上传日期:2009-06-17 14:20:29
上 传 者jim365
说明:  著名的psinsar小组开发的MATLAB 源码。可供学习。
(Kampes, B.M., "Radar Interferometry-- The Persistent Scatterer Technique", published by Springer, 2006. The software consists of a Matlab toolbox. Matlab must be installed on your system in order to use it.)

STUN_PS\stun\bs_success.m (1638, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\Contents.m (2117, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\ebs.m (6747, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\enscoh.m (1471, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\ils.m (9920, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\ilsdemo1d.m (9275, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\ilsdemo1db.m (12157, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\ltdl.m (2255, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\plotarc.m (2973, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\plotps.m (2514, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\poly_good.mat (1784, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\poly_wrong.mat (1144, 2005-10-24)
STUN_PS\stun\psivce.m (4473, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\psivcmtx.m (2942, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\simacq.m (3952, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\simphi.m (14350, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\simpos.m (1764, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\sparsify.m (3557, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\stundemo.m (35692, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\stundemodat1.mat (742488, 2005-10-30)
STUN_PS\stun\stundemodat2.mat (982488, 2005-10-30)
STUN_PS\stun\vcedemo.m (10561, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\vcedemodat.mat (213328, 2005-10-30)
STUN_PS\stun\wrap.m (1905, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun\zt.m (5705, 2005-12-21)
STUN_PS\stun (0, 2009-06-17)
STUN_PS (0, 2009-05-31)

This CDROM contains the software that accompanies the book: Kampes, B.M., "Radar Interferometry -- The Persistent Scatterer Technique", published by Springer, 2006. The software consists of a Matlab toolbox. Matlab must be installed on your system in order to use it. To install, copy the directory stun and all its contents to a location on your hard disk. (A zip file is also provided on the CDROM for your convenience.) Include this directory in the search path of Matlab, e.g., by using the Matlab command "addpath". Alternatively, start Matlab, and change directories to the installation directory using the command "cd". Then, from within Matlab, type "help stun" for more information. To uninstall this software, delete the directory "stun" and all its contents from your hard disk. For more information, refer to appendix E of the book. I hope you will find this software useful. Bert Kampes, Munich, December 2005 ------------------------------------------ Files on the CDROM and their size (bytes): ------------------------------------------ Root directory: 1876 README.txt (this file) 1908493 (a zip file containing the complete stun toolbox) Subdirectory "stun" (identical to contents of the zip file): 2117 Contents.m 1638 bs_success.m 6747 ebs.m 1471 enscoh.m 9920 ils.m 9275 ilsdemo1d.m 12157 ilsdemo1db.m 2255 ltdl.m 2973 plotarc.m 2514 plotps.m 1784 poly_good.mat 1144 poly_wrong.mat 4473 psivce.m 2942 psivcmtx.m 3952 simacq.m 14350 simphi.m 17*** simpos.m 3557 sparsify.m 35692 stundemo.m 742488 stundemodat1.mat ***2488 stundemodat2.mat 10561 vcedemo.m 213328 vcedemodat.mat 1905 wrap.m 5705 zt.m


