_1.0\src\de\uni_bremen\informatik\p2p\plugins\filesharing\control\event\RendezvousListener.java (941, 2005-05-30)
... ...

Documentation for the p_filesharing modul of the peeranha42 client ------------------------------------------------------------------ Author: Daniel Gehrke, Philipp Hoheisel, Lars Kordes Modul: p_filesharing SUMMARY: -------- 1. How to start the p42_filesharing plugin 1.1 Requirements 1.2 Start 1.3 Troubleshooting 2. How to use the p42_filesharing plugin 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Sharing files 2.3 Searching for files 2.4 Download files from other peers 3. Release History 3.1 Release 9 (Version 1.0) 3.2 Release 8 (Version 0.9) 3.3 Release 7 (Version 0.7) 3.4 Release 6 3.5 Release 5 3.6 Release 4 3.7 Release 3 3.8 Release 2 3.9 Release 1 1. How to start the p42_filesharing plugin ------------------------------------------ 1.1 Requirements ---------------- - compiled version of the peeranha42-plugin-client version 1.1 or higher - compiled version of the p42_filesharing version 1.0 1.2 Start --------- Starting the client and the plugin: - Put the compiled .jar-file of the p_filesharing (e.g. Peeranha42_Filesharing-20041216.jar) into the folder /peeranha42/plugin. - Open console, change working directory to folder of peeranha42 and start the plugin client with "java -jar peeranha42.jar". - A config dialog appears in which the user must set a username and a password. The password must count more than 7 characters. - Now the plugin client and the plugin get started. 1.3 Troubleshooting ------------------- - no known troubleshooting 2. How to use the p42_filesharing plugin ---------------------------------------- 2.1 Introduction ---------------- The p42_filesharing plugin is a plugin that shares files in the JXTA(TM)-p2p-network. The plugin offers three tabs: one tab for sharing files and directories from the user's filesystem, a second one for searching for files in the p2p-network and another one to monitor and control the filetransfers. 2.2 Sharing files ----------------- The sharing tab offers control over files which the user wants to share in the p2p-network. Clicking the button "Add file" or "Add directory" opens a file choosing or rather a directory choosing dialog. The user then can choose one or more files/directories from his filesystem which he wants to add to the sharing list of the plugin. Afterwards he can remove files/directories from the list by highlighting files/directories and clicking the button "Remove". All files and directories in the list are free for search and for download for other P42-Filesharingusers. 2.3 Searching for files ----------------------- The search tab offers an user interface for searching files in the p2p-network. The user can search for files on other peers by entering the search term into the input field, determine the file typ and by clicking the button "Search". Shortly after, all search results get listed in the searchresult list. By highlighting a searchresult and clicking the button "Download" the user can start the datatransfer of the chosen file. The files then get listed in the downloadjob list in the transfer tab. By clicking the button "Clear" the searchresult list gets cleared. 2.4 Download files from other peers ----------------------------------- The transfer tab provides monitoring the downloadjobs. The downloadjob list keeps all incoming datatransfers of the filesharingplugin. By clicking "Cancel" the user can cancel one or more downloadjobs. Cancelt downloadjobs can by removed by clicking the "Remove"- or the "Clear"-button. The preference panel in P42 provides function for setting the download directory. 3. Release History ------------------ 3.1 Release 9 (Version 1.0) --------------------------- p42_filesharing version 0.9 only works on p42 version 1.0 or higher. Releasedate: 2005-06-07 New features: - mutliclient download - search in overlaynetworks - minor bugfixes Bugs: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=705724&group_id=12***50&func=browse 3.2 Release 8 (Version 0.9) --------------------------- p42_filesharing version 0.9 only works on p42 version 1.0 or higher. Releasedate: 2005-05-22 New features: - gui pops up after the plugin joint the p42 filesharing group and the the network is ready to work - p42 preference panel implemented - wildcard search implemented - files are downloaded from multiple clients - download status is shown in progress bar Bugs: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=705724&group_id=12***50&func=browse 3.3 Release 7 (Version 0.7) --------------------------- p42_filesharing version 0.7 only works on p42 version 0.7.1. p42_filesharing version 0.7 is not compatible to lower versions. Releasedate: 2005-03-18 New features: - uses new network interface of p42 version 0.7.1 - higher transferrate - downloaded files get in share list - cancel function for data transfers - clear-all button for sharelist - some more usability Bugs: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=705724&group_id=12***50&func=browse 3.4 Release 6 ------------- p42_filesharing version 0.6 is not compatible to lower versions. Releasedate: 2004-02-11 New features: - up-/downloadrate increased - downloadrate gets measured - progress bar for downloads - waiting queue for downloads - choosing of download directory - gui is resizeable Bugs: - The file transfer doesn't work, if you use any version of Mac OS X. - If the file transfer gets interrupted, you can not finish the transfer process. 3.5 Release 5 ------------- Releasedate: 2004-01-15 New features: - plugin is shown by gui-controller of the pluginclient - plugin can be started and loaded by pluginclient - user can submit searchrequests into the p2p-network - searchrequests will be received by peers and will be answered - searchresults will be received too and will be shown in the searchresult table - user can download located files from other peers - plugin can be started and stopped with the client during runtime Bugs: - The runtime start and stop function of the plugin doesn't work so far. - The datatransfer of files didn't work properly at the end of developing the release 5 plugin. That's why the download time is sadly too high. - Downloaded files are not closed after transfer. Thus you cannot use the files when the client is still running. Still to implement: - putting many sources for one file together in the list - multi client download of one file from more the one peer - start, pause and cancel function for downloadjobs - status bar for downloadjobs that shows remaining time and remaining datasize - download monitor shows transfer speed - waiting queues for datatransfers - preference dialog - fixing know bugs - and much more... 3.6 Release 4 ------------- Releasedate: 2004-10-15 New features: no new features - searchfunction on all shares for incoming searchrequests implemented - clear button deletes all searchresults in searchresultlist and -table - remove button deletes highlighted shares from sharelist and -table - remove button deletes highlighted downloadjobs from downloadjoblist and -table - clear button removes all cancelt and finished downloadjobs from downloadjoblist and -table 3.7 Release 3 ------------- Releasedate: 2004-09-03 New features: 3.8 Release 2 ------------- Releasedate: 2004-07-09 New features: - plugin can be loaded with pluginclient - user can add files and directories to a sharelist 3.9 Release 1 ------------- Releasedate: 2004-05-14 New features: - plugin can be started without pluginclient - gui for searchqueries (without functions behind buttons) implemented - gui for organisation of downloads (without functions behind buttons) implemented - gui for organisation of shares (without functions behind buttons) implemented - console for userinformations implemented


