
上传日期:2009-06-22 20:25:39
上 传 者zhouwujing
说明:  遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法,它最初由美国Michigan大学J.Holland教授于1975年首先提出来的,并出版了颇有影响的专著《Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems》,GA这个名称才逐渐为人所知,J.Holland教授所提出的GA通常为简单遗传算法(SGA),遗传算法简单源程序。
(Genetic Algorithm (Genetic Algorithm) is a simulation of the biological theory of evolution Darwin' s natural selection and genetic mechanism of the process of biological evolution computing model is a natural evolutionary process by simulating the optimal solution search methods, it was first introduced by J. Holland United States University of Michigan Professor in 1975, first put forward, and published influential monographs " Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems" , GA gradually known the name, J. Holland, Professor of GA are usually made by a simple genetic algorithm (SGA ), a simple genetic algorithm source code.)

erXover.m (2118, 1998-04-14)
f2b.m (1501, 1998-04-14)
floatExample.m (2322, 1998-04-14)
floatGradExample.m (2137, 1998-04-14)
ga.m (10805, 1998-04-14)
gademo1.m (3887, 1998-04-14)
gademo1eval1.m (1275, 1998-04-14)
gademo2.m (2840, 1998-09-08)
gademo3.m (6262, 1998-04-14)
gademo.m (4213, 1998-04-14)
gaMichEval.m (193, 1998-04-14) (132728, 1998-09-08)
gaZBGrad.m (174, 1998-04-14)
gaZBGradEval.m (684, 1998-04-14)
heuristicXover.m (2136, 1998-04-14)
initializega.m (3282, 1998-04-14)
initializeoga.m (1561, 1998-04-14)
inversionMutation.m (1555, 1998-04-14)
linerorderXover.m (1850, 1998-04-14)
maxGenTerm.m (1345, 1998-04-14)
multiNonUnifMutation.m (1991, 1998-04-14)
nonUnifMutation.m (2190, 1998-04-15)
normGeomSelect.m (2308, 1998-04-14)
optMaxGenTerm.m (1555, 1998-04-14)
orderBasedExample.m (2859, 1998-09-08)
orderbasedXover.m (1741, 1998-04-14)
parse.m (1459, 1998-04-14)
partmapXover.m (1921, 1998-04-28)
plotCorana.m (514, 1998-04-14)
roulette.m (861, 1998-04-14)
shiftMutation.m (1624, 1998-04-14)
simpleXover.m (1611, 1998-04-14)
singleptXover.m (1564, 1998-04-28)
startup.m (49, 1998-04-14)
swapMutation.m (1569, 1998-04-14)
threeswapMutation.m (1397, 1998-04-14)
tournSelect.m (1616, 1998-04-14)
tspEval.m (157, 1998-04-14)
unifMutation.m (1648, 1998-04-14)
... ...

This directory contains the Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox for Matlab 5. To use this, if you are local to NCSU and have AFS access to this directory, simply extend the matlab path using the following command. You can also place this command in a file called startup.m. Everytime you start Matlab in the directory containing this file, the path will always be extended. >>path(path,'/afs/eos/service/ie/research/kay_res/GAToolBox/gaot'); Otherwise, install the .m files into a directory named gaot and extend the matlab path to that directory. The compressed tar archive and the zip file should automatically create the gaot directory for you. The companion paper describing this toolbox is included here as The paper, the three demo files, gademo1.m gademo2.m gademo3.m, and four example scripts, binaryExample, floatExample, floatGradExample, and orderbasedExample, should be sufficient explanation of this toolbox. For any questions, comments, suggestions send mail to For a list of the files in the tool box get help on gaot. Thanks for trying the toolbox.


