
上传日期:2009-05-24 22:43:24
上 传 者beinglove
说明:  jsp 做的电子商城 展示网站最新的商品信息。 展示网站特价的商品信息。 为用户提供修改个人资料和查看在网站操作情况的平台。 提供用户在网站上购物的平台。 展示网站发布的公告信息。 展示商品的销量排行。 展示网站的友情链接信息。 对商品详细信息以及分类信息进行管理。 对用户基本资料、交易制度、消费情况及留言信息进行管理。 对用户提交的订单进行管理。 对管理员信息、网站公告信息、商业资讯信息及友情链接信息进行管理。
(The Electronic Mall jsp to display the latest commodity information site. Web site special display of information goods. Modified to provide users with personal information and view the operation of the site platform. Provided to users on the site platform. A notice displayed information websites. Ranking of sales of goods to display. Links to display site information. For more information on the goods, as well as the management of classified information. Basic information to the user, the transaction system, consumption and management of voice messages. Submitted to users to manage orders. Information on the administrator, the site notice information, Business Information Information and Links information management.)

03\bg-afficheContent.jsp (2096, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-afficheInsert.jsp (2240, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-afficheSelect.jsp (3636, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-afficheUpdate.jsp (2533, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-bigTypeInsert.jsp (2067, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-bigTypeResult.jsp (392, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-bigTypeSelect.jsp (3574, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-checkMemberResult.jsp (903, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-down.jsp (222, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-goodInsert.jsp (4763, 2007-01-08)
03\bg-goodSelect.jsp (4259, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-goodSelectBig.jsp (3921, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-goodSelectContent.jsp (3952, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-goodSelectSmall.jsp (3935, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-goodsFreePirce.jsp (4340, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-goodsMarkSelect.jsp (3890, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-goodsResult.jsp (390, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-land.jsp (1954, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-landResult.jsp (655, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-left.jsp (6163, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-linkInsert.jsp (2351, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-linkSelect.jsp (3381, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-managerInsert.jsp (2632, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-managerSelect.jsp (3878, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-managerUpdatePassword.jsp (3246, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-memberSuccess.jsp (795, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-orderContent.jsp (3985, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-orderSelect.jsp (4548, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-resultMember.jsp (401, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-resultTen.jsp (2306, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-selectContent.jsp (2961, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-selectMember.jsp (3341, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-sellResult.jsp (2364, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-smallTypeInsert.jsp (2720, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-smallTypeResult.jsp (394, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-smallTypeSelect.jsp (4559, 2007-11-26)
03\bg-up.jsp (1474, 2007-11-26)
03\cart_add.jsp (954, 2007-11-26)
03\cart_checkOut.jsp (4061, 2007-11-26)
03\cart_checkOutOrder.jsp (1793, 2007-11-26)
... ...


