上传日期:2009-06-15 17:07:23
上 传 者czdczf
说明:  GA 算法 PIKAIA1.2 Genetic Algorithm

PIKAIA1.2\docs\gademo.mpg (574013, 2008-05-14)
PIKAIA1.2\docs\relnotes1.2.pdf (539451, 2009-05-21)
PIKAIA1.2\docs\relnotes1.2.ps (1624410, 2002-04-03)
PIKAIA1.2\docs\userguide1.0.pdf (1088146, 2009-05-21)
PIKAIA1.2\docs\userguide1.0.ps (1778824, 1996-02-14)
PIKAIA1.2\docs\userguide1.0_errata.txt (334, 2009-05-21)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\fit1a.f (635, 1996-01-22)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\fit1b.f (1025, 1996-01-22)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\fit2.f (1378, 1996-01-26)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\fit3.f (1016, 1996-01-26)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\syndat1.i3e (2488, 1996-01-22)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\syndat2.i3e (268, 1996-01-22)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\syndat3.i3e (268, 1996-01-22)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\xpk1a.f (1656, 1996-02-15)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\xpk1b.f (1781, 1996-02-15)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\xpk2.f (2060, 1996-02-15)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples\xpk3.f (1608, 1996-02-15)
PIKAIA1.2\src\pikaia.f (40300, 2002-04-03)
PIKAIA1.2\src\pikaia.pro (35153, 2002-04-03)
PIKAIA1.2\exam\examples (0, 2009-05-21)
PIKAIA1.2\docs (0, 2009-05-21)
PIKAIA1.2\exam (0, 2009-05-21)
PIKAIA1.2\src (0, 2009-05-21)
PIKAIA1.2 (0, 2009-05-21)

20 January, 1996 This directory contains driver codes, fitness functions and synthetic datasets for the examples discussed in Sect. 5 of the PIKAIA User's guide. To run any of the examples, one only needs to replace, in the self-contained code pikaia.f you obtained from in the main pikaia directory, the driver xpkaia and fitness function twod by the desired driver and fitness function taken from this directory. Note that the drivers assume that the required files for synthetic datasets reside in the directory where the driver will be run. All files for the synthetic datasets are FORTRAN unformatted IEEE single-precision. The drivers include an initialization subroutine (finit) that reads in these data. The following table lists the drivers and fitness functions, together with the corresponding Section in the User's guide ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section Driver Fitness function Dataset ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 xkp1a.f fit1a.f syndat1.f [Figure 5.4] 5.3 xkp1b.f fit1b.f syndat1.f [Figure 5.4] 5.4 xkp2.f fit2.f syndat2.f [Figure 5.9] 5.5 xkp3.f fit3.f syndat3.f [Figure 5.10] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The driver and fitness function for the 2-D landscape problem of Section 5.1 are include within the pikaia.f file in the main pikaia directory.


