
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-05-20 16:59:56
上 传 者sarvio
说明:  outlook Com 插件,在Outlook中创建一个工具栏,工具栏中有一个按钮,点击后会弹出hello world的对话框
(outlook Com Add-in)

AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook.aps (5960, 2009-05-18)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook.cpp (2085, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook.def (233, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook.idl (751, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook.rc (3674, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook.rgs (127, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook.vcproj (7962, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook.vcproj.Sarvio-MSFT.Sarvio.user (1491, 2009-05-18)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook_i.c (1913, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook_i.h (5628, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\AddressBook_p.c (7357, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\dlldata.c (843, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\dlldatax.c (448, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\dlldatax.h (337, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\dllmain.cpp (481, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\dllmain.h (316, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\ICON.bmp (1270, 2009-05-14)
AddressBook\AddressBook\OutlookAddin.cpp (829, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\OutlookAddin.h (4613, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\OutlookAddin.rgs (1185, 2009-05-14)
AddressBook\AddressBook\resource.h (588, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook\stdafx.cpp (207, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook\stdafx.h (957, 2009-05-14)
AddressBook\AddressBook\targetver.h (1432, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook.ncb (23243776, 2009-05-18)
AddressBook\AddressBook.sln (899, 2009-05-13)
AddressBook\AddressBook.suo (19968, 2009-05-18)
AddressBook\AddressBook\Debug (0, 2009-05-15)
AddressBook\AddressBook (0, 2009-05-18)
AddressBook (0, 2009-05-13)

======================================================================== ACTIVE TEMPLATE LIBRARY : AddressBook Project Overview ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this AddressBook project for you to use as the starting point for writing your Dynamic Link Library (DLL). This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your project. AddressBook.vcproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard. AddressBook.idl This file contains the IDL definitions of the type library, the interfaces and co-classes defined in your project. This file will be processed by the MIDL compiler to generate: C++ interface definitions and GUID declarations (AddressBook.h) GUID definitions (AddressBook_i.c) A type library (AddressBook.tlb) Marshaling code (AddressBook_p.c and dlldata.c) AddressBook.h This file contains the C++ interface definitions and GUID declarations of the items defined in AddressBook.idl. It will be regenerated by MIDL during compilation. AddressBook.cpp This file contains the object map and the implementation of your DLL's exports. AddressBook.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the program uses. AddressBook.def This module-definition file provides the linker with information about the exports required by your DLL. It contains exports for: DllGetClassObject DllCanUnloadNow DllRegisterServer DllUnregisterServer ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named AddressBook.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. Resource.h This is the standard header file that defines resource IDs. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


