
上传日期:2009-06-01 17:09:00
上 传 者yanhe0116
说明:  我上过的Programming Language课程第一次大作业:词法分析器。 绝对原创,绝对经典
(My first programming assignment for the programming language class- Lexical Analyzer)

ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\BuildLog.htm (12332, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\LexicalAnalysis.obj (77062, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\Lexis.obj (99142, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\mt.dep (69, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\ProgrammingLanLab1.exe.embed.manifest (403, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\ProgrammingLanLab1.exe.embed.manifest.res (468, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\ProgrammingLanLab1.exe.intermediate.manifest (385, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\vc80.idb (248832, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug\vc80.pdb (217088, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Debug (0, 2009-05-05)
ProgrammingLanLab1\FirstTest.txt (333, 2009-01-30)
ProgrammingLanLab1\LexicalAnalysis.cpp (9163, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\LexicalAnalysis.h (2027, 2009-01-29)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Lexical_Analysis_result.txt (4372, 2009-03-10)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Lexis.cpp (1952, 2009-01-30)
ProgrammingLanLab1\Lexis.h (3245, 2009-01-29)
ProgrammingLanLab1\MyTest.txt (477, 2009-01-30)
ProgrammingLanLab1\MyTest2.txt (62, 2009-01-30)
ProgrammingLanLab1\ProgrammingLanLab1.vcproj (4208, 2009-01-28)
ProgrammingLanLab1\ProgrammingLanLab1.vcproj.241F6D5F02CC4E2.Administrator.user (1427, 2009-03-11)
ProgrammingLanLab1 (0, 2009-05-05)

Operation Manuals 1. Create a project using the File-> New> Project menu option from the main menu. Choose Visual C++ -> Win32 -> Win32 Console Application. 2. Enter a suitable name for the project. 3. Click °Next± and circle the °Empty project± option to create an empty project. 4. You can right-click the Source Files and Header Files respectively to add the existing .cpp and .h file to the two categories separately. 5. To build the solution, select the Build-> Build Solution menu item. While building successfully, to save time, please press ctrl+F5 to get the project built and then executed in a single operation. 6. If successfully compiling, you will see °Start Lexical Analyzing!±. When you are asked to enter the name of the test file, please type °FirstTest.txt± (your test file) correctly. To test my test file, you dont need to recompile, just type °MyTest.txt± (my test file) when u are asked to enter the name of test file. To quit the program, press q. 7. You can observe the output by finding the °Lexical_Analysis_result.txt± file located in the project file folder. To observe the result of my test file (°MyTest.txt±), open the °Lexical_Analysis_result.txt± again and the result is below the result of °FirstTest.txt±.


