
上传日期:2009-06-02 23:30:12
上 传 者zz_zlfav
说明:  java实现共享视频会议,按照文件README 的说明可以实现聊天、共享白板等功能。
(java shared video conferencing, according to the README file that can be achieved chat, shared whiteboard functions.)

images (0, 2001-01-08)
images\welcome.jpg (28095, 2001-01-08)
src.jar (474964, 2001-03-19)
conferences.jar (540188, 2001-03-19)

Thank you for trying version 0.1a of the Jini(tm) technology conferences project. This file contains instructions for installing and running the system. If you have any problems with this, please refer to the Conferences project page at, where you can get help. The instructions in this file assume you have already installed the Jini Technology Starter Kit v1.1 (Starter Kit). If you do not have this version or it is not installed, please download and install a copy from This software also requires Java 2 SDK. Conferences Installation ------------------------ You have extracted the following from the zip file. README This file conferences.jar The classes for the conferences project images A directory containing a single image, to be used on the client side src.jar Source code for the conferences project and also for the Jini Service UI Draft Specification which is written by Bill Venners. Please read the copyright notice on his code. The conferences project consists of two main programs: the server side program and the client side program. These programs start other programs and some Jini technology-enabled services. They are designed to be as self-contained as possible. Therefore, you have to configure your CLASSPATH to pick up a number of JAR files and you have to run the programs with certain options to indicate how your starter kit installation has been set up. In the rest of these instructions, I shall be referring to four variables: $CONFERENCES_HOME, $JINI_HOME, $JAVA_BIN, and $JINI_OUT. For the Microsoft Windows platform, these variables are %CONFERENCES_HOME%, %JINI_HOME%, %JAVA_BIN%, and %JINI_OUT%. $CONFERENCES_HOME refers to the parent directory of the conferences project. For example, if the full path to the conferences project software is /files/local/conferences, then CONFERENCES_HOME=/files/local/conferences. $JINI_HOME refers to the directory where the jini1_1 directory is located. The jini1_1 directory contains the lib directory as well as others, such as doc, example, and source. For example, if the full path to the jini1_1 directory is /file/jini/jini1_1, then JINI_HOME=/file/jini/jini1_1. $JAVA_BIN refers to the directory that contains all your Java(tm) platform executables, such as javac, rmid, and the java command itself. For example, if the full path to the compiler written for the Java programming language is /local/java/bin/javac, then JAVA_BIN=/local/java/bin. $JINI_OUT refers to a directory where some of the servers will write their persistent state. You will need to have write permission in this directory, so that other directories and files can be written into it. For example, on UNIX, I create a directory called /tmp/out, so JINI_OUT=/tmp/out. Running the Server ------------------ To run the server, you need to define a CLASSPATH with the following five JAR files on it: UNIX Platform ------------- CLASSPATH=$CONFERENCES_HOME/conferences.jar:$JINI_HOME/lib/jini-core.jar:$JINI_HOME/lib/jini-ext.jar:$JINI_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$JINI_HOME/lib/reggie.jar export CLASSPATH Microsoft Windows Platform -------------------------- CLASSPATH=%CONFERENCES_HOME%\conferences.jar:%JINI_HOME%\lib\jini-core.jar:%JINI_HOME%\lib\jini-ext.jar:%JINI_HOME%\lib\tools.jar:%JINI_HOME%\lib\reggie.jar To run the server on UNIX platforms, you use the java command with these options: java$JINI_HOME/policy/policy.all com.sun.jini.example.demorun.server.RunServerSide -jiniroot $JINI_HOME -javabin $JAVA_BIN -jiniout $JINI_OUT To run the server on Microsoft Windows platforms, you use the java command with these options: java\policy\policy.all com.sun.jini.example.demorun.server.RunServerSide -jiniroot %JINI_HOME% -javabin %JAVA_BIN% -jiniout %JINI_OUT% As the server is being started, information is output on standard output that says what has been successfully started. If everything starts OK, you will see something like this: Starting HTTP class server Starting rmid Starting lookup for group: general /reggie-dl.jar requested from saturn:46115 Starting lookup for group: confs /reggie-dl.jar requested from saturn:46120 Starting conference server for conference: users Mood server successfully started Shared whiteboard server successfully started Chat server successfully started (your port values and machine names will be different) The last line, which notes that the Chat server has started, takes a while to be displayed. Once you see the above list, the server has been successfully started. Running the Client ------------------ To run the client, you need to define the four variables as you did for the server and then define a CLASSPATH with the following two JAR files on it: UNIX Platforms -------------- CLASSPATH=$CONFERENCES_HOME/conferences.jar:$JINI_HOME/lib/jini-ext.jar export CLASSPATH Microsoft Windows Platforms --------------------------- CLASSPATH=%CONFERENCES_HOME%\conferences.jar:%JINI_HOME%\lib\jini-ext.jar To run the client, you use the java command with these options: UNIX Platforms -------------- java$JINI_HOME/policy/policy.all com.sun.jini.example.demorun.client.RunClientSide -jiniroot $JINI_HOME -javabin $JAVA_BIN -jiniout $JINI_OUT -admin true -user -image file:$CONFERENCES_HOME/images/welcome.jpg should be substituted for your first name, e.g., Susan. Microsoft Windows Platforms --------------------------- java\policy\policy.all com.sun.jini.example.demorun.client.RunClientSide -jiniroot %JINI_HOME% -javabin %JAVA_BIN% -jiniout %JINI_OUT% -admin true -user -image file:%CONFERENCES_HOME%\images\welcome.jpg When the client is running, you will see a small window with three tabbed panels on it. Let's consider the "My Info" tab first. My Info displays two sets of information that are sent to all other members of the conference. On the left is the image you specified as the file:/ URL, together with the argument you gave to the -user option above. To the right is some textual information you can change. When you click "Update Info", the information in "Name" and "General Information" is sent to all other members of the conference, to update the information on their user interface. If you click on the "Conferences" tab you should see a single entry in the list, huws_conference, indicating that the huws_conference conference is running and is available for use. Double click on this text. When you do, a larger window is launched to the right. This conference interaction window has been downloaded to you from the server. The conference has three services registered with it (the mood service, the shared whiteboard service, and the chat service). The interfaces for each service are downloaded and started for you automatically so that you can start to interact with the services. If you single-click on huws_conference you will not see the larger window to the right, just information on the current users in the conference. The -admin flag runs the client with a special facility that is represented at the bottom of the conference interaction window in a panel called "Administration Panel". If a remote service makes available an object that implements the Administratable interface, a panel is created here to allow you to interact with that object. In our example, only the chat service supports this interface and it makes available a button called the "On Off Socket" button. This button lets you change the state of the communication sockets to and from the chat service. The horizontal bar means the client and server may communicate with each other, but if you press the button, the communication between the client and the chat service is prevented. You will see an error dialog box appear if you try to use the chat service when the horizontal bar is broken. The mood server describes an aggregation of other conference user's opinions. When the mood server was started, it was started in a special mode that synthesizes some opinions. These false opinions just have numbers that you can see by placing the cursor over a block. Your block is white and the background colour is generated by taking the median of all the other opinion colours. You can alter your opinion and the text associated with it using the slider and the dialog box to the right. To see how the shared whiteboard works, you will need to run another client process, so that your edits on the diagram are reproduced in the other window. If you have any questions or comments about the installation and configuration of this system, the contents of this file, or any aspect of the software, please see the conferences Project page at where your question may already have been answered, or you can contact me. Thank you.


