上传日期:2009-05-22 22:02:51
上 传 者guiji101
说明:   工具箱 (分枝定界法工具箱) matlab 中使用
(Toolbox (Toolbox branch and bound method) matlab use)

bnb\BNB20.m (14545, 2000-01-24)
bnb\BNBGUI.m (810, 2000-02-21)
bnb\BNBGUICB.m (24558, 2001-11-16)
bnb\BNBHELP.txt (3247, 2000-02-21)
bnb\ (57037, 2001-11-16)
bnb\font (0, 2004-06-06)
bnb\font\crld.ttf (73740, 1995-02-02)
bnb\optim (0, 2004-06-06)
bnb\optim\nlconst.m (21115, 2000-02-10)
bnb\optim\qpsub.m (26800, 2000-02-10)
bnb\private (0, 2004-06-06)
bnb\private\guierr.m (3247, 2000-02-16)
bnb\private\guierr.mat (1864, 2000-02-16)
bnb\private\guifun.m (14231, 2000-02-21)
bnb\private\guifun.mat (2184, 2000-02-21)
bnb\private\guimain.m (11907, 2000-02-16)
bnb\private\guimain.mat (3576, 2000-02-16)
bnb\private\guiset.m (4292, 2000-02-21)
bnb\private\guiset.mat (1952, 2000-02-21)
bnb\private\guiupd.m (2465, 2000-02-16)
bnb\private\guiupd.mat (1720, 2000-02-16)
bnb (0, 2004-06-06)

README FOR THE BNBGUI INSTALLATION To function BNB needs: Matlab 5.3 or newer Optimization Toolbox 2.0 the Courier-LD font (8 points, regular) Unzip to an empty directory that's in the MATLAB path. Make sure you unzip using folder names. This because some files must be placed in a subdirectory called private. USAGE BNB has a graphical user interface (GUI). To run it type BNBGUI at the Matlab prompt. The program has been used (and tested) with Matlab (R11.1). A short explanation of how branch and bound works: A problem with an integer variable is first being solved with the integer variable considered continuous (the first sub-problem). After this the program generated sub problems where the domain of the variable (still continuous) is being restricted. This is called branching. Then it solves these sub-problems. This process continues until the variable is fixed to a (integer) value. The advantage of this approach (when compared with explicit enumeration) lies in the fact that not all the sub-problems have to be solved (fathoming, i will not explain how this works here). Important for the user is that branch-and-bound only works when the problem is formulated continuous. BNB20 is useful for making choices. Say you want the algorithm to make an optimal choice between 3 materials. Define 3 0-1-variables (integer variables with domain 0-1). Somewhere in your formulas you use the hardness of the material. Because the problem has to be formulated continuous you should formulate the hardness like this: hardness=x(1:3).*[hardness1 hardness2 hardness3]; And somewhere else in your formulas you use the weight: weight=x(1:3).*[weight1 weight2 weight3]; etc. Of course you want to end with one of the materials being picked, so you add to your linear constrains x(1)+x(2)+x(3)=1. ALGORITHM The algorithm is BNB20.m. It is a simple branch-and-bound type algorithm. Its specifications are: * Depth-first traversal with backtracing. * Both the variable to branch on and the branch to traverse are chosen by simple heuristics. * The algorithm detects 0-1 variables with constrains like x(a)+x(b)+x(c)+..=1 and adapts the branching to it. * To solve the nonlinear sub-problems BNB20 uses fmincon from the optimization toolbox 2.0. For more info at the Matlab prompt type help BNB20. OPTIMIZATION TOOLBOX VERSION 2.0 (R11) To get rid of bugs and to stop fmincon from hanging make the following chances: In optim/private/nlconst.m ($Revision: 1.20 $ $Date: 19***/08/24 13:46:15 $): Get EXITFLAG independent of verbosity. After the lines: disp(' less than 2*options.TolFun but constraints are not satisfied.') end EXITFLAG = -1; end end status=1; add the line: if (strncmp(howqp, 'i',1) & mg > 0), EXITFLAG = -1; end; (This bug was found by Ingar Solberg) In optim/private/qpsub.m ($Revision: 1.21 $ $Date: 19***/09/01 21:37:56 $): Stop qpsub from hanging. After the line: % Andy Grace 7-9-90. Mary Ann Branch 9-30-96. add the line: global maxSQPiter; and changed the line: maxSQPiters = Inf; to the line: if exist('maxSQPiter','var'), maxSQPiters = maxSQPiter; else maxSQPiters=inf; end; I guess there was a reason to put maxSQPiters at infinity, but this works fine for me. Koert Kuipers e-mail Fysische Informatica Applied Physics University of Groningen The Netherlands


