
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-05-21 14:21:37
上 传 者motherfucker
说明:  一、实现 Sniffer 的基本功能。 Sniffer 是一种用于监测网络性能、使用情况的工具。  能够指定需要侦听的网卡(考虑一台机器上多张网卡的情况)  能够侦听所有进出本主机的数据包,解析显示数据包( ICMP 、 IP 、 TCP 、 UDP 等)各个字段。比如,对 IP 头而言,需要显示 版本、头长度、服务类型、数据包长度、标识、 DF/MF 标志、段内偏移、生存期、协议类型、源目的 IP 地址、选项内容、数据内容。要求显示数据的实际含义(例如用 ASCII 表示);  能够侦听来源于指定 IP 地址的数据包,能够侦听指定目的 IP 地址的数据包,显示接收到的 TCP 和 UDP 数据包的全部实际内容。需要考虑一个 TCP 或 UDP 包划分为多个 IP 包传输的情况;  能够根据指定的协议类型来过虑包,例如,只侦听 ICMP 包,或只侦听 ICMP 和 UDP 包。  功能验证手段:在运行 Sniffer 的同时,执行标准的 Ping 、 Telnet 和浏览网页等操作,检查 Sniffier 能否返回预期的结果。 Windows 平台上可以用 winpcap 类库;在 linux 平台上可以使用 libpcap 类库。也可以调用 Sockets 等有关的网络类库。
(First, the realization of the basic functions of Sniffer. Sniffer is a network for monitoring performance, the use of tools.  listening to the specified needs of the card (taking on a machine more than the case of card)  listening to all incoming and outgoing packets of the host, analysis shows that packet (ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP, etc.) in various fields. For example, the first of the IP, the need to show the version of the first length, service type, packet length, logo, DF/MF logo, paragraph migration, survival, protocol type, source IP address of the purpose, options, content, data内容. Requirement to demonstrate the actual meaning of data (such as that used ASCII)  listening to the specified IP address from data packet to specify the purpose of listening packet IP addresses, indicating the received TCP and UDP packets all the actual content. Need to consider a TCP or UDP packet is divided into a number of IP packet transmission of the situation )

resource.h (731, 2003-01-16)
sniffer.aps (18520, 2008-04-24)
sniffer.clw (1199, 2006-01-06)
SNIFFER.CPP (2393, 2003-01-24)
sniffer.dsp (4202, 2003-01-24)
sniffer.dsw (539, 2003-01-15)
sniffer.h (1365, 2003-01-16)
sniffer.ncb (74752, 2008-05-04)
sniffer.opt (142848, 2008-05-04)
sniffer.plg (248, 2008-04-24)
sniffer.rc (4540, 2008-04-20)
sniffer.sln (878, 2006-12-21)
sniffer.vcproj (7271, 2006-12-21)
sniffer.vcproj.DBKING.ldb.user (1409, 2006-12-21)
snifferDlg.cpp (10976, 2006-12-21)
snifferDlg.h (2434, 2003-01-24)
StdAfx.cpp (209, 2003-01-15)
StdAfx.h (1139, 2003-01-16)
ParseProtocol.h (433, 2003-01-24)
PROTOCOL.H (1916, 2003-01-24)


