
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-07-07 08:47:43
上 传 者xiliting1
说明:  程序开始运行时显示一个迷宫地图,迷宫中央有一只老鼠,迷宫的右下方有一个粮仓。游戏的任务是使用键盘上的方向键操纵老鼠在规定的时间内走到粮仓处。要求:1)老鼠形象可辨认,可用键盘操纵老鼠上下左右移动;2)迷宫的墙足够结实,老鼠不能穿墙而过;3)正确检测结果,若老鼠在规定时间内走到粮仓处,提示成功,否则提示失败;4)添加编辑迷宫功能,可修改当前迷宫,修改内容:墙变路、路变墙;5)找出走出迷宫的所有路径,以及最短路径。利用序列化功能实现迷宫地图文件的存盘和读出等功能
(The beginning of the proceedings that a maze run-time map of the Central Authorities have a mouse maze, the maze of the lower right corner there is a granary. Game s mission is to use the arrow keys on the keyboard to manipulate the mouse within the required timeframe Department went granary. Requirements: 1) rats recognizable image that can be used to manipulate the keyboard or move the mouse up and down 2) strong enough wall maze, rats can not pass through walls 3) the correct test results, if the mice in the granary came within a specified time, the prompt success, failure or tips 4) to add functionality to edit the maze to modify the current maze of changes: changing the way the wall, the wall changed the way 5) to identify all the paths out of the maze, as well as the shortest path. Sequence of functions using the maze map and save the document to read out the functions of)

Source\ball.cpp (2987, 2000-08-03)
Source\Ball.dsp (3673, 2000-08-03)
Source\Ball.dsw (533, 2000-06-02)
Source\Ball.ncb (41984, 2009-07-07)
Source\Ball.opt (48640, 2009-07-07)
Source\Ball.plg (847, 2009-07-07)
Source (0, 2009-07-07)


