
上传日期:2009-05-29 19:21:44
上 传 者defenderpk

butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604 (0, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\.DS_Store (6148, 2007-06-04)
__MACOSX (0, 2007-06-04)
__MACOSX\butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604 (0, 2007-06-04)
__MACOSX\butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\._.DS_Store (82, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\bin (0, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\bin\ALPHA.elf (57928, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\bin\ALPHA.hex (37249, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\bin\NOKIA.elf (57928, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\bin\NOKIA.hex (37249, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\Copying.txt (18325, 2006-04-28)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\MANIFEST.txt (3224, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src (0, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\.DS_Store (6148, 2007-06-04)
__MACOSX\butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src (0, 2007-06-04)
__MACOSX\butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\._.DS_Store (82, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\ADC.c (22083, 2007-05-29)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\ADC.h (761, 2006-03-06)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\avrfat16.c (23364, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\avrfat16.h (6570, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\BCD.c (2379, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\BCD.h (624, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\button.c (4497, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\button.h (1992, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\delay.c (1299, 2006-03-05)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\delay.h (1255, 2006-03-05)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\eeprom.c (7832, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\eeprom.h (1209, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\eeprom169.h (1253, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\font_ttuf1.h (2479, 2006-03-05)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\font_ttuf2.h (2435, 2006-03-05)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\fontset0.h (3637, 2006-03-05)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\LCD_driver.c (11079, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\LCD_driver.h (2351, 2006-03-05)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\LCD_functions.c (6683, 2006-03-05)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\LCD_functions.h (1089, 2006-03-05)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\lcdgraphics.c (3471, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\lcdgraphics.h (1687, 2007-06-04)
butterflyMP3_FW_0.6_20070604\src\lcdgraphics_alpha.c (5899, 2007-06-04)
... ...

ButterflyMP3 0.6 20070604 - FIRMWARE ==================================== This firmware is intended with REV_D hardware but may be adapted to use other (earlier) arrangements by altering the appropriate header files. For any issues with getting the necesarry hardware see the HW distribution. If you've built the hardware correctly then all you need to do is load up the butterfly with the hex file via the bootloader and AVRprog (JTAG, ISP or your favourite AVR programmer will also work) and you'll be away. NOTE: This firmware will power down if a low battery voltage is detected. This you don't connect the battery sense wire to the voltage input or disable the power monitoring in the code the player will not boot up. Most of the firmware was originally based on the work of Jesper Hansen. My adaptions have been made to make it work on the butterfly without any external ram and with FAT16. Makefile operation: Now instead of editing main.h and the makefile to build for different display options you simply specify the display in the make command line. If no display is specified it defaults to ALPHA. An example of typical command lines is given below: make clean all (make default display version) make "LCD=ALPHA" clean all (make original display version) make "LCD=NOKIA" clean all (make Nokia 3310 display version) make "LCD=NO_DISPLAY" clean all (make no display version) WHATS NEW Directory Support: Directory support finally works. if a directory is found then it is displayed with a '/' before and after the directory name. To enter a directory push the centre button. This directory can now be browsed like any other. To ext the directory to the parent directory you must push Up on the joystick while the player is paused. Serial Remote control: The player now listens on the serial port (8N1 @ 38400) for single character commands. These commands simply emulate the joystick in hardware using i,j,k,l for up, left, down and right respectively. Space (0x20) is used for the center button. Power usage: I have logged the voltage from a full charge of my original 860mh Li-ION battery playing at medium volume through my headphones for a complete charge cycle. A graph of this is available on the website at [1] on the sourceforge site. If you log your own batteries using the serial output you can adjust the values in power.h to suit your batteries. Comments in the code: I have done a reasonable session at cleaning up the code for parsing with doxygen You should be able to browse the results of this at [2] on the sourceforge site. This includes lots of nice diagrams showing how all the functions and files fit together. There may be other minor differences, please check the logs for more details. These and other features can be controlled by setting appropriate definitions in main.h. Please see the webpage for more details. OPERATION: Current Joystick operation: Centre play / pause or Enter Directory (when paused) Left previous song Right next Song Up volume up Up Parent Directory( when paused) Up power up (when in powerdown / bootloader mode) Down volume down Down power down (When paused or stopped only) Down save player state and jump to bootloader. (When powered down only) Current consumption is about 20mA when idle and up to 50mA when playing. Standby/power off mode is approx 1~2mA. Constant play time was found to be approximately 1200 minutes Monitor the serial output for debugging info @ 38400, 8N1 Tested current code with mp3s @ 128kbps, 160kbps, 192kbps & 320kbps Your feature requests and comments are most welcome. See http://butterflymp3.sourceforge.net/ and http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/butterflymp3 for futher details. brokentoaster@users.sf.net [1] http://butterflymp3.sourceforge.net/pics/ [2] http://butterflymp3.sourceforge.net/docs/


