
上传日期:2009-06-25 16:08:42
上 传 者Miss United States
说明:  1 )收件符合特定语法语法分析和属性文法。 ( 2 )完成的科目要求的中间代码的描述三个地址。 ( 3 )写的语法某一思想的分析,完成解析和语义分析节目。 ( 4 )良好的分析,编制过程中,设计了一些使用情况下,试验的设计通过分析程序。 ( 5 )的设计,附件所要求的报告写作格式。课程设计报告正文应包括以下内容: 1系统描述(描述问题域) 2属性文法和语法的描述 3描述了语法分析和语法分析设计 4给出了说明的形式,中间代码和中间代码序列的结构设计 5 ,简要的分析和设计 6的详细描述算法(流程图或伪码) 7给出了软件测试方法和测试结果 8发展报告(开发过程中,评价的设计,特点,缺乏收获和经验,等等) 9引用(根据规范出版书面) 。
(1) write in line with the given grammar syntax analysis and attribute grammar. (2) complete the subject requirements of the intermediate code that the description of the three addresses. (3) to write the syntax of a given ideological analysis, the completion of parsing and semantic analysis of programming. (4) a good analysis of the preparation process, the design of a number of use cases, test the design through the analysis procedure. (5) the design of the annex to the report requested by writing format. Curriculum design of the body of the report should include: 1 System description (description of the problem domain) 2 attribute grammar and the description of grammar 3 describes the syntax analysis and syntax analysis of the design 4 gives a description of the form of intermediate code and intermediate code sequence of the structural design 5, a brief summary of the analysis and design 6 a detailed description of the algorithm (flow chart or pseudo code) )

0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\1.txt (39, 2007-06-25)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\input.txt (148, 2007-06-19)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\OverResult.class (1115, 2007-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\OverResult.java (772, 2007-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\Step1$1readString.class (1464, 2007-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\Step1.class (6375, 2007-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\Step1.java (6753, 2007-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\Step2.class (5366, 2007-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\Step2.java (6415, 2007-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\Thumbs.db (5632, 2007-06-25)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\整个对完整mian的语法分析.JPG (67317, 2007-06-24)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\词法分析.JPG (52532, 2007-06-24)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\语义分析后输出三地址.JPG (8465, 2007-06-24)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1\语法分析.JPG (53929, 2007-06-24)
0120410680304-唐君\设计报告书\IF-ELSE递归下降法输出四元式.doc (295424, 2007-06-25)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码\step1 (0, 2009-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\源代码 (0, 2009-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君\设计报告书 (0, 2009-06-20)
0120410680304-唐君 (0, 2009-06-20)


